The benefit design of Commonwealth public sector and defence force unfunded superannuation funds and schemes

The benefit design of Commonwealth public sector and defence force unfunded superannuation funds and schemes


Submission Number Submittor
1 Mr Robert R Neill (PDF format)
2 Mr M J Cribbin (PDF format)
3 Mr Stuart Friend (PDF format)
4 Mr & Mrs Peter & Geraldine Jordan (PDF format)
5 Mr Brian Werndly (PDF format)
6 Mr Peter D Glover ANZIM (PDF format)
7 Mr Graham Barnard (Word) (PDF)
8 Mr Kerry Burgess JP (PDF format)
9 Mr Colin Fleming (PDF format)
10 Mr Mark McDonough (Word format)
11 Mr Harold Chandler (PDF format)
12 Mr Tony Foord (Word format)
13 Mr Murray Upton (Word format)
14 Mr Allan Dent (Word format)
15 Mr & Mrs Francis and Margaret McKone (Word format)
16 WGCDR (Retired) Christopher Sullivan (Word format)
17 SQNLDR Martin Smith (Word format)
18 Mr Denis Wilson AM (Word format)
19 Ms Julienne Kamprad (Word format)
20 Mr G F Tearle (Word format)
21 Mr Nick Philippa (Word format)
22 Mr Jack Marshall (Word format)
23 Mr & Mrs David & Elizabeth Wilson (PDF format)
24 Mr Barry J Leyshan (PDF format)
25 Mr Max Ellem (Word format)
26 Mr Joseph Clark (Word format)
27 Mr & Mrs Horst & Denise Kuessner (Word format)
28 Mr Clifford J Johnston (Word format)
29 Confidential
30 Mr Clive Williams (PDF format)
31 Mr Richard Willimott (PDF format)
32 Mr Brian Sankey (Word format)
33 Mr Christopher Packham (Word format)
34 Mr Graeme Secker (Word format)
35 Mr Bevin Wood (RTF format)
36 Mr Ron May (Word format)
37 RetireInvest (Word format)
38 Dr Kay Lindsay (Word format)
39 Mr C G Harvey, Group Captain RAAF (Retd) (Word format)
40 Mr Noel Matthews (Word format)
41 Mr L R Rayner (Word format)
42 Mr B R Adams (Word format)
43 Mr Brian McNamara (Word format)
44 Mr Michael Coghlan (Word format)
45 Mr Ken Keeling (Word format)
46 Name & address withheld (Word format)
47 Mr Malcolm Dubois (Word format)
48 Mr Graeme Halprin (PDF format)
49 Mr Glyn Price (Word format)
50 Mr Rod Foster (PDF format)
51 E A Hingee (PDF format)
52 P Ryan (PDF format)
53 Emeritus Professor Ralph Slatyer AC (PDF format)
54 Mr Edward J Burke (PDF format)
55 Mr Graham Bailey (PDF format)
56 Mrs J A Laraman (PDF format)
57 Mr Graham Pope (PDF format)
58 A E Kyburz (PDF format)
59 Mr John Morland (Word format)
60 Mr Keith Love (Word format)
61 Dr Phil McFadden (Word format)
62 Mr Peter Crapper (PDF format)
63 Mr Colin Dennett
64 Mr K B Flynn (PDF format)
65 Miss D J Williams (PDF format)
66 P B Carton (PDF format)
67 Name withheld (PDF format)
68 Mr David Pedersen (PDF format)
69 R Reichelt (PDF format)
70 Ms Robina McCaffrey (PDF format)
71 Name withheld (Word format)
72 Mr Neville Apps, Sgt Mtd2 RAAF (Ret'd) (Word format)
73 Mr Warren Butler (Word format)
74 Ms Desma Butler (Word format)
75 Mr Ian Ridgway & Ms Joan Silins (Word format)
76 Mr John Muchmore (Word format)
77 Name withheld (Word format)
78 Name withheld (Word format)
79 Mr Paul Johnson (Word format)
80 Name withheld (Word format)
81 Mr Basic Bautovich (PDF format)
82 Australia Post (Word format)
83 Mr Lee Harris (RTF format)
84 Mr Mike Lynch (Word format)
85 Mr T F Holm (RTF format)
86 Mr Geoff Olney (RTF format)
87 Name and personal information withheld (Word format)
88 Mr Peter Hopgood (RTF format)
89 Mr Robert Kyle (Word format)
90 Colonel P A Bysouth, AM DFC (Word format)
91 Mr Peter Adnams (Word format)
92 Ms Julie Lindner (RTF format)
93 Mr R Ward (RTF format)
94 Mr D J Sheaves (Word format)
95 Mr M Garbutt (Word format)
96 Mr Trevor Nock (Word format)
97 Mr D H Broom (RTF format)
98 Mr Gregory Freeman (Word format)
99 Mr Darryl Brick (RTF format)
100 Mr Shane Layt (Word format)
101 Mr Robert Foster (Word format)
102 J A Harnett (Word format)
103 Mr David Roberts & Mrs Josephine Roberts (Word format)
104 Mr Shane Rashleigh (RTF format)
105 Mr Douglas Batten & Mrs Jill Batten (Word format)
106 Mr M Castle (Word format)
107 Mr Anthony Siracusa (Word format)
108 Mr S G Smith (Word format)
109 Ms Coralie Walker (Word format)
110 Mr Barry Walker (RTF format)
111 Mr Keith Bailey (RTF format)
112 Mr M A Park (RTF format)
113 Mr William F Schleiger (Word format)
114 Ms S Kesteven (Word format)
115 Mr Kevin Jennings (RTF format)
116 Mr G J G Hall, Group Captain (Ret'd) (Word format)
117 CSS & PSS Boards (Word format)
118 S Diaz (Word format)
119 Mr Jeffrey Leeke (RTF format)
120 National Seniors Association (Word format)
121 Mr Michael Welch (Word format)
122 Mr P J Burn, CMDR RAN (Ret'd) (Word format)
123 Mr Audrey Guy (RTF format)
124 E Kiiver (RTF format)
125 Ms Roseanne Toohey (RTF format)
126 Mr Sam Molloy (Word format)
127 Mr Bill Egan (RTF format)
128 Mr A C Stevenson (RTF format)
129 Mr Paul Appleby (Word format)
130 Mr Richard Robinson (Word format)
131 Mr Tom Mitchell (Word format)
132 Mr R Bergsma (Word format)
133 Mr James Smith (Word format)
134 Clovis Mendes (Word format)
135 Ms Gwenda Bramley (RTF format)
136 Mr Jeff Sharrad (RTF format)
137 Ms Mary Voice (RTF format)
138 Mr Peter Trevithick (RTF format)
139 Mr Ray Thomas, Warrant Officer (Ret'd) (Word format)
140 Mr W W Reading (RTF format)
141 Mr Barry Wilson (Word format)
142 Glenn Hilling (RTF format)
143 Mr David Hine (Word format)
144 Mr Gary Hodges (RTF format)
145 Confidential
146 Commonwealth and Public Sector Union (CPSU) (Word format)
147 Mr Colin Johnson (RTF format)
148 Joint submission from the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists
& Managers (APESMA), and the Professional Officers Association of
Victoria (POAV) (Word format)
149 Mr David Banks (RTF format)
150 Australian Council of Public Sector Retiree Organisations Inc (ACPSRO) (PDF format)
151 Mr D Callaghan (PDF format)
152 R J Salmond (PDF format)
153 Mr John Reavell (PDF format)
154 T A J Keays (PDF format)
155 Mr Robert C Moore (PDF format)
156 Mr Patrick Donnelly (PDF format)
157 Ms Patricia Dalton (PDF format)
158 Ms Claire Southwell (PDF format)
159 J L Baker
160 Mr Erik Wilson (PDF format)
161 Mr Arthur Fielden (PDF format)
162 Mr Rod Foster (PDF format)
163 Ms Monica McNamara (PDF format)
164 Mr John Leane (PDF format)
165 Mr Colin Fuller (PDF format)
166 Mr Barrie Pennefather (PDF format)
167 W B Rotsey (PDF format)
168 Mr Ian Cook (PDF format)
169 Combined Council of Associations of State Retirees in Victoria (PDF format)
170 Ms Hazel Arnold (PDF format)
171 Mr David Edwards PSM (PDF format)
172 Mr John Pye (PDF format)
173 Mr Raymond Casley-Smith, JP (PDF format)
174 Returned & Services League of Australia Limited (RSL) (PDF format)
175 Treasury (PDF format)
176 Dr David Hanson (PDF format)
177 Mr Barrie Smith (PDF format)
178 Association of Independent Retirees, Inc (PDF format)
179 Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association (Federal Council) Inc (SCOA) (PDF format)
180 Joint submission from the Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of NSW Inc (PDF format)
and the Australian Pensioners' and Superannuants' Federation of Australia (AP&SF) (PDF format)
181 Lin Stock (PDF format)
182 Mr I D Yeaman (PDF format)
183 Mr David Joicey (PDF format)
184 Tasmanian Association of State Superannuants (PDF format)
185 National Seniors Association (PDF format)
186 Mr James Kelly (PDF format)
187 Mr Simon Fisk (Word format)
188 Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (Word format)
189 Mr Ray Merchant (PDF format)
190 Mr David Dunnet (PDF format)
191 K Trescher (PDF format)
192 Mr Kommer Springvloed (RTF format)
193 Mr Robert J Kyle (Word format)
194 Mr John E Miller (Word format)
195 Mr Norman Knowles (Word format)
196 Department of Defence (PDF format)
197 Department of Finance and Administration (PDF format)
198 Armed Forces Federation of Australia (RTF format)
199 QSuper (Word format) (attachment) (PDF format)
200 Wing Commander Lindsay Williamson (PDF format)
201 Mr Graham Bailey (PDF format) (Supplementary to Submission No. 55)
202 Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance (PDF format)
  (Supplementary to Submission No. 202) (Word format)
203 Association of Provessional, Engineers, Scientists & Managers, Australia (APESMA) (Word format), and
Professional Officers Association of Victoria (POAV). (Supplementary to Submission No. 148)
204 Professor Harry Green (PDF format)
205 Regular Defence Force Welfare Association Inc (PDF format)
206 Regular Defence Force Welfare Association Inc (Supplementary to Submission No. 205) (PDF format)
207 Mr J V McMahon (Supplementary to Submission No. 80) (PDF format)
208 Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association (SCOA) (Supplementary to Submission No. 179) (Word format)
209 Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association (SCOA) (Supplementary to Submission Nos. 179 & 208) (PDF format)
210 Premier's Department, New South Wales (Word format)
211 Department of Treasury and Finance, Tas (Word format)
212 QSuper (Word format)
213 SuperSA
214 Northern Territory Superannuation Office (PDF format)
215 Department of Finance and Administration (Word format)
216 Department of Finance and Administration (Word format) (Supplementary submission)
217 Government Employee Superannuation Board, WA (Word format)
218 Confidential
219 Department of Defence (PDF format)