Inquiry into research involving embryos and prohibition of human cloning Bill 2002

Inquiry into research involving embryos and prohibition of human cloning Bill 2002


The following list of submissions includes those received from groups or determined by content. Submissions which have a document link after the name of the submission may be accessed directly.

A listing of all submissions and additional information received by the Committee may be found at Appendix 1 of the Committee's report which is located on this website.

Further information may be obtained from the Secretariat:
Phone: (02) 6277 3515  Fax: (02) 6277 5829

23 National Health and Medical Research Council (ACT)  (Word format) AttB  (Excel format) AttC  (Word format)   Addit info1  (Word format)  Addit info2  (Word format) Addit info3 (Word format)
84 Pender, Professor Michael (QLD)  (Word format)
86 Tonti-Filippini, Dr Nicholas (VIC)  (Word format) Addit Info (Word format)
87 Masters, Professor Colin L (VIC)  (Word format)
156 Orr, Dr Robert D (USA) Pt1  (Word format)  Pt2  (Word format)
162 Martin, Professor T. John (VIC)  (Word format)
211 Do No Harm – South Australian Branch (SA)  (Word format)
280 Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics (VIC)  (Word format) Att1  (Word format) Att2   (Word format)
282 National Civic Council (WA) (WA)  (Word format)
301 Leipoldt, Mr Erik (WA)  (Word format)
359 Briggs, Mr William (TAS)
361 Assemblies of God in Australia (NSW)  (Word format)
419 Best, Dr Megan (NSW)  (Word format)
477 Monash Institute of Reproduction and Development, Centre for Early Human Development (VIC)  (Word format)
480 McCullagh, Dr Peter (NSW)  (Word format)
614 Good, Professor Michael F (QLD) (Word format)
667 Human Life International (Australia) (NSW) (Word format)
672 Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Social Issues Executive (NSW) (PDF format)
685 Pollard, Dr Brian (NSW) (Word format) Att (Word format)
763 Pendal, Mr Phillip MP (WA)
764 Council for the National Interest - Western Australian Committee (WA)
765 Catholic Medical Guild of St Luke (QLD)
843 Motor Neurone Disease Association, Dr Paul Brock (NSW) (Word format)
849 Country Women’s Association of NSW (NSW) (Word format)
866 Australian Family Association (VIC) (Word format)
868 Coalition for the Defence of Human Life (WA) (Word format)
870 Queensland Bioethics Centre (QLD) (Word format)
871 Tuch, Professor Bernie (NSW) (Word format)  Addit info (Word format)
873 Pera, Assoc Professor Martin F (VIC) (Word format)
876 Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne (VIC) (Word format)
880 Do No Harm  - WA Branch (WA) (Word format)
882 Catholic Women’s League Australia Inc (ACT) (Word format)
890 McClarty, Mr Doug (QLD) (Word format)
891 NSW Government (NSW) (Word format)
892 Southern Cross Bioethics Institute (SA) (Word format)
893 Australasian Spinal Research Trust (NSW) (Word format)
894 Hartwig, Dr Arthur (QLD) (Word format)
895 Coalition for Advancement of Medical Research (CAMRA) (NSW) (PDF format) Addit Info (Word format)
896 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (NSW) (PDF format)
897 Jansen, Professor Robert (NSW) (Word format) Att1) (Word format)   Att2) (Word format) Addit Info (Word format)
898 Newell, Dr Christopher (TAS) (Word format)
899 Tate, Rev Professor Michael (TAS) (Word format)
968 The Catholic Association of Sydney Tamils (NSW)
981 Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACT) (Word format)
982 Humanist Society of Victoria Inc (VIC)
983 Australian Family Association (AFA) - The Bayswater/Boronia Branch (VIC)
984 L J Goody Bioethics Centre (WA)
985 Linaker, Mr Peter (VIC)
986 Australian Family Association - Geelong Branch (VIC)
987 Catholic Health Australia (ACT)
1001 Pope, Dr Adrianne (VIC)
1002 Williamson, Professor Bob (VIC))
1003 Right to Life Australia Inc (VIC) (Word format) Att (Word format)
1005 Catholic Women’s League of Victoria & Wagga Wagga  (VIC) (Word format)
1006 Burnie-Devonport Lutheran Parish (TAS) (Word format)
1007 Monash IVF (VIC) (Word format)
1008 Johnson, Ms Paula (QLD) (Word format)
1009 Catholic Doctors Association of WA (WA) (Word format)
1010 Lamont, Dr Amanda (WA) (Word format)
1011 Santamaria, Dr Joe (VIC) (Word format)
1012 Stem Cell Sciences Ltd (VIC) (Word format)
1013 Pollnitz, Dr Robert (SA) (Word format)
1014 Janetzki, Peter (QLD) (Word format)
1015 Piercy, Dr Mathew (VIC)
1016 Kierath, the Hon Graham (WA) (Word format)
1017 McLindon, Dr Luke (VIC) (Word format)
1019 Bullock, Mr Geoffrey (QLD) (Word format)
1020 Hamilton, Mr Ian (TAS) (Word format)
1021 Monk, Professor Marilyn (UK) (Word format)
1022 Johnston, Ms Suzan (VIC) (Word format)
1023 Davis, Mr Ken (VIC) (Word format)
1024 Quirk, Professor Patrick (QLD) (Word format)
1025 Endeavour Forum Inc (VIC) (Word format)
1026 Egerton-Warburton, Mr Bayfield & Ms Emma (NSW) (Word format)
1027 Burrow, Mr Barrie (NSW) (Word format)
1028 Right to Life Association (NSW) - John Haseler Branch (NSW) (Word format)
1029 Australian Family Association - Newcomb Branch (VIC) (Word format)
1030 BresaGen Limited (SA) (Word format) Addit info1 (Word format)   Addit info2 (Word format)  Addit info3 (Word format)
1031 Right to Life Association (NSW) Inc (NSW) (Word format)
1032 Council for Marriage and the Family (VIC) (Word format)
1033 Family Council of Victoria Inc (VIC) (Word format)
1034 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (VIC) (Word format)
1035 Australian Youth Alliance, The (VIC) (Word format)
1036 Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive and Genetic Engineering FINRRAGE (VIC) (Word format)
1037 Queensland Right to Life Associations (QLD) (Word format)
1038 Nibbs, Mrs Marie (TAS) (Word format)
1039 ES Cell International Pte Ltd (VIC) (PDF format)
1040 Australian Federation of Right to Life Associations (ACT) (Word format)
1041 de Kretser, Professor David (VIC) (Word format)
1042 Do No Harm - Australians for Ethical Medical Research (QLD) (Word format)
1043 Trounson, Professor Alan (VIC) (Word format) Att (Word format)
1044 Australian Academy of Science (ACT) (Word format)
1045 AusBiotech (VIC) (Word format)
1046 Catholic Women’s League Australia-NSW Inc (NSW) (Word format)
1047 ACCESS Australia’s National Infertility Network (NSW) (Word format)  Att1 (PDF format) Att2 (Zipped format) Addit info1 (Word format)  Addit Info2 (Word format)
1048 Do No Harm – NSW (NSW) (Word format)  Att (PDF format
1049 Thomas More Centre, Sydney (NSW) (Word format
1050 Williamson, Dr Peter (WA) (Word format
1051 Bowman, Dr Mark (NSW) (Word format
1052 Prentice, Dr David A (USA) (Word format
1053 Joseph, Ms Rita (ACT) (Word format
1054 Renal Regeneration Consortium (QLD) (Word format
1055 Little, Assoc Professor Melissa (QLD) (Word format
1056 National Civic Council - Queensland Branch (QLD) (Word format
1057 Schepers, Dr Goslik (QLD) (Word format
1058 Andrews, Professor Peter (QLD) (Word format
1059 Polak, Dr Max (TAS) (Word format
1060 Hall, Professor Wayne (QLD) (Word format
1061 Joshua, Ms Philomene (VIC) (Word format
1062 Family Council of Queensland (QLD) (Word format
1064 Feminists for Life ACT (ACT) (Word format
1066 Shave, Ms Michelle (WA) (Word format
1067 National Civic Council - NSW (NSW) (Word format
1069 Presbyterian Church of Victoria, Church and Nation Committee (VIC) (Word format)  
1070 Knights of the Southern Cross NSW (NSW) (Word format
1071 Healy, Mr Patrick (VIC) (Word format
1072 Downey, Mr Matthew (QLD) (Word format
1073 Festival of Light (SA) (PDF format
1074 Johnston, Mr Adam (NSW) (Word format
1077 Wallace, Mr Malcolm (NSW) (Word format
1079 Doust, Mr Geoff (WA) (Word format)  Att (PDF format)
1080 O’Brien, Mr Edward (SA) (Word format)
1081 Dunne, Ms Vicki & Ms Olivia (ACT) (Word format)
1082 Russell, Ms Sue (NSW) (Word format)
1083 West, Dr Michael D (USA) (Word format)
1084 Sadkowsky, Mr Krystian & Ms Mirella (ACT) (Word format)
1085 Limbers, Ms Mary (NSW) (Word format)
1094 Ross, Ms Merle (QLD) (Word format)
1099 Australian Family Association - NSW (NSW) (Word format)
1214 Gawler, Dr David M (NT)
1219 Australia & New Zealand Society for Cell & Developmental Biology) (PDF format)
1234 National Stem Cell Centre (VIC) (Word format)
1235 Don’t Cross the Line (NSW) (Word format)
1236 Lynch, Dr T B (QLD) (Word format)
1239 Australian Research Council (ACT) (Word format)
1263 Biotechnology Australia Division (ACT) (Word format)
1292 Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Members of Stem Cell Program (VIC) (Word format)
1293 Diabetics for Ethical Treatment (WA) (Word format)
1300 Hearn, Professor John P (ACT) (Word format)  Att (PDF format)
1301 Hallen, Dr Katrina  (VIC)
1302 Goodwin, Ms Angela  (QLD)
1402 Australian Christian Lobby (Word format)
1414 Flader, Fr John  (NSW) (Word format)
1483 St Vincent's Hospital Sydney  (NSW) (Word format)
1500 Queensland Government  (QLD) (Word format)
1502 Salt Shakers - A Christian Ethics Group  (VIC) (Word format)
1570 Pro-Life Victoria  (VIC)
1571 Abboud, Dr Amin  (NSW)
1598 Disability Action Group (ACT) (Word format)
1826 Infertility Treatment Authority (ITA)  (VIC)
1827 Peers, Dr Robert  (VIC) (PDF format)
1837 National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) (ACT)