Appendix 1

Submissions, tabled documents, additional information and answers to questions on notice


1 Householders' Options to Protect the Environment Inc.
2 Fraser Island Defenders Organisation
3 Dr Leo Dobes
4 Tasmanian Government
5 Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council Inc.
6 Professor Jon Barnett
7 Hobsons Bay City Council
8 National Insurance Brokers Association of Australia
9 Swinburne University of Technology
10 Queensland Tourism Industry Council
11 Local Government Association of Queensland
12 Australian Local Government Association
13 Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action
14 Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia and Northern Beaches Council
15 Regional Development Australia – South West
16 Climate and Health Alliance
17 Northern Territory Government
18 National Health and Medical Research Council
19 Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action
20 Wesfarmers
21 Standards Australia
22 Insurance Council of Australia
23 Australian Health Economics Society
24 City Futures Research Centre
25 Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia
26 Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council
27 AGL Energy Limited
28 National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
29 Lake Macquarie City Council
30 South East Councils Climate Change Alliance
31 Mr Neville Hughes
32 New South Wales' Young Lawyers
33 Sydney Airport
34 Australian Medical Association
35 Floodplain Management Australia
36 Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand
37 Associate Professor Seth Westra, University of Adelaide
38 Green Cross Australia
39 Department of the Environment and Energy, Bureau of Meteorology, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Attorney-General's Department, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, and Geoscience Australia
40 Climate Council of Australia
41 Doctors for the Environment Australia
42 Name Withheld
43 City of Melbourne
44 Consult Australia
45 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
46 Planning Institute of Australia
47 Housing Industry Association Ltd
48 Dr Phillip Jordan, Mr Michael Wrathall, Dr Richard Cresswell, Dr Katherine Daniell, Ms Penelope Springham, Dr William Glamore and Mr Andrew Herron
49 Dr Lauren Rickards
50 Green Building Council Australia
51 Peron Naturaliste Partnership
52 Sustainable Business Australia
52.1 Supplementary to Submission 52
53 Professor Peter Newman
54 Water Services Association of Australia
55 Investor Group on Climate Change
56 Insurance Australia Group
57 Western Australian Local Government Association
58 Queensland Government Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
59 Law Institute of Victoria
60 Australian Coastal Society
61 Australian Coastal Councils Association
62 Breakthrough – National Centre for Climate Restoration
63 Ms Lauren Bayliss, Mr Isaac Buckland, Ms Emily Cummings and Ms Rachael Murdock
64 Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
65 Ms Fiona Bullivant

Tabled documents

Dr Karl Mallon, Water Services Association of Australia – Cross Dependency initiative case studies (public hearing, Sydney, 23 November 2017)

Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Swinburne University of Technology – Presentation, 'Impact of Climate Change on Occupants' Health' (public hearing, Melbourne, 15 March 2018)

Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Swinburne University of Technology –
M Alam et al, 'Mitigation of Heat Stress Risks through Building Energy Efficiency Upgrade: A Case Study of Melbourne, Australia' (public hearing, Melbourne, 15 March 2018)

Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Swinburne University of Technology –
M Alam et al, 'Modelling the correlation between building energy ratings and heat‑related mortality and morbidity' (public hearing, Melbourne, 15 March 2018)

Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand – extract from Hundloe et al, 'The Gold Coast Transformed: From Wilderness to Urban Ecosystem' (public hearing, Melbourne, 15 March 2018)

City of Melbourne – Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Refresh 2017 (public hearing, Melbourne, 15 March 2018)

Law Institute of Victoria – Australian Panel of Experts on Environmental Law (APEEL), '57 recommendations for the next generation of Australia's environmental laws' (public hearing, Melbourne, 15 March 2018)

Australian Building Codes Board – 'Resilience of Buildings to Extreme Weather Events' (public hearing, Canberra, 22 March 2018)

Additional information

Professor Lesley Hughes – Bowman et al, 'Renewal ecology: conservation for the Anthropocene', 2017

Australian Coastal Councils Association – Gurran et al, 'Planning for climate change: Leading Practice Principles and Models for Sea Change Communities in Coastal Australia', 2008

Australian Coastal Councils Association – Gurran et al, 'Planning for climate change adaptation in Coastal Australia: State of Practice', 2011

Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Swinburne University of Technology – Melbourne School of Design, 'Living Well: Apartments, Comfort and Resilience in Climate Change', March 2017

Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure, Swinburne University of Technology – Department of Human Services (Victoria), 'January 2009 Heatwave in Victoria: an Assessment of Health Impacts', 2009

Answers to questions on notice

Floodplain Management Australia – Answer to question taken on notice, public hearing, Sydney, 23 November 2017 (received 12 December 2017)

City of Melbourne – Answer to question taken on notice, public hearing, Melbourne, 15 March 2018 (received 3 April 2018)

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