On 3 July 2024 the Senate referred an inquiry into the Offshore wind industry consultation process for inquiry and report by the 13 February 2025.
The closing date for submissions is 30 August 2024.
On 10 February 2025, the committee was granted an extension of time for the report until 13 March 2025.
On 5 March 2025, the committee was granted an extension of time for the report until 24 April 2025.
The consultation process undertaken on behalf of the Australian Government into the offshore wind industry, with particular reference to:
(a) the efficacy of community engagement and benefit in planning, developing and operating the offshore wind industry;
(b) community engagement within the existing Australian Government offshore wind industry regulatory and legislative frameworks;
(c) the adherence to the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent from Traditional Owners of the affected Sea Country by the Australian Government and offshore wind industry;
(d) the impact of the offshore wind industry on marine life and marine environments in Australian waters, including strategies for impact minimisation and management; and
(e) any other related matters.