
Current and future impacts of climate change on housing, buildings and infrastructure

13 August 2018

© Commonwealth of Australia 2018
ISBN 978-1-76010-797-0

View the report as a single document - (PDF 2MB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Committee members - Committee contact details
(PDF 21KB)
(PDF 13KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction
(PDF 31KB)

Conduct of the inquiry
Structure of the report

Chapter 2 - Australia's changing climate and its implications for the built environment
(PDF 890KB)

Sea level rises and coastal erosion
Changes in temperature and extreme heat events
Precipitation, storms, cyclones and flooding
Natural defences
Need for a strong mitigation response

Chapter 3 - Understanding risk and informing decisions
(PDF 128KB)

Planning for worst-case scenarios
Assessment of existing and emerging risks to infrastructure
Research and data
Disclosure and management of climate risk by corporate Australia

Chapter 4 - Urban and coastal planning
(PDF 148KB)

Examples of responses
Land-use planning
Urban heat island effect
Coastal defences
Planning for built areas becoming uninhabitable
Who pays for resilience works?

Chapter 5 - Insurance and property finance
(PDF 87KB)

Pricing of insurance products
Relationship between insurance and climate change risks
Recent developments affecting insurance affordability
Implications for the future affordability and availability of insurance and property finance
Responses and future directions

Chapter 6 - Residential and commercial building design
(PDF 173KB)

Issues with existing building design in the face of climate change
Particular implications for vulnerable households
Suggestions for change

Chapter 7 - Transport and utilities
(PDF 221KB)

Water supply and sewage treatment systems

Chapter 8 - Health, education, social services, recreation and tourism
(PDF 97KB)

Health care, aged care and emergency services
Tourism and public recreation

Chapter 9 - Commonwealth, state and territory climate change policies
(PDF 152KB)

Overview of government plans and policies
Perspectives on government strategies and policies on adaptation
Calls for greater government leadership and coordination of policies
Calls for legislative reform and changes to institutional arrangements
Building resilience and betterment of infrastructure assets

Chapter 10 - Local government
(PDF 78KB)

Overview of strategies being pursued by local governments
Challenges local governments face responding to climate change

Australian Greens' additional comments
(PDF 87KB)

Need for mitigation
Informing better decision-making
Urban and coastal planning
Building design
Transport and utilities
Health, education and public recreation
Government decision-making frameworks
Local government

Coalition Senators' additional comments
(PDF 28KB)

Climate Information and Guidance
Climate Policies
The National Energy Guarantee

Labor Senators' additional comments
(PDF 57KB)
Appendix 1 - Submissions, tabled documents, additional information and answers to questions on notice
(PDF 14KB)
Appendix 2 - Public hearings
(PDF 12KB)

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526