Labor Senators thank all organisations and individuals that made
submissions to this inquiry and gave evidence at hearings, and the Secretariat
for their ongoing research and administrative support.
Australia's changing
climate and its implications for the built environment
Labor Senators recognise the challenges and dangers posed by climate
change which will require new infrastructure to be built to withstand extreme
weather events and strengthened infrastructure will be needed to deal with sea
level rises, particularly in built up areas.
Labor Senators recognise Australia is particularly vulnerable to climate
change and as such there is an urgent need to take meaningful action on climate
change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Given Australia's vulnerability, Labor Senators urge federal, state and
territory governments ensure that both effective mitigation and adaptation
measures are undertaken.
Accordingly, Labor Senators urge the Australian Government to:
- commit to Australia reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by
- ensure that at least 50 per cent of the nation's electricity is
sourced from renewable energy by 2030; and
- enact an emissions reduction target of 45 per cent below 2005 levels
by 2030.
Recommendation 1
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government commit to
a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions for Australia by 2050 and the
actions necessary to achieve this target.
Understanding risk and
informing decisions
Labor Senators recognise the transition to a low pollution economy will
affect workers, communities and businesses.
To enable workers, communities, business and governments to make
informed decisions about climate change adaptation it is of critical importance
for up‑to-date assessments of climate risks to infrastructure to be
available, including estimates of the value of the assets at risk.
Labor Senators support the view that it is essential to consider extreme
risks or worst-case scenarios and recognise that it is better for adaptation
measures to be capable of withstanding the gravest scenarios rather than
risking that the measures will be insufficient.
Accordingly, Labor Senators recognise the potential for a National
Climate Change Risk Assessment (NCCRA), which could be updated at regular
intervals. Labor Senators acknowledge the suggestion that the newly established
ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes could support the development of
the risk assessment and that Infrastructure Australia would be well placed to
undertake a national audit of at-risk infrastructure.
Labor Senators support reviewing the allocation of funding provided for
climate change research, with a view to providing ongoing support to the National
Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) and other key agencies
such as CSIRO and the Climate Change Authority for research into climate
extremes and impacts.
Recommendation 2
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government consider
funding the preparation of a NCCRA that includes assessments of extreme risks
and worst-case scenarios for Australia's built environment.
Labor Senators recommend that an assessment such as the NCCRA
should be updated regularly, such as every five years.
Recommendation 3
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government consider
commissioning and funding Infrastructure Australia to lead a national audit of
at-risk infrastructure including, but not limited to, the following areas:
- road and rail networks;
- ports and airports;
- water, stormwater and irrigation infrastructure;
- electricity generation, transmission and distribution
- telecommunications infrastructure;
- housing and building infrastructure, including the policies
and standards underpinning the planning, development and construction of
buildings and communities; and
- coastal defences.
Recommendation 4
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government consider
- ongoing funding to support the National Climate Change
Adaptation Research Facility; and
- additional funding to CSIRO and other relevant Commonwealth
agencies to support further research into climate extremes and impacts.
Urban and coastal planning
In considering the evidence received about urban and coastal planning,
Labor Senators acknowledge that taking measures to adapt to climate change in
the short-term will ultimately be fairer and more cost effective than delaying
Labor Senators acknowledge the evidence received by the committee which
strongly supports the development of nationally consistent and authoritative
benchmarks, and guidelines regarding key climate change risks, such as sea
level rise, rainfall and the management of flood-risk.
Furthermore, Labor Senators acknowledge that regional variations will be
required and nationally consistent guidance should not impede effective local
responses. However, key stakeholders did present a compelling argument that a
more consistent approach to these issues would encourage more effective
planning and adaptation.
Labor Senators also note there is some concern with current climate
change assumptions used in planning and recognise that for climate change
adaptation to be effective there is a need for governments and other
decision-makers to plan for extreme or worst case scenarios.
Recommendation 5
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government lead the
development of nationally consistent benchmarks and guidelines on climate
risks, particularly sea level rise, for use as part of state and local government
planning decisions. The benchmarks and guidelines should be based on
comprehensive scientific assessments and include consideration of worst-case
scenarios and climate extremes.
Recommendation 6
Labor Senators recommend that an overarching objective regarding
the need to effectively plan for climate change be included in all state and
territory planning legislation.
Recommendation 7
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government consider
commissioning research to enhance the information available to policymakers
regarding the full range of social and economic costs associated with heat
Labor Senators also recommend that the Australian Government
consider commissioning research to estimate the potential health system savings
and other economic benefits that could be realised by taking measures to reduce
the severity of the urban heat island effect.
Recommendation 8
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government request
state and territory governments ensure effective coastal retreat strategies are
developed in their jurisdictions. To inform the development of these
strategies, the Australian Government should ensure that the state and
territory governments have ready access to expert advice from relevant
Australian Government departments and agencies.
Insurance and property
Labor Senators note that numerous reviews have considered the issue of
insurance affordability and coverage in areas at heightened risk of extreme
weather events. Labor Senators also note the ACCC is currently conducting an
inquiry into insurance in northern Australia which will provide valuable
guidance on this issue in the future.
Labor Senators note that the Government has indicated support for
consumer education campaigns and efforts to improve transparency in the
insurance sector. These efforts are welcome; however, they likely will be
insufficient to deal with the issues the insurance market will face due to
climate change.
Residential and commercial
building design
Labor Senators note that while minimum building requirements have been
enhanced at various times for new buildings, it is clear that the majority of
dwellings in Australia could be more resilient to climate change risks.
Recommendation 9
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government request
that the Australian Building Codes Board develop minimum requirements for the
National Construction Code that are specifically designed to address heat
stress risks associated with internal temperatures.
To facilitate the development of amendments to the National
Construction Code, Labor Senators further recommend that the Australian
Government consider providing funding for research into:
- how overheating in highly rated energy efficient dwellings can
be created where there can be inadequate ventilation; and
- the behaviour of building occupants during heatwave periods.
Recommendation 10
Labor Senators recommend that estimates be developed of the
potential health system savings and other benefits that could be realised
through enhanced building standards. In particular, the research should
consider the benefits associated with retrofitting low efficiency dwellings to
keep internal temperatures within safe ranges during extreme heat events.
Labor Senators also consider that governments have a key role in
ensuring adequate information is available to assist informed decision-making
by homeowners and tenants. This includes developing programs to encourage
retrofitting of existing dwellings. For the jurisdictions that already have
such programs, given the scale of the challenge climate change presents for
Australia's dwelling stock, further work could be undertaken to encourage
greater participation in them.
In addition, governments should ensure that prospective owners of
dwelling and tenants are provided with information to assist them to understand
and compare the energy efficiency of different buildings.
Recommendation 11
Labor Senators recommend that all state and territory governments
develop educational resources and introduce or expand existing financial
incentive programs designed to encourage homeowners to undertake cost-effective
retrofitting of existing dwellings.
Recommendation 12
Labor Senators recommend that all state and territory governments
legislate to require that an energy rating measuring passive energy performance
must be disclosed to prospective buyers and tenants when a residential
property is offered for sale or is available to rent.
Labor Senators note the committee's consideration of whether governments
should identify a target date by which all existing dwellings would be required
to be of a suitable standard for addressing any significant heat risks
associated with their local climate.
Labor Senators accept that given the projections available about the
increased frequency of heatwave events in Australia's major urban centres, such
a response would be appropriate for ensuring adaptation efforts keep pace with
the changing climate.
Labor Senators note the preceding recommendations about building
standards, research and education should be implemented as a starting point. As
a next step, policymakers should then identify an appropriate measurement of
heat stress in residential buildings and how comparisons about heat stress can
easily be made, either through existing building rating systems or as part of a
new system. Following this, an appropriate deadline for building owners and the
building industry to reach an identified minimum rating could be developed,
with exemptions potentially available for certain types of buildings such as
heritage buildings.
Recommendation 13
Labor Senators recommend that state and territory governments
consider whether to set a deadline by which all residential properties for sale
or rent in their jurisdiction must meet a prescribed energy rating.
Labor Senators note that governments can contribute to climate change
adaptation through procurement decisions, such as by requiring new office space
to meet higher standards than the minimum required under the National Built
Environment Rating System and that other buildings managed by the government
should also be retrofitted to make them more resilient to climate risks.
However, Labor Senators support emphasis being placed on supporting
people in public housing who rely on governments to provide safe living
Recommendation 14
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian, state and territory
governments require that new office space used in the public sector meet high
standards of climate resilience and sustainability, including higher energy
efficiency standards than the minimum required under the National Built
Environment Rating System.
Recommendation 15
Labor Senators recommend that state and territory governments
invest in measures to improve energy efficiency and to reduce heat stress risk
in public housing.
Transport and utilities
Labor Senators note that decisions about transportation and utilities
infrastructure involve all levels of government and that given the long
economic lives intended for transport and utility assets these decisions should
be taken with care, following best practice approaches and informed by the most
up-to-date scientific information available about climate change projections.
As such Labor Senators recognise a key role for the Australian
Government is ensuring that reliable information about climate risks is
available to inform decision-making. However, Labor Senators considers that the
Australian Government could also perform a leadership role in promoting a best
practice approach to infrastructure projects and engage with key organisations
in the built environment sector to encourage effective post-project reviews to
be conducted in order to learn from decisions made about climate-related risks.
Recommendation 16
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government work with
organisations representing the built environment sector to identify options for
ensuring that robust post-project reviews of infrastructure projects are
Given the significant amounts of funding provided by the Australian
Government for transportation projects, Labor Senators also support
recommendations that the Australian Government develop a national
transportation plan to guide a transition to net zero emissions transportation.
Labor Senators note that generally the evidence received during this
inquiry suggests that climate risks are generally not well accounted for as
part of transportation projects.
Recommendation 17
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government develop a
national plan for passenger and freight transport that:
- outlines a transition to net zero emissions transport; and
- ensures decision-making and planning processes for
transportation infrastructure projects are appropriate in the face of climate
Labor Senators acknowledge that state and territory governments have
given attention to the need to secure climate resilient water supplies. It is
also recognised that water infrastructure in Australia generally provides a
reliable and suitable service however climate change will present further
challenges that state and territory governments will need to address.
Labor Senators note that growing urban populations and the expectation
of more intense rainfall events due to climate change will require a different
approach to planning water infrastructure assets and systems.
Labor Senators also urge state and territory governments to ensure
state-owned water corporations and local governments have the resources
necessary to undertake effective maintenance of existing water, sewage and
stormwater assets. In addition, state governments should develop an overarching
plan to ensure that adequate renewal of these assets occurs.
To support state governments to achieve better outcomes in the water
sector, Labor Senators accept there is a role for the Australian Government,
through agencies such as CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology, to ensure state
governments and entities designing water sector assets have access to reliable
climate-related information to inform infrastructure design.
Recommendation 18
Labor Senators recommend that state and territory governments:
- require the design of new water supply, sewerage, sewage
treatment and stormwater assets to be informed by reliable climate projections
as well as historical data; and
- ensure state-owned water corporations and local governments
have the resources and support necessary to undertake effective maintenance of
water supply, sewerage, sewage treatment and stormwater assets.
Recommendation 19
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government support
state governments to ensure that water sector assets are climate resilient by
offering ongoing access to advice from Commonwealth scientific agencies on
relevant climate risks.
With regards to the energy market, it is clear climate change has
significant implications for the sector and that a transformation has been
underway for some time with the growth of renewable energy.
It is clear that the electricity sector is undergoing fundamental change
through the growth of renewable energy generation. This growth is aided by the
introduction of supporting technologies such as large-scale energy storage.
Labor Senators note that a more decentralised electricity network would
help overcome many of the climate change-related risks to existing electricity
infrastructure, such as how extreme weather events can damage key transmission
or distribution assets and cause widespread outages.
Labor Senators note the National Electricity Objective contained in the
National Electricity Law currently focuses on the long-term interests of
electricity consumers regarding price, quality, safety, reliability and
security of supply. However, it is in the long-term interests of energy
consumers that the electricity sector responds effectively to climate change in
a way that guarantees a secure and affordable supply of electricity.
Labor Senators note that amending the National Electricity Objective
would provide a clear statement of the Australian, state and territory
governments' intentions for the electricity sector to support the reduction of
Australia's emissions. This would provide the sector with the long-term
certainty needed to inform business investment decisions.
Labor Senators consider that an overarching national transition plan for
Australia's electricity system is also urgently required. Labor Senators
recommend that the Government prioritise the development of a national
transition plan, which would include consideration of innovative approaches to
support renewable and other low carbon energy, energy storage and the
decentralisation of the electricity networks, such as local energy trading.
Recommendation 20
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government pursue,
through the Council of Australian Governments Energy Council, amending the
National Electricity Objective to include decarbonisation of the electricity
Recommendation 21
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government develop a
comprehensive energy transition plan that includes:
- reform of the National Electricity Market rules to support the
growth of renewable energy, new energy technologies, and ensure networks are
prepared to efficiently respond to changes in the energy market;
- a mandated notice period for the retirement of coal fired
power stations as well as a detailed plan for a just transition for coal fired
power station workers and their communities; and
- innovative approaches to enable peer-to-peer energy trading as
well as other innovative models such as community renewable projects.
Recommendation 22
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government:
- implement a national electricity investment mechanism that
supports the continued transition to renewable energy, consistent with expert
advice on the electricity decarbonisation needed to meet Australia's
obligations under the Paris Accords;
- adopt policies to support investment in electricity storage to
support continued growth in renewable energy;
- ensure regulatory arrangements support the continuing
deployment of grid level battery storage and household solar and battery
storage technologies; and
- commit to not providing any direct funding, subsidies or other
support for the construction of new coal fired power stations in Australia.
Health, education, social
services, recreation and tourism
Labor Senators acknowledge there is a need for an overarching national
strategy for managing the implications of climate change for human health and
note that that Labor has already committed to developing a climate change
health strategy. The strategy should support planning to enable the health
system to adapt and meet the increasing demands it will face due to climate
change. As part of this strategy, particular consideration should be given to
ensuring that health services are resilient to extreme events, and to the
resources the health care sector will require to cope with extreme heat events.
Recommendation 23
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government work with
the state and territory governments to develop a national climate change and
health strategy.
Labor Senators support the recommendations for state and territory
governments to require that new health and education facilities not be built in
at-risk areas and that the new buildings are highly resilient to climate risks
such as extreme temperatures. Similarly, when existing facilities in at-risk
areas require replacement, they should be relocated.
Labor Senators also support recommendations that state and territory
governments should develop dedicated programs to ensure that vulnerable
populations with specific health needs live in dwellings that can provide safe
internal temperatures. In addition to supporting better health outcomes for
residents, such programs could reduce the costs incurred in the health system.
Recommendation 24
Labor Senators recommend that state and territory governments
require proposals for new health and education facilities to be subject to
rigorous assessment of climate-related risks, including the risks associated
with the proposed location and building design.
Labor Senators also recommend that state and territory
governments commence planning to ensure that facilities in high-risk locations
that are nearing the end of their useful life are replaced with new facilities
in more suitable locations.
Recommendation 25
Labor Senators recommend that the Victorian Government's Healthy
Homes Program be expanded to cover all of Victoria.
1.71 Labor Senators further recommend that other state governments
introduce programs similar to the Healthy Homes Program to reduce the
climate-related health risks faced by low-income individuals with complex
healthcare needs.
Labor Senators recognise there are measures that readily can be taken to
improve the climate resilience of recreation areas, such as the increased use
of alternative water sources to maintain parks and sporting fields.
Recommendation 26
Labor Senators recommend that state and territory governments
work with local governments and water authorities to increase the use of
rainwater, stormwater, recycled water and other water sources to maintain the
green infrastructure used for public recreation.
Commonwealth, state and
territory climate change policies
Labor Senators commend the state and territory governments that have
developed comprehensive responses to climate change through legislation,
strategies, planning policies and grants programs however there is more work to
be done.
The approach taken at the Commonwealth level has clearly been inadequate
for meeting the challenge that climate change presents. The repeal of the price
on carbon pollution and the abolition of the independent Climate Commission by
the Abbott Government are standout examples of the Australian Government
failing to secure a safe, clean future for future generations.
There is an urgent need for the Australian Government to provide strong,
consistent leadership on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Actions by
state and local governments, business and communities are impeded by the lack
of a comprehensive national response.
In particular, the Australian Government can provide much-needed
leadership by replacing the ineffective National Climate Resilience and
Adaptation Strategy with a comprehensive and ambitious national strategy.
Labor Senators support the notion that national leadership and
coordinated action on climate change across all areas of government policy and
the economy can be facilitated by establishing a COAG Council on climate
change. A permanent multijurisdictional body is needed to coordinate action by
all Australian governments. As climate change is an issue of critical national
importance, it is appropriate for this body to be part of the COAG framework.
Recommendation 27
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government replace
the National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy with a comprehensive
national climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy.
This whole-of-government strategy should contain sector-based
national targets and timeframes for emissions reductions against which
performance can be measured.
Recommendation 28
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian, state and territory
governments review all environmental legislation to ensure that adequate
consideration of the effects of climate change is expressly required as part of
future assessment and decision-making processes.
Recommendation 29
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government
investigate the creation of a COAG Climate Change Council.
Recommendation 30
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government's
National Resilience Taskforce develop recommendations for the Government to
consider that would facilitate more frequent betterment of assets that need to
be reconstructed or repaired following natural hazards.
Local government
Labor Senators are grateful to the local governments that participated
in this inquiry for the valuable evidence they provided. This evidence has
greatly informed Labor Senator's recommendations and emphasises the need for
all governments to ensure climate risks to buildings and infrastructure are
managed appropriately.
As local governments are at the frontline of responding to climate
change, it is essential that they have the resources and knowledge necessary to
carry out effective planning and adaptation activities. Labor Senators note
that generally local governments do not have the financial resources and ready
access to expert evidence needed to address climate risks. They can also face
realistic threats of legal action by those dissatisfied with their decisions
regarding climate risks. Furthermore, local governments are in the unenviable
position of needing to consider the short-term and long-term interests of their
current constituents and future residents.
Many of the recommendations in this report are intended to assist local
governments to develop successful climate change adaptation measures. However,
questions regarding funding and liability are primarily matters for state
governments to address. Labor Senators note that under New South Wales
legislation, exemptions for liability exist regarding decisions made by
councils in good faith regarding flood liable land, land that might be affected
by a coastline hazard and land that is subject to the risk of bushfire. Labor
Senators encourage other state governments to consider introducing similar
exemptions for their local governments.
Finally, the provision of sufficient financial resources for local
governments to act on climate risks is of vital importance for enabling timely
and least-cost adaptation. Local governments face practical and statutory
restrictions on the revenue they can raise to pay for their activities. Labor
Senators urge state governments to ensure local governments have adequate
financial resources to address the threat of climate change.
Recommendation 31
Labor Senators recommend state governments consider providing
local governments with exemption from liability for decisions made in good
faith relating to the use of land that is subject to climate change risks, such
as flooding, coastal hazards and bushfires.
Recommendation 32
Labor Senators recommend that the Australian Government consider
providing specific purpose payments to the states to assist local governments
to improve the resilience of infrastructure assets most at risk to climate
Labor Senators reiterate the acceptance of the science that human
activity has increased average global temperatures, leading to climate change
and endorses the commitment by the world's nations in Paris in 2015 to keep
global warming well below two degrees Celsius as well as a more qualified commitment
in the agreement around a 1.5 degree threshold.
Labor Senators acknowledge the overwhelming advice from scientists that
global warming beyond two degrees Celsius will be particularly damaging to
economies and ecosystems, and impose a huge burden on future generations.
Labor Senators emphasize the consequences of refusing to take real
action on climate change will be devastating for Australia and our economy as a
result of more extreme weather events.
While it is clear climate change will have increasingly severe
consequences in the coming years and decades there are clear examples of
increasingly frequent and severe weather events already occurring as a result
of climate change.
Labor Senators acknowledge the inquiry's findings that that climate
change is putting substantial numbers of Australia's buildings and
infrastructure assets at risk and that damage and/or disruption to these assets
will have significant implications for the liveability of our communities and
cities, and for our economy.
Labor Senators acknowledge that many individuals, groups and
organisations in the built environment sector, local governments, state and
territory governments and civil society have already taken action in response
to climate risks however there is a clear need for the Australian Government to
assist these efforts by providing greater leadership on how to adapt to climate
Accordingly, Labor Senators have outlined a range of recommendations
focused on how the Australian Government can guide the built environment sector
and infrastructure owners to become more climate-resilient, taking into account
the various interdependencies that are key features of critical infrastructure
It is also essential that the Australian Government commit to the Paris
Agreement. While mitigation is essential, there are limits to the extent of
climate change to which we can adapt, and many natural systems will not be able
to evolve or adapt at the rate that would be required.
Unmitigated climate change will radically alter life in Australia, so it
is vital that we prepare effectively and avoid a too-little-too-late response.
We must be ambitious in reducing emissions and ensure that our houses,
communities, cities and infrastructure are more resilient to climate risks.
Without strong global action being taken urgently to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, there is an appreciable risk of catastrophic consequences to which
we will be unable to adapt.
Labor Senators support the need for urgent action to tackle the climate
change and the need for the Australian government to lead mitigation and
adaptation policy.
Senator Anthony
Chisholm Senator the Hon Kristina Keneally
Senator for
Queensland Senator for New South Wales
Senator Anne
Senator for
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