Coalition Senators' additional comments

1.1        Coalition Senators note the content of the report and consider that the evidence provided will help inform consideration of these issues in the future.

1.2        Australia is well positioned to meet the challenge of climate change. Australia has mature financial, welfare and regulatory systems, well-governed institutions and internationally-recognised scientific expertise.

1.3        Coalition Senators make the following additional comments:

Climate Information and Guidance

1.4        Coalitions Senators note the Australian Government has a comprehensive range of initiatives and support mechanisms to ensure information and guidance is made available to decision-makers to manage risks from a changing climate. This was reflected in a range of submissions to the Inquiry. Some of the measures noted during the Inquiry include:

Climate Policies

1.5        Coalition Senators note the Government's climate policies are working. The $2.55 billion Emissions Reduction Fund is successfully supporting Australian businesses, communities and landholders to reduce emissions. It is supporting practical projects, including projects such as improving energy efficiency, capturing methane from landfills and storing carbon in forests and soils. So far it has secured more than 190 million tonnes of emissions reduction at a price of less than $12 per tonne. This is the largest ever emissions reduction commitment by Australian businesses and landholders.

1.6        The Government is also supporting a transition in the energy sector, which is the largest source of Australia's emissions.

1.7        In addition, to supporting the renewable technologies of today, the Government is also investing in the renewable energy technologies, energy storage and the infrastructure of the future. For example:

1.8        Coalition Senators note the Government's approach is to deliver a secure and affordable energy system as it transitions to a lower emissions future.

1.9        The Government is also strongly supporting investment in clean energy innovation through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). The $10 billion CEFC uses debt and equity funding to promote investment in clean energy technologies. ARENA provides research, development and deployment grant funding to improve the affordability and supply of renewable energy in Australia.

The National Energy Guarantee

1.10      Coalition Senators note that the Government has accepted the recommendation of the independent expert Energy Security Board for a new National Energy Guarantee to deliver more affordable and reliable electricity while meeting our international commitments.

1.11      The National Energy Guarantee has been welcomed by a broad and diverse cross section, including energy users, energy suppliers, energy consumers groups, industry groups, and farmers.

1.12      Under the Guarantee the transition towards renewables will continue but importantly, electricity retailers will need to also have enough dispatchable electricity generation capacity available. This is essential to ensure the grid can supply power to households and businesses at all times of the day and night which is affordable.

1.13      Dispatchable capacity includes technologies and fuels which can be controlled independent of the weather, for example, gas, hydro, biomass, coal, batteries, and pumped hydro storage.


1.14      Coalition Senators also note that climate change is considered as part of the Australian Government's support for infrastructure development.

1.15      Infrastructure Australia (IA) is required to assess business cases of projects seeking greater than $100 million in Government funding against an Assessment Framework which includes consideration of disaster risk. For example:

1.16      A range of other examples include:

Senator Jonathon Duniam
Deputy Chair                                                                              
Senator for Tasmania

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