Submissions, tabled documents, additional information, and answers to questions taken on notice


  1. CSIRO
  2. Attorney-General's Department
  3. BirdLife Tasmania
  4. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
  5. Ms Lisa Clarkson
  6. Mr Bob Lubout
  7. Mr Chris Arthur OAM
  8. Dr Bob Brown
  9. Mr Michael Lichon
  10. Ms Patricia Jane Wilson
  11. Mr Ken Felton
  12. Mr Scott Jordan
  13. Professor David Bowman
  14. Forico
  15. McDermott Aviation
  16. Tasmanian National Parks Association
  17. Dr Jonathan Marsden-Smedley
  18. National Aerial Firefighting Centre (NAFC)
  19. Friends of the Earth Australia
  20. Australian Conservation Foundation
  21. Mr Rob Blakers
  22. Tasmanian Greens
  23. Department of the Environment
  24. Tasmanian Government
  25. Ms Deb Hunter, Friends of the Great Western Tiers Kooparoona Niara and Mole Creek Caving Club
  26. Mr Peter Godfrey
  27. The Wilderness Society (Tasmania) and Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  28. Dr Nicole Anderson
  29. Cleanairtas
  30. Tasmanian Mountain Cattlemen's Association
  31. Ms Judy Kilby
  32. Mr George Harris
  33. Mr Simon Warriner
  34. United Firefighters Union of Australia–Tasmania Branch

Form letter

  1. Form letter: 9 received

Tabled documents

Additional information

Answers to questions on notice

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