
Chapter 1

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 79, 7 December 2017, pp. 2512–14.

[2]        Explanatory Memorandum (EM), pp. 5 ̶ 9.

[3]        EM, pp. 11 ̶ 12.

[4]        EM, pp. 11 ̶ 12.

[5]        Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield, Minister for Communications, 'Major reforms to support Australian broadcasters', Media release, 6 May 2017.

[6]        EM, p. 2.

[7]        Current Codes include the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice, the Subscription Television Industry Codes of Practice and the Commercial Radio Codes of Practice.

[8]        'Gambling Advertising', Department of Communications and the Arts, October 2017 (published 13 December 2017), (accessed 12 January 2018).

[9]        Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest, No. 1 of 2018, 7 February 2018, pp. 8–9.

[10]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest, No. 1 of 2018, 7 February 2018, p. 9.

[11]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest, No. 1 of 2018, 7 February 2018, p. 10–11.

[12]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest, No. 1 of 2018, 7 February 2018, pp. 10 ̶ 11.

[13]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest, No. 1 of 2018, 7 February 2018, pp. 11 ̶ 13.

Chapter 2

[1]        See for example Responsible Wagering Australia (RWA), Submission 10, p. 1; Tabcorp, Submission 1, p. 1; Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports (COMPPS), Submission 3, p. 3; Victorian InterChurch Gambling Taskforce, Alliance for Gambling Reform, and Victorian Local Governance Association (VICGT, AGR, and VLGA), Submission 2, p. 1; Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (VRGF), Submission 5, [p. 1]; Flinders Centre for Gambling Research (FCGR), Submission 14, [p. 2].

[2]        VRGF, Gen Bet: Has Gambling Gatecrashed Our Teens?, Discussion Paper, March 2017.

[3]        The Hon Kelvin Thomson, Campaign Organiser, Alliance for Gambling Reform (AGR), Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 31.

[4]        VRGF, Submission 5, p. 1.

[5]        Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Communications and the Arts (DOCA), Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 34.

[6]        Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 34.

[7]        Commercial Radio Australia (CRA), Submission 7, p. 1.

[8]        Free TV Australia (Free TV), Submission 11, p. 1.

[9]        Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 37.

[10]      VICGT, AGR, and VLGA, Submission 2, p. 1; UNICEF Australia, Submission 13, pp. 4 and 7; EM, pp. 15 ̶ 16.

[11]      Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM), Submission 8, p. 2.

[12]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 34.

[13]      COMPPS, Submission 3, pp. 2 ̶ 3; Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (ASTRA), Submission 4, p. 16.

[14]      COMPPS, Submission 3, p. 5.

[15]      VICGT, AGR, and VLGA, Submission 2, pp. 1 and 5 ̶ 7.

[16]      The Hon Stephen Conroy, Executive Director, RWA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 28.

[17]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 35.

[18]      Digital Industry Group Incorporated (DiGi), Submission 12, [pp. 1, 2].

[19]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 36.

[20]      Mr David Jansen, Director, Broadcasting Content, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018 pp. 36–37.

[21]      Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (SBS), Submission 9, p. 4; EM, pp. 12 and 16 ̶ 17; see also Internet Service Provider Industry Codes, Communications Alliance Ltd, (accessed 22 January 2018).

[22]      Ms Clare O'Neil, Director, Corporate Affairs, SBS, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 1.

[23]      SBS, Submission 9, pp. 2 ̶ 3; see also Ms Lesley Power, General Counsel, SBS, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 2.

[24]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 38.

[25]      Ms Clare O'Neil, Director, Corporate Affairs, SBS, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 3; SBS, Submission 9, p. 5.

[26]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 34.

[27]      DiGi, Submission 12, [p. 3].

[28]      CRA, Submission 7, p.1.

[29]      Free TV, Submission 11, pp. 1 ̶ 2.

[30]      ACCM, Submission 8, p. 5.

[31]      ASTRA, Submission 4, p. 12.

[32]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 40.

[33]      DiGi, Submission 12, [p. 4].

[34]      Mr David Jansen, Director, Broadcasting Content, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 40.

[35]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 40.

[36]      Free TV, Submission 11, p. 3; see Review of Illegal Offshore Wagering, December 2015, (accessed 17 January 2018).

[37]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 41.

[38]      EM, pp. 16 and 20.

[39]      ACCM, Submission 8, p. 7.

[40]      Professor Elizabeth Handsley, President, ACCM, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 8.

[41]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 41.

[42]      EM, p. 16.

[43]      COMPPS, Answers to questions taken on notice (received 5 February 2018), p. 1.

[44]      EM, pp. 3 ̶ 4.

[45]      Free TV, Submission 11, p. 2; CRA, Submission 7, p. 4; ASTRA, Submission, 4, p. 3; COMPPS, Submission 3, p. 5.

[46]      Ms Bridget Fair, Chief Executive Officer, Free TV, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 14.

[47]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 40.

[48]      VICGT, AGR, and VLGA, Submission 2, p. 2.

[49]      Mr David Jansen, Director, Broadcasting Content, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 38.

[50]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 40.

[51]      COMPPS, Submission 3, p. 4; RWA, Submission 10, p. 2.

[52]      Mr Alex Alderson, General Manager, Digital, National Rugby League (NRL), Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 21.

[53]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 39.

[54]      Mr Chris Rummery, Social Justice Researcher, Uniting Church/Victorian Inter-Church Gambling Taskforce, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 31.

[55]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 39.

[56]      COMPPS, Submission 3, pp. 3 ̶ 4.

[57]      Mr Alex Alderson, General Manager, Digital, NRL, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 20.

[58]      Mr David Jansen, Director, Broadcasting Content, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 39.

[59]      EM, p. 50.

[60]      CRA, Submission 7, p. 4; Tabcorp, Submission 1, p. 1; Free TV, Submission 11, p. 2.

[61]      Tabcorp, Submission 1, p. 1.

[62]      Tabcorp, Submission 1, p. 1.

[63]      FCGR, Submission 14, [p. 3].

[64]      Chris Isidore, 'Fantasy sports: What is it, anyway?', CNN, 6 October 2015,; Dylan Pickering, 'What the rise of daily fantasy sports will mean for problem gambling', The Conversation, 5 July 2017, (all accessed 12 January 2018).

[65]      The Hon Stephen Conroy, Executive Director, RWA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 28.

[66]      The Hon Kelvin Thomson, Campaign Organiser, AGR, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 33.

[67]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 41.

[68]      EM, pp. 51 ̶ 2.

[69]      VICGT, AGR, and VLGA, Submission 2, p. 2.

[70]      Mr Tony Phillips, Strategic Adviser, Knowledge and Policy, VRGF, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 11.

[71]      DiGi, Submission 12, [pp. 5 ̶ 6].

[72]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 41.

[73]      VICGT, AGR, and VLGA, Submission 2, p. 2.

[74]      VICGT, AGR, and VLGA, Submission 2, p. 4.

[75]      ASTRA, Submission 4, pp. 10 ̶ 11.

[76]      Free TV, Submission 11, p. 2.

[77]      Ms Sarah Waladan, Head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Free TV, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 16.

[78]      Mr David Jansen, Director, Broadcasting Content, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018 p. 39.

[79]      Mr David Jansen, Director, Broadcasting Content, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018 p. 41.

[80]      VICGT, AGR, and VLGA, Submission 2, pp. 1 and 4.

[81]      Dr Mark Zirnsak, Chair, VICGT, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 30.

[82]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 40.

[83]      SBS, Submission 9, p. 6; see also DiGi, Submission 12, [p. 6].

[84]      SBS, Submission 9, p. 6.

[85]      Mr David Jansen, Director, Broadcasting Content, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 38.

[86]      ACCM, Submission 8, pp. 3 ̶ 4; Flinders Centre for Gambling Research (FCGR), Submission 14, [p. 2].

[87]      ASTRA, Submission 4, p. 7.

[88]      CRA, Submission 7, p. 2.

[89]      Mr David Jansen, Director, Broadcasting Content, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 38.

[90]      ASTRA, Submission 4, pp. 9 ̶ 10; SBS, Submission 9, p. 6; Free TV, Submission 11, p. 3;  Communications Alliance, Submission 6, p. 1; CRA, Submission 7, p. 1.

[91]      Dr Carolyn Patteson, First Assistant Secretary, DOCA, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 February 2018, p. 37.

Labor Senators' additional comments

[1]        Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Interactive Gambling Amendment (Sports Betting Reform) Bill 2015, pp. 37–38.

[2]        SBS, Submission 9, p. 1.