Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Tuesday, 1 May 2018 – Brisbane

Basin Sustainability Alliance

Mr Lee McNicholl, Chair

Wambo Cattle Company Pty Ltd

Mr Maxwell Winders, Director

Miss Helen Bender, private capacity

Ms Corinne Unger, private capacity

University of Queensland, Centre for Coal Seam Gas

Professor Andrew Garnett, Director

Ms Sarah Asokendaran, private capacity

Professor Jonathan Fulcher, private capacity

Minerals Council of Australia

Dr Gavin Lind, Director, Workforce and Health, Safety, Environment and Communities

Property Rights Australia

Ms Joanne Rea, Chair

Mr Tom Crothers, Consultant

Law Council of Australia (via teleconference)

Ms Robyn Glindemann, Deputy Chair, Australian Environment and Planning Law Group, Legal Practice Section

Wednesday, 2 May 2018 – Sydney

International Association of Hydrogeologists

Dr Lange Jorstad, President, Australian Chapter

NSW Irrigators' Council

Mr Mark McKenzie, Chief Executive Officer

Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association

Dr Malcolm Roberts, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Keld Knudsen, Policy Director, Exploration

Mr Nick Fox, Head of Environment and Access (Santos)

Environmental Defenders' Office of Australia

Dr Megan Kessler, Scientific Director, New South Wales

Ms Revel Pointon, Lawyer, Queensland

Lock the Gate Alliance

Ms Georgina Woods, Policy Coordinator

Macquarie University, Department of Biological Sciences

Associate Professor Grant Hose

Geoscience Australia

Dr Stuart Minchin, Chief Environmental Geoscience Division

Department of the Environment and Energy

Mr Bruce Edwards, Assistant Secretary, Policy and Reform Branch, Environment Standards Division

Mrs Emily Grant, Director, Office of Water Science Secretariat and Engagement

Mr James Tregurtha, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Environment Standards Division

Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

Mr Christopher Biesaga, Director, Great Artesian Basin Section and Lake Eyre Basin Section

Mr Paul Morris, First Assistant Secretary, Water Division

Monday, 10 September 2018 – Canberra

Australian Farmers for Climate Action

Ms Verity Morgan-Schmidt, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Angus Emmott, private capacity (via teleconference)

Panel of Farmers from Queensland (via teleconference)

Mr Bruce Currie

Ms Jody Brown

Lock the Gate Alliance (via teleconference)

Ms Georgina Woods, NSW Coordinator

Ms Libby Laird, private capacity (via teleconference)

Mr Peter Willis, private capacity (via teleconference)

Responses to certain evidence given during public hearings

  1. Correspondence from Central Petroleum Ltd - response to certain evidence given during a public hearing on 1 May 2018
  2. Correspondence from GVK Hancock Coal Pty Ltd - response to certain evidence given during a public hearing on 10 September 2018
  3. Correspondence from the NSW Minerals Council - response to certain evidence given during a public hearing on 10 September 2018

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