Regulatory framework for use of underground water
This chapter provides an overview of regulatory arrangements governing
water use by the extractive industry at the state and territory and
Commonwealth levels. The chapter focuses on Commonwealth responsibilities and
regulatory frameworks.
Since the 1990s, Commonwealth and state and territory governments have
implemented significant reforms in water management in response to increased
awareness of the impacts of water use on the environment.[1]
At the Commonwealth level, the Australian Constitution provides that the
Commonwealth shall not 'abridge the right of a State or of the residents
therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or
It does not refer explicitly to underground water sources.
State and territory governments are primarily responsible for managing
water resources.[3]
Regulation to manage potential impacts from extractive industry activities is
applied at both a Commonwealth and state and territory level, with different
approaches evident between jurisdictions.[4]
However, under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), applications for coal seam gas or large
coal mining developments that have, will have, or are likely to have a
significant impact on a water resource must be approved by the Commonwealth
Minister for the Environment and Energy (the Minister). This is known as the
water trigger.
Commonwealth and cross-jurisdictional regulatory arrangements
Commonwealth regulatory measures governing water use are the
responsibility of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and the
Department of the Environment and Energy.[5]
Regulatory activities are, in the first instance, determined by the provisions
of the EPBC Act. Several bodies and programs are responsible for collating and
providing data and expert information on water resources and impacts of
extractive industry activities, as outlined below.
The Commonwealth Government also works with state and territory
governments through the National Water Initiative and several regional plans to
regulate water use.
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
(EPBC Act)
The EPBC Act is the Commonwealth Government's central piece of environmental
legislation and is the legal framework under which nationally and
internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage
sites are managed. The EPBC Act defines these as matters of national
environmental significance (MNES).[6]
Under the EPBC Act, actions that have, will have or are likely to have
an impact on matters of national environmental significance must be assessed by
the Minister. The EPBC Act does not apply to actions that are not likely to
impact matters of national environmental significance. These are the
responsibility of the states and territories.[7]
Actions that must be assessed under the EPBC Act can be assessed by
accredited state and territory processes, and under assessment bilateral
agreements between the Commonwealth and some state and territory governments
(Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the
Australian Capital Territory).[8]
In this instance, the Department of Environment and Energy explained:
The role of the
Environment Minister is then to approve the action based upon the assessment
undertaken and apply approval conditions not otherwise applied by the state or
territory, as needed, to provide adequate protection for MNES.[9]
Geoscience Australia submitted that because the relevant state and territory
governments and the Commonwealth Government make their own decisions on project
approval and develop their own approval conditions to meet differing
requirements, '[t]his may result in two approval decisions and two sets of conditions'.[10]
The Commonwealth Government is also committed to implementing approval
bilateral agreements. Under these approval bilateral agreements, jurisdictions
would assess the likely impacts of a project and make a decision that takes
into account both state matters and matters of national environmental
significance. Approval bilateral agreements would require only one decision.[11] As of
December 2017, no approval bilateral agreements were in place, although there
were proposals to implement these.[12]
Issues raised in evidence about assessment bilateral agreements and the
proposed approval bilateral agreements are discussed further in paragraphs
The water trigger
Since 2013, applications for coal seam gas or large coal mining
developments that have, will have, or are likely to have a significant impact
on a water resource must be approved by the Minister. As outlined above, this is
known as the water trigger.[13]
Under the EPBC Act, the Minister must take into account the
precautionary principle when assessing projects with the potential to
significantly impact a water resource. Guidelines released by the Department of
the Environment and Energy on the water trigger state that 'if there are
threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, lack of full
scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing measures to
prevent environmental degradation'.[14]
The guidelines also state that proponents should take into account in their
the value of a water resource;
potential changes to water quantity and/or quality;
potential changes to water quality;
potential changes to hydrological or hydrogeological connections
(such as recharge rates, aquifer pressure and interactions between different
water sources); and
cumulative impacts of a project in tandem with existing and
future developments at the local, aquifer/catchment and regional levels.[15]
The environmental assessment process may take several years for large
and complex projects.[16]
Approvals for projects may be contingent on the proponent meeting performance
conditions, usually related to environmental and water performance
Throughout the duration of the projects, proponents may be required to consider
impacts through ongoing water monitoring and management plans.[18]
As outlined in Chapter 1, the water trigger legislation was reviewed in
2017, with the review concluding that the water trigger is an appropriate
measure to respond to risks associated with coal seam gas and large coal mining
Currently, the water trigger does not include shale and tight gas
projects, although these must still be referred for assessment if they are
likely to significantly impact other matters of national environmental
significance listed under the EPBC Act. However, the Department of the
Environment and Energy's post-implementation review of the water trigger concluded
that 'the coverage of tight and shale gas may need to be considered as the investment
in these processes moves from exploration to production'.[20]
The enactment of the water trigger has meant that a nationally
consistent approach has been applied to the regulation of coal mining and coal
seam gas projects impacting on water resources.[21] Geoscience Australia, the
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and the Independent Review of the
Water Trigger Legislation agreed that approval conditions attached to projects
assessed under the water trigger address the gaps between state and territory
jurisdictions and Commonwealth requirements.[22]
When making a decision on matters referred under the water trigger, the
Minister may take into account the state and territory government's assessment
of the potential impacts of the project and any approval conditions attached to
the project, as well as scientific advice provided by the Independent Expert
Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal and Mining Development
The Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large
Coal Mining Development (IESC)
If a development related to the water trigger has been referred to the
Minister, the Minister must seek the advice of the IESC in his or her
deliberations. The IESC is responsible for providing scientific advice to the Minister
on the potential impacts of coal seam gas and large coal mining on water
Approval conditions attached to projects in response to the IESC's
advice have included, for example, requirements for additional baseline data,
additional monitoring of water levels and water quality, improvements to
modelling, assessments of aquifer connectivity, limits on the type and extent
of actions such as hydraulic fracturing, and management of the final void at
large coal mines.[24]
A number of witnesses and submitters to the inquiry praised the work of
the IESC in regulating impacts of coal mining and coal seam gas activities.[25]
For example, Ms Joanne Rea from Property Rights Australia told the Committee
The Independent Expert Scientific Committee do an excellent
job and they are transparent. The problems they find with applications, their
requests for more information and their recommendations are often things that
should have been picked up before a proposal got to them...[26]
The University of Queensland's Centre for Coal Seam Gas noted that the
level of expert advice provided by the IESC 'is not readily available through state
and territory assessment processes unless the regulator formally engages
experts to contribute to the assessment'.[27]
South Australia, Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and the Northern
Territory have in place agreed protocols to seek advice from the IESC when making
their own assessments of large coal mining developments.[28]
Environmental impact statements
Proponents of significant extractive industry projects that are likely
to impact the environment must provide environmental impact statements (EISs)
in their applications for approval. Often, EISs use modelling to anticipate
possible impacts on water sources. Geoscience Australia acknowledged that
'there is always a degree of uncertainty in the model predictions' because of
their reliance on sparse data and information.[29]
Bioregional Assessment Program
The Commonwealth Government's Bioregional Assessment Program consists of
independent scientific experts who, in consultation with government agencies,
authorities and industry groups, analyse the potential impacts of coal seam gas
and large coal mining developments on water and water-dependent assets.[30] The
assessments provide a risk analysis on areas where potential impacts could
occur in South Australia, Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales, and are
intended to inform Commonwealth and state government decisions in the
regulation of coal seam gas and coal mining operations. The IESC is able to
draw on bioregional assessments in the advice it gives to the Commonwealth
Government under the EPBC Act.[31]
Dr Stuart Minchin from Geoscience Australia explained that the program
is 'an attempt by the Commonwealth to get some baseline information' against
which to measure cumulative impacts, and 'to look at broadscale issues around
the likelihood' of problems arising with a particular development'.[32]
He argued that the program is 'a very significant and, I daresay,
world-leading kind of approach in pulling together all of that knowledge in a
given region'.[33]
The Department of the Environment and Energy stated that the Australian
Government has provided $94 million of funding to deliver the Bioregional
Assessment Program, along with an additional $30.4 million to extend the
program to examine the potential environmental impacts of shale and tight gas
projects and appropriate mitigation and management approaches.[34]
Mr Bruce Edwards from the Department of the Environment and Energy stated that
the first full bioregional assessments were released in July 2017, with the
final bioregional assessments due to be published later in 2018.[35]
Mr James Tregurtha, also from the Department, explained that program funding
had been allocated 'towards areas of greatest need in terms of where
development is actually happening or proposed to happen'.[36]
The Australian Water Resource Information System and the National
Water Account
The Bureau of Meteorology is responsible for compiling, interpreting and
providing comprehensive information about major water resources in Australia through
the National Water Account.[37]
Through the Australian Water Resource Information System (AWRIS), it also
receives and interprets data about groundwater levels, water quality in rivers
and aquifers, and water use and restrictions.[38]
Mr Christopher Biesaga from the Department of Agriculture and Water
Resources noted that the National Water Account focuses on water resources that
have 'high public interest'. He commented that he was only aware of one
groundwater system that is included in the National Water Account.[39]
Given its narrow focus on groundwater, the Department of Agriculture and Water
Resources suggested that the National Water Account could be expanded:
With increased national
interest in the management of the aquifers such as the Great Artesian Basin and
the impact of water use by the extractive industry, the department notes that
an opportunity exists for the establishment of a new Water Account to increase
transparency and provide accessible information for both water resource
managers and the public.[40]
It noted that this expanded role would be contingent on appropriate
funding being made available, 'including from users of the resource'.[41]
Cross-jurisdictional initiatives
The Commonwealth and state and territory governments are involved in a
number of cross-jurisdictional initiatives related to regulation of water use
by the extractive industry. These include:
National Water Initiative;
cooperative efforts to manage the Great Artesian Basin; and
Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
The National Water Initiative
The National Water Initiative (NWI) is a national commitment by the
Commonwealth, state and territory governments for cohesive water management,
planning, pricing and trade.[42]
Jurisdictions have indicated that they will provide outcomes and actions for a
number of key elements of the NWI, including water access entitlements and
planning frameworks; water markets and trading; integrated management of water
for environmental outcomes; and water resource accounting.[43]
Because the NWI is a joint commitment between governments, it has no
compliance or enforcement arrangements attached to it unless additional
agreements are in place, as is the case for the Murray-Darling Basin.[44]
In some instances, the NWI does not clearly address water use by
extractive industries. Clause 34 of the NWI intergovernmental agreement
acknowledged a number of issues in the application of its principles to the
minerals and petroleum sectors, and allowed for additional policies and
measures to be developed beyond the agreement for this sector:
The Parties agree
that there may be special circumstances facing the minerals and petroleum
sectors that will need to be addressed by policies and measures beyond the
scope of this Agreement. In this context, the Parties note that specific
project proposals will be assessed according to environmental, economic and
social considerations, and that factors specific to resource development
projects, such as isolation, relatively short project duration, water quality
issues, and obligations to remediate and offset impacts, may require specific
management arrangements outside the scope of this Agreement.[45]
The Productivity Commission has also stated that the 'NWI is ambiguous
in how it applies to extractive industries'.[46]
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources noted in its
submission that 'national commitments made under the NWI have not been equally
implemented across the nation'.[47]
It argued that 'full implementation of the NWI is important for water to reach
to its highest value and for all water users to be confident in water planning
and management'.[48]
The Productivity Commission recommended that 'a renewed NWI be
negotiated through COAG [the Council of Australian Governments]'. It further
proposed that this revised NWI should incorporate policy reform so that
'extractive industries and alternative water sources' are included in water
entitlement frameworks.[49]
Great Artesian Basin and
Murray-Darling Basin
As outlined in Chapter 2, the Commonwealth Government has been involved
in cross-jurisdictional efforts with state and territory governments to manage
water in the Great Artesian Basin and the Murray-Darling Basin. The Murray-Darling
Basin Plan, in place since November 2012, sets limits for the amount of
surface and groundwater that can be extracted by all industries operating in
the Murray-Darling Basin, while the Commonwealth Government is currently in the
process of drafting a new Great Artesian Basin strategic management plan.[50]
State and territory regulatory arrangements
Environmental impacts beyond matters of national environmental
significance, such as air and water quality, and environmental matters of state
and local significance are the responsibility of states and territories.[51] State and territory
governments also manage access rights to water resources and regulate mining
The Law Council of Australia (LCA) explained that state and territory
water resources legislation focuses on management of the resource and taking of
water. Impacts caused by the extraction, use and disposal of water by the
extractive industry, the LCA stated, are more directly addressed in state and territory
planning and development and environmental protection laws, as well as by
Commonwealth oversight through the EPBC Act.[53]
Figure 3.1 gives a broad overview of state and territory regulatory
arrangements governing water use by extractive industries.
Figure 3.1: State and territory approaches to regulation of
water use by extractive industries[54]
Under section 60I of the Water
Management Act 2000 (NSW), mining activities require a licence for any
water taken as part of those activities. |
Victoria |
Under the Water Act 1989
(Vic), extractive industries are required to obtain a take and use licence to
secure water access, either from the market or via a new entitlement in areas
where unallocated water exists. |
Qld |
Limited statutory water rights
apply to incidental water take or ‘associated water’ for petroleum, gas and
mining production. These rights operate outside the state's water access
entitlement and planning framework. These rights are conditional on
underground water obligations, which include preparation of an underground
water impact report and the requirement to enter ‘make good’ agreements with
landholders. Water access entitlements are required for non-incidental take
or ‘non-associated water’ use. Water rights for some mining companies are
specified in special agreement Acts. |
WA |
Western Australia’s water
licensing framework applies to water taken by extractive industries, with
further guidance in government guidelines. State agreements for major
projects may override some legislation like the Rights in Water and Irrigation
Act 1914 (WA). |
SA |
Mining and petroleum
operations require a water licence where they take water from a prescribed
water resource (many mines are outside of prescribed resource areas). In
areas outside of prescribed areas, the Natural Resources Management (NRM)
Act 2004 (SA) allows for control of water take through regional NRM
policies, which normally do not directly control volume. Licences are not
required for water used to drill petroleum and gas wells for exploration
purposes; instead these activities are authorised by the Minister for
Sustainability, Environment and Conservation. |
Tasmania |
Mines are required to have a
licence under the Water Management Act 1999 (Tas) to take water from a
watercourse or lake but groundwater does not require a licence unless
specified under a water management plan or a Groundwater Area. |
Northern Territory |
Mining and petroleum
operations are exempt from water licence and permit provisions under the Water
Act 1992 (NT). Currently, a memorandum of understanding seeks to clarify
the relationship between agencies with the aim of ensuring water resource use
for mining does not impinge on existing allocations for other users and vice
versa. Proposed amendments to the Water Act will require all new and
increased water use by mining and petroleum activities to be subject to the
same water licensing requirements as other water users from 2018 onwards. |
Most states and territories have more than 80 per cent of their water
use managed under water plans. Arrangements governing water plans ensure water
resources are shared between consumptive users and the environment. All
jurisdictions have in place water metering, accounting and compliance systems,
and all, except Western Australia and the Northern Territory, have legislation
for statutory‑based water entitlement and planning arrangements.[55]
Some jurisdictions have alternative water rights arrangements for extractive
industries outside water entitlements and planning frameworks.[56]
In general, monitoring activities are the remit of individual state
jurisdictions, not the Commonwealth.[57]
Some evidence received by the Committee concerned gaps in state and territory
regulatory arrangements.[58]
For example, a number of submitters and witnesses drew the Committee's
attention to inconsistencies in the regulatory requirements for the extractive
industry in Queensland as compared to other industries. It was stated that the
extractive industry is permitted to take an unlimited amount of water without a
licence or paying for the water if it is extracted in the course of their
regular operations as 'associated water'.[59]
The Committee was given conflicting information about this issue, with one
submitter reporting that associated water is not included in estimates of total
water use across the state, and a witness stating that even though an unlimited
take of associated water is permitted, it still must be reported and monitored.[60] Dr Malcolm
Roberts, the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Petroleum Production and
Exploration Association, argued that Queensland's system involved a
comprehensive network of monitoring bores to observe any impacts on water
The Committee also heard concerns that much of the responsibility for
the monitoring and baseline testing included in make-good agreements in
Queensland is placed on land-owners. Ms Verity Morgan Schmidt, the Chief
Executive Officer of Farmers for Climate Action, told the Committee:
They are trying to navigate this process and understand what
a good make-good agreement needs to look like at the same time as they are
grappling with drought, feeding stock and the realities of running a large farm
business...The onus for the responsibility for delivering and pursuing that is
being pushed back onto the graziers themselves, which seems to be quite
One witness expressed his worry that make-good agreements only apply to
land-owners directly affected by extractive industry activities, while in the
long-term other land-owners living in a connected water system may also be
negatively affected by reduced water supply.[63]
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources emphasised the
importance of all states and territories implementing comprehensive water
planning frameworks, arguing that the existence of statutory water rights
outside water planning frameworks 'reduces transparency, limits the capacity of
water planning to sustainably and transparently manage all water use and
potentially compromises access to water for other users and the environment'.[64]
A bioregional assessment from the Federal Government released in June
2018 noted that existing coal mines could affect groundwater drawdown in an
area of 4307 square kilometres, and there was at least a five per cent risk
that additional coal resource development could lead to changes in groundwater
for 3213 square kilometres of the region.[65]
Issues and gaps identified in current Commonwealth regulatory systems
Evidence provided to the inquiry outlined a number of issues related to
Commonwealth regulation of water. These included broad criticisms of the
regulatory systems in place, as well as concerns about specific issues.
The Committee received a range of views concerning regulatory approaches
to extractive industries compared with other water users. For example, the
International Association of Hydrogeologists argued that other industries were
not required to measure and report on groundwater levels and quality to the
extent required of the extractive industry.[66]
The Association described Commonwealth regulation as a 'duplication' of state
frameworks and suggested that the regulatory frameworks governing extractive
industry water use, from Commonwealth to state to local requirements, were
'among the most stringent in the world'.[67]
Nevertheless, the International Association of Hydrogeologist's
Australian President told the Committee that because of discrepancies between
jurisdictions in the level of rigour required of extractive industry proposals,
'it is important to have a Commonwealth-level regulatory framework that
addresses certain large, high-risk projects'.[68]
Ms Revel Pointon, a lawyer from the Environmental Defenders Office
Queensland, argued that 'the extractive industries are often exempt from a lot
of the requirements that are being provided to other water users, including the
agricultural industry', as did Mr Mark McKenzie, the Chief Executive
Officer of the New South Wales Irrigators Council.[69]
Some submitters were of the opinion that existing regulatory frameworks
were inadequate.[70]
For example, Property Rights Australia argued that regulation focused on
managing impacts and compensating land owners for damage, rather than
prevention of damage, contamination or draining of Australia's aquifer and
water systems.[71]
The Environmental Defenders' Offices of Australia contended that current
requirements failed to protect the interests of current and future water users.[72] The
Conservation Council of Western Australia expressed concern that Commonwealth
conditions applied to projects were inconsistent with state conditions or
former conditions applied to similar projects, and were not always applied or
Specific problems identified in evidence include:
limitations of the water trigger;
insufficient recognition of cumulative impacts and limited
bioregional assessments;
bilateral agreements with states and territories;
approvals given despite uncertainty in modelling;
lack of research on environmental impacts in general;
limited recognition of the value of groundwater ecosystems;
insufficient compliance and enforcement of compliance;
limited economic value given to the environment;
limitations of the National Water Initiative;
lack of consultation with Traditional Owners; and
limited regulation of the impacts of abandoned mines.
Limitations of the water trigger
This inquiry's terms of reference directed the Committee to examine the
value of expanding the water trigger to include other projects, such as shale
and tight gas. Some submitters were not in favour of expanding the water
while others considered that the existing water trigger framework was
unnecessary because it duplicated current arrangements.[75]
For example, the International Association of Hydrogeologists argued
that a water trigger 'should apply to all groundwater users and not single out
coal mining and the onshore gas industry' without a scientific basis for doing
While Geoscience Australia acknowledged that 'there is no scientific
reason to regulate potential impacts to water resources differently', it
proposed that the water trigger should employ a consistent approach to all
industries that use water on the basis of their potential impacts on water
resources. This was also echoed by the University of Queensland's Centre for
Coal Seam Gas, which noted that other 'sectors which extract large volumes of
water e.g., large-scale irrigation developments are also not referred to the
IESC for review'.[77]
However, many submitters and witnesses to the inquiry proposed expanding
the water trigger to include all unconventional gas projects, including shale
and tight gas.[78]
For example, the Environmental Defenders' Offices of Australia proposed that
the water trigger be expanded to include exploration and projects for all forms
of unconventional gas and all large mines excavating below the water table.[79] It further
argued that the water trigger in its current form 'does not require the
Minister to refuse a development likely to have a significant impact on water
resources' or 'to act consistently with the advice of the IESC'.[80] The National
Farmers' Federation proposed amending the EPBC Act to require the Minister to
take the IESC's advice into account when providing approvals.[81]
Mr Bruce Edwards from the Department of the Environment and Energy noted
that if shale and tight gas 'were added under the water trigger then obviously
it would depend on shale development going forward, and that hasn't been the
case yet'.[82]
However, as outlined in paragraph 3.18, the Department of the Environment and
Energy's post-implementation review of the water trigger concluded that
consideration could be given to expanding the water trigger once these
activities move from exploration to production.[83]
Cumulative impacts and bioregional assessments
Several submitters to the inquiry were of the opinion that current
regulatory frameworks do not sufficiently take into account the cumulative
impact of extractive industry activities on water sources.[84]
The Minerals Council of Australia submitted that in recent years,
cumulative environmental impact assessments increasingly have been required in
environmental impact assessments at both state/territory and Commonwealth
levels. It stated that there had been little best practice guidance available
to industry on how to prepare this information.[85]
Geoscience Australia noted that establishing scientific baselines to
assess cumulative impacts is fraught with difficulties:
In areas of
cumulative surface water and groundwater use, establishing scientific baselines
to assess, manage and regulate any potential impacts to these resources is
highly challenging. This is especially relevant where these cumulative impacts
develop over time, such as the gradual growth of a number of extractive industry
projects in a region.[86]
Geoscience Australia recommended that '[f]urther assessment of the
effectiveness of the current regulation of cumulative impacts is needed to
provide evidence to inform the regulatory approach to managing potential
impacts to water resources'.[87]
A number of submitters emphasised the importance of bioregional
assessments to understanding long-term impacts in a region. For example, the LCA
argued that bioregional assessments 'allow regulators to impose clear
conditions that are effective and enforceable, and provide more information and
transparency upfront in the approval process' to strengthen public confidence
in the regulatory system.[88]
The Committee also heard concerns that many bioregional assessments
remain incomplete.[89]
Lock the Gate Alliance submitted that despite this, projects continue to be
The Environmental Defenders' Offices of Australia submitted that bioregional
assessments 'should be completed as a matter of priority'.[91]
Bilateral agreements
Some submitters and witnesses questioned how effective bilateral
agreements are in the hands of states and territories.[92] One submission suggested
that the effect of bilateral agreements has meant that states 'provide, vet and
control much of the information'.[93]
The Nature Conservation Council of NSW argued that '[d]irect Commonwealth
involvement is required to ensure that an appropriate level of scientific
rigour is maintained in the face of economic pressures'.[94] Similarly, the New South
Wales Irrigators' Council called for assessments of projects that fall under
the water trigger to 'remain within the remit of the Federal Government and not
be delegated to the State authorities'.[95]
However, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
argued that the EPBC Act was originally intended 'to encourage Bilateral
Agreements, not remove them'.[96]
The Independent Review of the Water Trigger Legislation recommended that
if governments wish to pursue bilateral approval agreements, an independent
review should be conducted to analyse state regulatory systems, practice and
policy and to recommend any necessary changes to each state systems so that
these would be in line with the requirements of the water trigger.[97]
Approvals given despite uncertainty in modelling
A number of submitters expressed concern that the modelling used by
extractive industries in their applications for approval was poor, limited or
For example, Dr Lange Jorstad from the International Association of
Hydrogeologists noted that one area where he consistently heard 'there is a
failing is in the predictive assessment, through computer modelling, of
impacts' expected from a particular project.[99]
Some evidence also questioned the reliability of modelling used by
extractive industries and governments. Mr Maxwell Winders, a landholder living
in Queensland, contended that detailed groundwater impact modelling that he
commissioned his associated environmental engineering company and a consultant
to undertake on his property indicated 'considerably more impairment' to a
local aquifer than did modelling provided by the Office of Groundwater Impact
Assessment. The Queensland Government established this industry-funded body to
provide 'evidence-based independent scientific assessment of cumulative
groundwater impacts from resource operations'.[100]
The Environmental Defenders' Offices of Australia proposed that in the
absence of comprehensive data, 'mining and unconventional gas developments
should not be assessed under the EPBC Act'.[101]
It drew the Committee's attention to the example of the proposed Adani
Carmichael coal mine in Central Queensland. Dr Jorstad took a similar
view, telling the Committee that:
There were concerns
that the operation of the mine would diminish or completely destroy the supply
to those springs. There is a fairly strongly held opinion, after the decision
was made on that project, that there still was not a good enough understanding
of where the water supplying those springs was coming from. This was perhaps
the most fundamental thing that should have been resolved prior to an approval
on that project...
There were some
fairly fundamental aspects of that computer model that one of the independent
reviewers felt were insufficient as the basis for impact prediction. There was
too much uncertainty, and the uncertainty was not quantified in any useful way.
Essentially it was given a very light treatment.[102]
The LCA argued that for adaptive management conditions to be effective
in preventing impacts on the environment, 'there still must be a sufficient
baseline of knowledge and understanding of the particular water resource'.[103] It
submitted that in the absence of research, ideally no extractive project should
be approved, noting that it may not be possible or realistic to defer
extraction until appropriate baseline data is available. It suggested that in
this instance, 'regulators and courts must fall back on fundamental principles,
such as the precautionary principle, to make decisions about proposed
The LCA noted that regulators at both the state and Commonwealth levels
apply the precautionary principle in practice by setting conditions based on
adaptive management approaches for projects in which there is scientific
uncertainty. These conditions may require the proponent to carry out further
research to close knowledge gaps, apply conservative management strategies,
periodically evaluate monitoring results against existing models, and adjust models
and management strategies as knowledge gaps are closed.[105] Dr Stuart Minchin,
Geoscience Australia, was of the opinion that such measures may be 'entirely
appropriate, because it can take years' to obtain baseline data.[106]
Dr Minchin asserted that because of a lack of clarity surrounding
uncertainties present in particular forms of modelling, 'regulators are having
to make decisions at times without really understanding the level of
uncertainty associated with those models'.[107]
Geoscience Australia recommended that regulators require proponents to clearly
report uncertainty in their model predictions of potential impacts to
Lack of research
A number of submitters drew the Committee's attention to the lack of
research surrounding impacts caused by water extraction and the interaction of
different water resources more broadly.[109]
Dr Lange Jorstad, the President of the Australian Chapter of the International
Association of Hydrogeologists, acknowledged that research and understanding of
site-specific characteristics is often limited for large projects. Dr Jorstad
described the information as 'basically a set of pinholes in a very large mass
of land. We make a lot of inferences about what is between those data points
and how they interact with each other'.[110]
Ms Robyn Glindemann from the LCA contended that:
...the focus needs to continue to be on developing our
scientific understanding of our water resources. The lack of scientific
knowledge around the interaction between surface and subsurface resources has
infiltrated and is infiltrating the decision-making process, both at a
regulator level and at a court level, and it is not satisfactory.[111]
The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
expressed its support for the Commonwealth Government continuing 'to develop
and implement its research program on the water-related impacts of coal seam
gas development' to ensure that decisions involving projects that could impact
water sources 'are based on the best available science'.[112]
Limited recognition of groundwater ecosystems
Associate Professor Grant Hose drew the Committee's attention to the
limited number of studies on groundwater ecosystems, arguing that the
'consequence of this knowledge gap is that regulatory decisions are based on a
paucity of robust scientific evidence'. Because few stygofauna species are
listed for protection, he commented, 'there is no mandate for environmental
assessments related to extractive industries to consider groundwater biota as
they might do for rare and threatened flora and fauna'. To address this
regulatory gap, Associate Professor Hose recommended that groundwater
ecosystems be given 'the same regulatory consideration and recognition as
surface freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems'. He also called for further
research into the impacts of extractive activities on the organisms living in
groundwater, and suggested that until such research has provided greater
clarity, 'regulatory guidance should recommend the highest level of protection
for groundwater ecosystems'.[113]
Several submitters and witnesses to the inquiry highlighted concerns
about compliance and monitoring regimes and limited enforcement activities on
the part of regulators.[114]
Geoscience Australia argued that because groundwater impacts may take
years or decades to become apparent, 'the regulatory system must ensure ongoing
monitoring of water resources occurs'.[115]
Geoscience Australia noted that the Department of the Environment and
Energy often approves projects with conditions that require projects with
incomplete baseline data to include completed baseline data in their Water
Monitoring and Management Plans, which they are later required to provide to
the Minister. The result, it suggested, is that regulatory responsibility is
shifted 'from the approvals process to the compliance process'.[116] Given
the reliance on the compliance process, Geoscience Australia proposed an
independent compliance review to assess the effectiveness of conditions placed
on coal and coal seam gas projects to date, 'and the effectiveness of
associated monitoring and compliance'.[117]
The Committee heard concern about the level of transparency involved in
reporting of water levels by extractive industries.[118]
Mr Peter Wills, a cattle farmer from New South Wales, expressed concerns about
real-time data from monitoring bores not being made available to his community,
stating that 'by the time you get information, it could be six months old...There
should be no reason to keep it hidden, surely'.[119]
Mr Bruce Currie, a beef cattle producer from Queensland, proposed that
all commitments made in environmental impact statements:
must have government and landowner 24/7 accessible electronic
monitoring, with harsh penalties if the monitoring fails and limits are
breached prior to the mine commencing. Queensland and the federal government
state the number of conditions imposed on mines, but neither level of
government is enforcing compliance...Conditions are nothing if there is not
thorough monitoring, strict adherence and harsh penalties.[120]
Lock the Gate Alliance alleged that it had found evidence of several
mining operators in New South Wales taking surface water and rainwater, with
subsequent depleted flow and recharge for water systems. Ms Georgina Woods,
Lock the Gate's New South Wales Coordinator, told the Committee:
In Maules Creek...the large coalmine next to that community is
capturing a huge amount of surface water...without having the requisite water
licences, which we believe is contrary to and unlawful under the Water
Management Act. Our review of mining activities in the Hunter region has
indicated there may be a similar pattern occurring there where there are huge
volumes of water...So it's quite a significant volume of water that the industry
is capturing in rainfall run-off, and obviously that's going to reduce the
availability of water in the system and have an environmental effect in terms
of periods of no flow.[121]
The NSW Minerals Council disputed this evidence, stating that Lock the
Gate had 'incorrectly claimed that NSW mining operations are exceeding their
licenced allocations for surface water'.[122]
It argued that an exemption under the Water Management (General) Regulation
2018 (NSW) allows for landholders to capture surface water runoff
without the need for a water access licence:
The Excluded Work Exemption is available for mining
operations (and other landholders) to capture surface water runoff from
disturbed areas without the need for a [water access licence] in circumstances
where surface water drains from disturbed areas into "dirty water"
mine and sediment dams located on a minor stream that are "solely for
the capture, containment and recirculation of drainage and/or effluent ... to
prevent the contamination of a water source".
In this regard, mining companies are often required to
operate such dams, as part of their "dirty water" management systems,
under their planning approval, environment protection licences and their
associated water management plans approved by relevant regulators.
The use of runoff from mining areas also helps to minimise
the amount of water mining operations need to extract from local waterways and
Regulated river systems such as the Hunter[.][123]
A number of submitters and witnesses recommended that governments ensure
that sufficient resourcing is in place for ongoing compliance activities.[124] The
NSW Irrigators' Council was of the opinion that 'sufficient qualified personnel
in respective Government Departments is an ongoing concern for the water
Dr Minchin from Geoscience Australia suggested that proponents be
required to make ongoing monitoring data publicly available for transparency,
and for this data to be made as clear as possible.[126]
The Productivity Commission in its report on national water reform
recommended that 'Australian, State and Territory Governments should improve
monitoring, evaluation, auditing and reporting' to make better use of
environmental water, demonstrate the benefit of allocating water to the
environment, build public trust in its management and keep managers
Limited economic value given to the environment
Ms Sarah Asokendaran, a doctoral candidate at the University of
Queensland, suggested that traditionally, environmental assessments and
environmental impact statements do not adequately assess 'the intrinsic value
of the environment, as some ecosystem goods and services are not traditionally
reflected in markets (e.g. climate change, flood protection)'. She highlighted
that the incorporation of Natural Capital Accounting as an economic tool to
measure the value of the environment would 'strengthen decision making for
Limitations of the National Water Initiative
A number of submitters and witnesses were of the opinion that
differences in the regulatory frameworks between states and territories were
problematic, and had not yet been addressed in the NWI negotiations.[129]
The LCA was concerned about the 'failure to address the extractive
sector within the NWI negotiations, and the ongoing failure to deal with the
industry in the years since'. As a result, states and territories have
developed or maintained their own arrangements to regulate the take and use of
water by the extractive sector.[130]
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources observed that 'it is
reasonable to expect' that state and territory governments will implement
'comprehensive water planning frameworks'.[131]
The LCA also noted that the NWI does not clearly consider cumulative
impacts, and argued that even if the interaction of groundwater and surface
water resources may be poorly understood, 'sustainable water management
practices are more likely to be achieved where all water use is subject to the
same assessment and governance framework'.[132]
Areas raised with the Committee which submitters and witnesses proposed needed
reform for consistency across jurisdictions included the ways in which
jurisdictions issue water plans and manage areas and water sources, and the use
of differing terminologies.[133]
Lack of consultation with Traditional Owners
The Committee received evidence recommending that Traditional Owners of
land affected by water extraction be included in decision-making to a much
greater extent than is presently the case.[134]
Lock the Gate Alliance argued that states and territories had not consistently
met the agreements in the NWI for water planning that incorporates recognition
of Indigenous water needs.[135]
The LCA also considered that 'the current frameworks for recognition of
Indigenous cultural flows under the Water Act 2007 (Cth) and most State
water rights systems remain inadequate'.[136]
Ms Helen Bishop, who provided a submission on behalf of the Traditional
Owner Rum Jungle Liaison Committee, questioned what regulatory measures the
Commonwealth would employ to ensure that Traditional Owners were given the
right to be actively involved in decisions affecting them:
Water is vested in
Governments through laws and legislation that restricts any Traditional Owner
guarantees to protect their natural heritage and cultural enjoyment. What
systems, checks and balances will the Commonwealth put in place that protects
Traditional Owners' rights and freedoms, cultural practices and social
observations with regard to water, its management, use and the effects of extraction,
contamination and the effectiveness of the 'water trigger' under the Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999?[137]
Ms Bishop further argued that it is 'inappropriate, culturally ignorant
and disrespectful that future decisions are made without consultation that
ultimately impact upon Traditional Owners' responsibilities, accountabilities
and cultural authority'.[138]
The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association noted
that a social impact assessment for gas development in the Northern Territory
in 2018 'identified significant opportunities for the enhancement of social
values, such as collaboration between the community and industry...and indigenous
The Productivity Commission's report into National Water Reform recommended
that all governments undertake further work to incorporate 'clear, measureable
and well-informed Indigenous cultural objectives in water plans, tangible
actions...and monitoring and reporting arrangements' to oversight these
In its recommendation for a renewed NWI, it proposed that 'an Indigenous
working group be established to provide advice on the development of relevant
Rehabilitation, mine closure and abandoned mines
Both the NSW Minerals Council and the Minerals Council of Australia
outlined that state regulatory systems include requirements for the management
of mine rehabilitation, including industry plans for rehabilitation, and
government oversight of rehabilitation activities.[142]
However, the Committee heard that a major regulatory gap in current
frameworks governing water use as well as mine rehabilitation is the failure of
these to take into account the long-term water impacts of abandoned mines.[143] Ms
Corinne Unger argued that current measures in which states are expected to take
responsibility for mining legacies were 'ad hoc and uncoordinated'. She
further asserted that some abandoned mine programs did not appropriately
address water impacts, and proposed that the EPBC Act be amended to incorporate
measures that would address the impacts on water from abandoned mines.[144]
Geoscience Australia suggested that approval conditions for mine
rehabilitation and closure be 'included at the approval stage of project
development so industry can plan for closure, and so that regulators are able
to implement closure requirements'.[145]
This chapter has focused on the regulatory frameworks governing water
use by the extractive industry that in large part are intended to prevent or
mitigate negative environmental impacts arising from extractive activities. The
following chapter outlines what these potential impacts could be, as well as
some of the economic and social impacts of water use by the extractive industry.
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