Additional Documents

1 PDF: Consumer Action Law Centre - Baker et al, 'Is housing a health insult?', 2017 Consumer Action Law Centre - Baker et al, 'Is housing a health insult?', 2017
2 PDF: Consumer Action Law Centre - Baker et al, 'Poor housing quality: Prevalence and health effects', 2016 Consumer Action Law Centre - Baker et al, 'Poor housing quality: Prevalence and health effects', 2016
3 PDF: Consumer Action Law Centre - Nicholls et al, RMIT Centre for Urban Research, 'Electricity pricing, heatwaves and household vulnerability in Australia', 2017 Consumer Action Law Centre - Nicholls et al, RMIT Centre for Urban Research, 'Electricity pricing, heatwaves and household vulnerability in Australia', 2017
4 PDF: Consumer Action Law Centre - Nicholls and Strengers, RMIT Centre for Urban Research, 'Rising household energy and water bills: Case studies of health, wellbeing and financial impacts', 2017 Consumer Action Law Centre - Nicholls and Strengers, RMIT Centre for Urban Research, 'Rising household energy and water bills: Case studies of health, wellbeing and financial impacts', 2017

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

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Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
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Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526