Views on the Small Pelagic Fishery management framework and AFMA's standing
among stakeholders
For a regulatory regime to be successful, it is important that
stakeholders and the public have confidence in the performance of the
regulator. Likewise, it should be acknowledged that a regulatory agency's task
is not easy. Criticisms of the regulator need to be evaluated carefully, with the
information asymmetries they encounter, the risk‑based environment they
operate in and the judgements they necessarily make about how to use their
limited resources most effectively all taken into account. As AFMA's Chief
Executive Officer, Dr James Findlay, remarked:
Can we address all concerns for all people all the time and
make everyone happy? No. That is the nature of natural resource management. It
is not dissimilar to forestry issues, farming issues, other land-use management
issues—or urban development, climate change or any number of issues—where
everyone's concerns cannot be addressed all the time. So, no, I cannot
make everyone happy—as much as I would love to.[1]
This chapter explores the evidence received regarding the credibility of
the SPF management framework and AFMA. In addressing this topic, the chapter
considers two often-interrelated matters: the scientific information and advice
relied on in managing the SPF and how AFMA undertakes its responsibilities in ensuring
the SPF is used sustainably. The first part of the chapter considers the
scientific research programs that support the management of the fishery. The
second part considers views on the overall management framework and the approach
taken by AFMA when performing its functions. Matters discussed in that part
include AFMA's role in informing the public about the fishery and the Geelong
Star, how recreational fishing interests are taken into account and how AFMA's
advisory groups are managed.
Science relied on for the management of the SPF
It is clear that quality scientific information and advice is needed to
support risk-based decisions about the exploitation of Australia's fisheries. As
the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources noted, the need for a
science-based approach to fisheries management was expressed in the 2005 Ministerial
Direction to AFMA. The department explained:
The 2005 Ministerial Direction was issued due to the poor
biological and economic status of a number of Commonwealth fisheries and long
recovery times facing many stocks. It directed AFMA to take a more strategic,
science based approach to setting fisheries catch and effort levels through a
'world's best practice Commonwealth Harvest Strategy Policy'. The aim was to
manage fish stocks sustainably and profitably, end overfishing and ensure that
already overfished stocks were rebuilt within reasonable timeframes.[2]
AFMA's submission emphasised that its management approach is science‑based:
for example, regarding the total allowable catches it determines for each quota
species, AFMA submitted that they 'are set consistent with the Commonwealth
Harvest Strategy Policy (HSP) under fisheries-specific harvest strategies that
utilize the best available science'.[3]
AFMA also highlighted the amount of scientific research involving the
fisheries it manages, including the SPF. AFMA submitted:
AFMA administers an annual research program of about $4
million. All major commercial fisheries have a five year research plan to
assist in prioritising research; minimising overfishing risks for commercial
target species and setting TACs at levels which pursue maximum net economic returns
to the Australian community. Also, ecological risk assessment and management
are significant and growing components of AFMA's research program. Further, the
Commonwealth government and fishing industry have either directly, or through
the FRDC, funded a wide range of fisheries research including, reducing
uncertainty in stock status, determining stock boundaries and the habitat
impacts of commercial fisheries.[4]
AFMA argued that this 'ongoing investment in science' has resulted in
'a comparatively high level of information about Commonwealth fish stocks
and ecosystems than for other jurisdictions in Australia and overseas'.[5]
Attachment 6 to AFMA's submission provides a list of research projects in the SPF
for years 2010 to 2015. In November 2016, AFMA provided the committee with an
updated list of SPF research projects.[6]
More generally, AFMA responded to direct and indirect claims made that
it does not have sufficient knowledge to manage the SPF well. AFMA submitted:
...based on what we do know a reasonable assessment of the
status of Commonwealth commercial fisheries can be made. This has been
undertaken almost each year for more than 20 years by the Australian Bureau of
Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES). During this time the
science base on which fish stocks are assessed has steadily improved. In the
last two assessments ABARES concluded that no fishery solely managed by AFMA
was subject to overfishing, including the SPF. Further, five AFMA fisheries
have Marine Stewardship Council accreditation—regarded by many as a high
standard of independent fishery certification. While there remains work to be
done, the independent evidence is that Commonwealth fisheries are comparatively
well researched and well managed.[7]
Views of scientific organisations
Various scientific organisations contribute to research and improving
the scientific understanding of the SPF. The committee received evidence from
the CSIRO, the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC), the Institute
for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and ABARES on their efforts in this
The CSIRO, which is the Commonwealth's major research agency, advised
that it has a body of work on:
marine ecosystems;
the harvest control rules and other management considerations applied
in the SPF;
the economic and ecological performance of Australian fisheries
that large fishing vessels operate in; and
general fisheries and ecosystem-based fisheries management
The FRDC is a Commonwealth statutory corporation that plans and invests
in fisheries research, development and extension (RD&E) activities.[9]
Its detailed submission provided 'an overview of FRDC funded or co-funded
research used to inform the sustainable use and management of fisheries for
small pelagic stocks', as well as fish stocks in other Australian fisheries
where large fishing vessels are currently used.[10]
The FRDC advised that its RD&E investment 'is largely priority driven'. It
As gaps in research across the four sectors are identified,
funds are sourced to address high priority research needs; successful projects
are managed by a project team and a FRDC project manager; final reports/papers
are peer reviewed; new knowledge is made public to stakeholders; and this
information is used by the appropriate end-users to inform management
decisions. Knowledge adoption using evidence-based science underpins the
effective management of Australian fisheries.[11]
IMAS, which is at the University of Tasmania, is a 'centre of excellence
for marine and Antarctic research'. Fisheries and aquaculture is one of the
Institute's three core research programs.[12]
Professor Craig Johnson, an assistant director at IMAS, stated:
The fisheries science that we do underpins management for
both recreational and commercial fisheries. We are also engaged in aquaculture,
ecology and ecological dynamics, biogeochemistry, marine physics and
oceanography. We do this across all latitudes in both hemispheres, although
most of our work is focused on temperate Australia and Southern Ocean and
Antarctica. We have quite a unique position among Australian universities in
marine science in that sense.[13]
The committee received evidence indicating that scientific research has
resulted in improved practices. For example, the CSIRO advised that the FRDC:
...funded research in 2001 to identify and implement effective
measures to reduce interactions and mitigate the risk of injury and mortality.
Subsequent implementation of a Code of Fishing Practice and installation of
seal exclusion devices on trawl nets halved the incidence of seal bycatch per
trawl shot. Seal mitigation measures continue to be improved to further reduce
fishery-related injury or mortality to seals. In addition to the Code of
Conduct, educational resources were produced to assist fishers to identify
seals species and provide guidelines to reporting interactions with seals.[14]
The CSIRO added that a 'significant body of work exists on the ecosystem
impacts of fishing in the SPF region', and 'modelling simulations indicate that
under current management arrangements any trophic impacts of the SPF on...[Southern
Bluefin Tuna] would be small'. However, the CSIRO advised that a 'better
understanding of current diets and how they have shifted through time is
required in order to increase confidence in past predictions and improve
robustness of current and future models and their predictions'.[15]
The CSIRO submitted:
The collective knowledge amassed from a range of empirical
diet studies of fishes and higher predators in the southern Australian marine
ecosystem means that the predator-prey interactions involving SPF target
species are generally well-known. However, these trophic data (particularly in
the Eastern Zone of the SPF) are more than 20 years old and there is
uncertainty around how well they represent current diet connections...Recent
small scale studies of fish diets in the region suggest there has been a change
in diet...and studies on Australian fur seals and little penguins also suggest
that diet shifts have occurred in response to environmental changes...[16]
In relation to long-term localised depletion, which the CSIRO explained
was 'extremely difficult' to detect in small pelagic species, the CSIRO noted
that 'overall, there is little information for predicting with any certainty
what patterns of fishing would lead to localised depletion at a level great
enough to cause adverse outcomes'.[17]
The CSIRO submitted that new observational and modelling approaches would be
required to clarify whether small pelagic species have a localised stock
structure. In addition, new models would be needed to explore 'the
multispecies dynamics of localised depletion', as suitable models do not exist
at present.[18]
Scientific organisations also commented on DEPM stock assessments. In
its submission, the FRDC noted that DEPM stock assessments 'have been found to
provide robust and reliable estimates of stock size for the four main pelagic
target species'. The FRDC noted that results from DEPM estimates 'have been
used to estimate alternative sustainable annual harvest rates, depending on how
much information is available and how current the most recent DEPM estimates
are'. The FRDC added that the 'precision and reliability of DEPM estimates
has been improved, and current projects continue to pursue options for further
As noted in Chapter 3, IMAS advised that DEPM surveys conducted in 2014
provide 'up-to-date biomass assessment for three of the four main target stocks
in the Eastern zone (i.e. Jack Mackerel, Blue Mackerel and Australian
Sardine)'. However, IMAS acknowledged that 'stock status information for the
remaining SPF stocks (Redbait east, Redbait west, Jack Mackerel west and Blue
Mackerel west) is either over 10 years old or unassessed using the DEPM
approach and thus less certain'. IMAS explained that, in relation to these
stocks, 'a more conservative approach to recommending catch limits is taken (at
least half the maximum recommended harvest rate)'. It added that biomass
surveys for the western zone stocks 'represent a high research priority for the
In its contribution to the submission from the Department of Agriculture
and Water Resources, ABARES similarly noted that the estimated biomass for the redbait
west stock 'is currently uncertain due to insufficient availability of
information for stock assessment'.[21]
ABARES advised that scientific knowledge for the SPF 'could be strengthened by
analysing and improving the precision of biomass estimates'. ABARES stated:
It will be important to consider interannual variability if
recommended biological catches are used to set multi-year total allowable
catches. For example, a multi-year total allowable catch that represents 5
per cent of total biomass of the stock in year one could represent a larger
percentage of the biomass in year two if the biomass in year two is
proportionally lower than it was in year one. This highlights the importance of
a harvest strategy that can be reactive to stocks that can exhibit substantial
interannual variability. The tiered framework in the harvest strategy appears
to be sufficiently precautionary to account for this variability, as well as
adequately considering the level of uncertainty around the quality of data or
the age of stock assessments.[22]
Updated evidence regarding the status of DEPM survey results was
provided by AFMA in September and November 2016. AFMA advised that DEPM survey
results for east coast stocks of blue mackerel and sardine were published in
December 2015. AFMA added that a new DEPM survey of jack mackerel west is
planned for 2016–17. AFMA further added:
Research to inform changes to the SPF Harvest Strategy is
being undertaken by CSIRO and will be reviewed by the SPF Scientific Panel and
stakeholders in late 2016. The work includes a stock assessment for eastern
Jack Mackerel and robustness testing to ensure the SPF Harvest Strategy
continues to meet sustainability objectives.
AFMA is working with CSIRO to update the Ecological Risk
Assessments (ERA) for all major Commonwealth fisheries. The methodology has been
revised and two fisheries, the SPF and Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery are
being put through the revised method to test the new ERA process.
The results are expected to be finalised late in 2016.[23]
Overall, Professor Johnson from IMAS observed that 'investment in the
science of fishery management is vital'. Professor Johnson stated:
Is it possible to manage fisheries sustainably, robustly and
with confidence? That is absolutely the case. The scientists know what to do.
It is all very tractable, but it does require some investment.[24]
Views of industry stakeholders
The submissions from Seafish Tasmania, the SPFIA and the Tasmanian
Seafood Industry Council provided further insights into how scientific
understanding of the SPF has developed.
The SPFIA provided a list of scientific studies undertaken in 2014 and
2015 that examined the SPF. It argued that the list 'represents a large
investment in science' compared to other Commonwealth and state-managed
fisheries. The SPFIA added that '[d]espite some inevitable gaps in knowledge
that will be progressively closed, the SPF should be looked at as one of our
most heavily researched and well understood fisheries'.[25]
The submission from Seafish Tasmania—the operator of the Geelong Star—acknowledged
that in some areas of the SPF 'there is a limited amount of scientific
information on distribution and abundance of some specifies' because these
areas have 'experienced little or no fishing effort in the past'.[26]
However, its submission highlighted how the operations of the Geelong Star
inform the scientific studies underpinning the management of the fishery. For
example, Seafish Tasmania explained how the AFMA observer on board the vessel
collects fish samples. These samples:
...will start to reveal important information about location
and timing of spawning of the various target species, particularly in the
western zone of the fishery, that will enable scientists to pinpoint when and
where to carry out egg surveys to estimate the size of the spawning stocks. This
is essential information for the effective implementation of egg surveys.[27]
Other information collected as a result of the fishing operations will,
Seafish Tasmania argued, help 'to build
up a more comprehensive picture of the biology, distribution and movements of SPF
target species'. From this, scientists and AFMA can 'continue to refine the
harvest strategy and other management rules to support the sustainability of
the fishery'.[28]
Industry stakeholders also demonstrated how vessel operations enable
mitigation measures to be tested and refined. In relation to excluder devices
for marine mammals such as seals, Seafish Tasmania explained that:
Off the shelf solutions to marine mammal interaction issues
are rare.
More commonly, industry working with scientists has to develop and implement
new procedures or devices that have potential to reduce interaction rates.
Typically this process of development and testing takes years before an
effective and proven method emerges.[29]
Seafish Tasmania highlighted how research and technical development
since the late 1990s in the blue grenadier fishery off the west coast of
Tasmania has resulted in what was a high incidental capture of seals reduced to
'close to zero'. Seafish Tasmania argued:
The point is that it takes years to develop and refine
mitigation methods to the point where they are effective and reliable. Although
exceptional progress in mitigation methods has been achieved in the SPF in
recent months, it is unrealistic to expect that no dolphin or seal mortalities
will occur. There is much more work to do and there needs to be scope for
research and development and recognition that there are bound to be mortalities
while this is in progress.[30]
In relation to the Geelong Star, Seafish Tasmania explained that
an 'underwater camera is being used to monitor the performance of the excluder
device and trials of a barrier net situated within the trawl'. The footage from
this camera is 'expected, over time, to provide insights into seal and dolphin
behaviours in relation to these devices that will help to further modify them
to improve their effectiveness'. More generally, Seafish Tasmania noted that information
collected as a result of the activities of the Geelong Star will help to
improve scientific knowledge about the SPF.[31]
Seafish Tasmania also identified an area it considers requires further
research. Seafish Tasmania submitted that there 'is little information on
common dolphin abundance in some areas of the fishery'. It suggested that
efforts to improve the amount of information on common dolphin abundance 'would
help scientists to assess the size of the dolphin populations that would, in
turn, provide a scientific basis for the setting of sustainable dolphin
mortality triggers for the fishery'.[32]
Industry concerns about the dolphin mortality trigger were discussed in Chapter
In September 2016, the FRDC released a report that may be of some
relevance to this issue. The report considered knowledge gaps about the number
of mortalities linked to human activity that populations of marine mammals in
the SPF such as seals, sea lions and dolphins can sustain while still allowing
that population to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable population. AFMA
advised that it 'will be considering this report consistent with its use of the
latest available science to inform decision making about Commonwealth
fisheries'. AFMA added:
In particular, AFMA will seek advice from its Marine Mammal
Working Group on the outcomes from the report, and how to continue to minimise
and avoid Commonwealth fisheries interactions with marine mammals.[33]
Views of environmental
organisations and recreational fishing groups
Although scientific and industry stakeholders were generally positive
about the science underpinning the management of the SPF, environmental
organisations and recreational fishing groups raised questions about it, with a
common concern being that particular scientific assessments were lacking or out‑of‑date.
This issue was discussed in Chapter 3, however, it is instructive to revisit it
here. For example, Environment Tasmania submitted:
Supporters of the Geelong Star and AFMA's management
of the SPF suggest that fisheries management is "supported by the science".
In fact, much of the information about SPF stocks is very old and gaps in the
science mean that concerns about sustainability and localised impacts of
fishing cannot be addressed.[34]
In support of this argument, Environment Tasmania stated that the assessment
of ecosystem effects from factory trawlers in the SPF 'that has been done' was
based on modelling 'that may not be accurate given the known, already existing
impacts of climate change and fishing pressure on target stocks and pelagic
community structure in the south east of the fishery'.[35]
It added that 'only three of the four' stocks in the eastern zone have been
assessed in the last nine years, and that stocks in the western zone 'have
never been assessed using best-practice survey methods'.[36]
The Western Australian Game Fishing Association expressed concern that
fish stock estimates on the south-west coast may be inaccurate as it is of the
understanding that 'there is very limited scientific knowledge about baitfish
species' in that area.[37]
The ARFF argued that the small pelagic fish 'play a critical role in
marine food webs'. Given this, the ARFF called for 'further research on the
economic, social and environmental characteristics of the Australian SPF' to be
undertaken before 'any decisions are made about...if and how it is fished'. Specifically, the ARFF considers more information is required
about: the size of the stock; whether there are sub‑stocks and movement
of the stock spatially and temporally; how long it takes a school to recover
from various spatial and temporal intensities of industrial scale fishing; and
the impacts of industrial scale fishing on recreational fishing and other
marine use activities.[38]
Funding arrangements
The funding arrangements underpinning the science were also examined.
Figures provided by AFMA indicate that, in recent years, research projects
relating to the SPF totalling approximately $2.4 million have been contracted
by AFMA and the FRDC.[39]
Mr Ian Thompson, a first assistant secretary at the Department of Agriculture
and Water Resources provided the following evidence regarding how the research
is funded:
A lot of the research is funded by the Fisheries R&D
Corporation. The Fisheries R&D Corporation is predominantly government
funded. It receives industry levies and industry voluntary contributions
for some of its work; however, I think around 75 per cent is government funded.
Some of the research has been funded by the department, so that is government
Despite the significant proportion of government funding for the
research, another departmental officer noted that 'now...the fishery is
operational, the advice that I have received is that in fact industry is now
investing in the research'. He added:
Clearly, when there was no fishing, there was no capacity for
the then auditor to progress the research that was called for. The government
did most of the heavy lifting in the beginning but...industry is now beginning to
invest in that research as well now that there is actually a viable fishery—or
what we believe is a viable fishery.[41]
Evidence regarding
the overall regulatory framework
Some submitters highlighted the precautionary approach taken to
fisheries regulation in Australia, such as the CSIRO which argued that
Australian regulations are 'amongst the most precautionary globally'.[42]
Nevertheless, as demonstrated in the previous chapters, submissions from
environment groups, recreational fishing bodies and members of the public
raised various general and specific concerns about AFMA's approach to managing
the SPF.
This section considers evidence received about whether the overall
management framework and approach taken to managing the SPF is appropriate.
Although this section is limited to the evidence received during this inquiry,
it is instructive to note here that the Productivity Commission is currently
undertaking an inquiry into the regulatory burden imposed on the Australian
marine fisheries and aquaculture sectors. This inquiry is focusing on 'the
frameworks for determining access to fishery resources and managing each
fishing sector, given that it is these higher-level policies that will
influence day-to-day management and have the most significant bearing on
The Productivity Commission has released a draft report, and is due to present
its final report by December 2016.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman has also examined aspects of AFMA's approach.
In correspondence to the committee, AFMA discussed a 2012 investigation by the
Ombudsman regarding AFMA's processes, including how conflicts of interest are
managed. AFMA provided the committee with the following summary:
The Ombudsman found that the South East Management Advisory
Committee had not managed declared conflicts of interest strictly in accordance
with the...[Fisheries Administration Act 1991], but that this had no
effect on the AFMA Commission's decisions regarding the SPF. In concluding
the investigation, the Ombudsman noted that 'as a result of this investigation,
AFMA has reminded its advisory groups and committees of the correct procedures
in relation to handling conflict of interests and reflecting dissenting
opinions in meeting summaries' and concluded that, in its view, AFMA's
responses have been both necessary and appropriate. Since then, AFMA has
further reviewed its policies to clarify and reinforced the conflict of
interest procedures and has held a number of MAC/RAG workshops, with specific
focus on managing conflicts of interests.[44]
Another Commonwealth Ombudsman investigation into AFMA's administration
of the resource assessment group for the SPF was completed in August 2016. As
that review directly examined matters also raised in particular submissions to
this inquiry, it is discussed below where relevant.
Overall regulatory framework and
As discussed in Chapter 1, AFMA's Commission is responsible for decision‑making
in relation to domestic fisheries management functions and powers. AFMA's
Commission receives advice on the management of the fishery from the South East
Management Advisory Committee (SEMAC).[45]
AFMA must also take into account advice from the relevant resource assessment
group about the stock status of the quota species.
AFMA's consultation and decision-making framework has undergone changes
over time:
Prior to 2008, the decision-making body for AFMA was a board,
which had 'membership along with other experts'. The board was replaced with
the Commission following the 2003 review of the corporate governance of statutory
authorities and office holders conducted by Mr John Uhrig AC.[46]
The ability for AFMA to appoint management advisory committees,
such as SEMAC, has existed since the Fisheries Management Act 1991 was
enacted. Prior to July 2010, a management committee specifically for the
SPF existed; however, after a rationalisation of the various management
advisory committees and resource assessment groups, SEMAC was established to
provide management advice on the SPF as well as the Southern and Eastern
Scalefish and Shark Fishery and the Southern Squid Jig Fishery.[47]
Changes to the resource assessment group for the SPF have also
occurred. AFMA and SEMAC previously received advice from the Small Pelagic
Fishery Resource Assessment Group (SPFRAG); however, after the membership terms
of the SPFRAG expired on 30 June 2015, AFMA replaced the SPFRAG with a
scientific advisory panel and stakeholder forums, a system to be trialled for
two years.[48]
As noted in Chapter 2, AFMA manages the SPF using output controls based
on total allowable catches (TACs) for each quota species and individual
transferrable quotas. As also noted in Chapter 2, AFMA implements strategies
for minimising the amount of bycatch and the numbers of interactions between
vessels and species protected under the EPBC Act. AFMA also oversees fishing
activities in the SPF through a variety of compliance and monitoring measures.
Evidence from state and territory governments supported AFMA's overall approach
and the management framework that is in place. The New South Wales government
informed the committee that it:
...supports the continued efforts by the relevant Federal
Minister and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority to develop and
refine measures designed to manage the harvest of fisheries resources on a
sustainable basis and reduce the impacts of fishing activities on other
components of the ecosystem (including bycatch of non-targeted fish or marine
The Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (NTDPIF)
advised that it: of the opinion that effective management frameworks, by
definition, consider and address the risks covered by the specific points of
reference and that the work of the CSIRO, Australian Department of Agriculture
and Water Resources transparent and clearly demonstrates that an
effective and adaptive management framework is in place.[50]
The NTDPIF elaborated:
Australia has a comprehensive and detailed framework of
management for fisheries resource use. Fisheries management in Australia is
ecosystem based and broadly recognised as world class, and in some instances,
world leading. The basis for that recognition is Australia's commitment to
frameworks for evidence based decision making, adaptation and systemic
improvement across the science-management continuum. The national approach to
fisheries management is informed by sophisticated scientific programs that are
also recognised as being world class.[51]
In addition, the NTDPIF explained why it considers that fishery
management based on output controls, which are predominantly used for fisheries
management in Commonwealth fisheries, is preferable to input controls. It
submitted that 'input controls are generally considered a blunt tool;
especially for large scale fisheries based on dynamic stock characteristics'.
On the other hand, management frameworks based on output controls 'are
sophisticated, economically rational and effective at maintaining harvest at
sustainable levels'. The department added:
The scientific standards used to inform allowable catch
determinations in Australia are world class and often world leading. The
science and management strategies used to determine output-based catch
allocations are articulate and precautionary in how they handle broader
ecosystem impacts such as trophic impact.[52]
Industry representatives also expressed overall support for Australia's
system of fisheries management and the approach taken by AFMA. The Commonwealth
Fisheries Association (CFA) advised that it is 'highly supportive of AFMA's
management and compliance arrangements'. The CFA explained:
As evidenced by the ABARES stock status report the great
majority of fished stocks are in very good shape and, even more importantly,
the outlook for long-term sustainability is extremely positive. AFMA's
compliance programs are underpinned by strong fisheries legislation, including
strict rules and regulations with clear penalties and sanctions. In the
rare event where fishers (and fish buyers) are caught breaking rules, they are
subject to on-the-spot fines, suspension of licences to fish or, in the more
serious cases, AFMA may prosecute them, have their catch seized, or remove
(suspend or cancel) the concession altogether.[53]
The CFA also submitted that, over the last decade, the performance of
Commonwealth fisheries has improved. The CFA explained it is 'widely
acknowledged' that a key driver of these improvements is the Commonwealth
Fisheries Harvest Strategy Policy and Guidelines. The CFA submitted that
this policy framework:
...has cultivated transparent, evidence and risk based approach
to setting target and limit reference points for assessing a wide range of
species along with decision rules for generating advice for managing key
commercial species in Commonwealth fisheries. It is considered an example of
world's best practice for managing fisheries, and has nothing to do with the
capacity of a vessel.[54]
The SPFIA also submitted that 'Commonwealth fisheries are well managed
by AFMA, which has a proven track record'.[55]
Austral Fisheries advised that it supports the current regulatory
framework. Austral considers the model of AFMA as a regulator headed by a
Commission, with policy responsibility within the fisheries division of the
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources 'is a demonstrably successful one
at ensuring scientifically, and environmentally robust outcomes within an
effective management system'. Austral added:
The single example of community concern over the small
pelagic fishery and use of a (genuine) super trawler, does not demonstrate a
failing of the effectiveness of the current regulatory framework, nor
compliance arrangements. Rather, we believe it demonstrates a need to consider
how Government should most appropriately respond to community concerns.[56]
Nevertheless, SPF industry stakeholders expressed some apparent disquiet
over aspects of the management arrangements. The operator of the Geelong
Star, Seafish Tasmania, for example, described the management of the SPF
and the conditions applied to the Geelong Star as 'extremely strict'.[57]
The SPFIA also remarked that the management arrangements 'are extremely costly,
and these costs are largely borne by SPF quota holders'. It explained:
Over the past five years, AFMA's cost recovery levy on SPF
quota holders has totaled $3.06m while catches and revenues from the fishery
have been minimal. It is estimated that the gross value of catches has been
less than $1.4m over this period, forcing SPF quota holders to fund their AFMA
levies out of earnings from other fisheries or non-fishing sources, rather than
from profits derived from fishing in the SPF. This has caused significant
economic distress for many quota holders.[58]
Finally, AFMA's regulatory approach and the outcomes achieved in recent
years appears to be supported by evidence from its portfolio department—the Department
of Agriculture and Water Resources—which indicated that outcomes have
significantly improved in the fishery. The department submitted:
Since 2005, there has been a significant reduction in the
number of fish stocks that have been assessed as subject to overfishing (i.e.
current levels of harvest are likely to reduce the population below acceptable
levels) and/or are overfished (that is, the populations have been reduced below
acceptable levels). There has also been a significant decline in the number of
fish stocks whose status is uncertain (that is for which there is not enough
information to assess whether the stock is overfished or subject to
A contrary perspective was put forward by the Australian Marine
Conservation Society (AMCS), which argued that, by allowing vessels such as the
Geelong Star to operate, the management framework is 'disempowering' key
stakeholders, including the general public. The AMCS submitted:
The Australian public owns, and is the key stakeholder in,
our fishery resources, which are managed by government on our behalf. We pay
for one third of the management costs of our Commonwealth fisheries, and are
called upon to underwrite major fishing industry reforms when fisheries
management has failed.
It is important to respect the public's expectations of how
our marine environment and resources are managed. Australia's strong cultural
connection to our oceans has enabled us to gain a strong international
reputation for our marine and fisheries management.
Australians expect sustainable, well-managed fisheries that
do not damage the marine environment and do not impact on other users of our
oceans. The Geelong Star does not meet these expectations.[60]
The AMCS concluded that:
Any move to introduce more environmentally marginal fishing
operations and/or reduce transparency of management for fisheries of community
concern threatens to erode the wider fishing industry's reputation and the
community's likely willingness to pay to support fisheries management.[61]
Recreational fishing interests
Although there is general support for the overall regulatory framework,
there is a perception that the current arrangements do not adequately account
for recreational fishing interests. As noted in Chapter 4, various groups highlighted
the economic activity related to recreational fishing and argued that concerns
of the recreational fishing sector are not adequately considered.
TARFish, for example, is of the view that many of its concerns regarding
the management of the Geelong Star stem from 'a narrow focus and
conflicting objectives for AFMA within its controlling fisheries Acts'.
Furthermore, this legislation does not require the government or AFMA to
recognise recreational fishing or other key stakeholders groups when making managing
Similarly, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body argued that
AFMA's objective 'to manage its fisheries in a way that achieves maximum
economic returns to the Australian community' is an objective that is 'vague,
poorly defined to interpretation'. The Peak Body continued:
The lack of explicit recognition of recreational fishing
values prevents AFMA from managing its fisheries to the satisfaction of
recreational fisheries. This is not a criticism of AFMA, rather it highlights
the policy void and the need for amendments to Commonwealth fisheries
The ARFF also highlighted the lack of a legislative requirement for AFMA
to recognise recreational fishing (or other key user stakeholder groups) when
performing its tasks. The ARFF noted previous calls for this to be
addressed. In particular, the ARFF cited the report of the 2012 review of
Commonwealth fisheries legislation, policy and management undertaken
by Mr David Borthwick AO PSM. Relevantly, that report stated:
...the Review considers that the fisheries Acts should give
explicit acknowledgement to the need for AFMA to give consideration to the
interests of recreational anglers. They contribute a lot to the economic and
social life of our country, all the more so in regional areas.[64]
During the 2016 election campaign, the Coalition committed to amending
the Fisheries Management Act to ensure that AFMA takes into account the
interests of all fisheries users, including commercial, recreational and
Indigenous fishers. Officers of the Department of Agriculture and Water
Resources could not advise when this legislation would be introduced or if
draft legislation would be released for consultation. However, they confirmed
that 'as it is an election commitment we are working on a priority basis to
develop appropriate amendments and have them introduced as soon as possible,
and to undertake the necessary consultation around them'.[65]
Another proposal to enhance consultation with recreational fishing
interests is the establishment of a National Recreational Fishing Council. This
proposal was an election commitment of the government for the 2013 election.[66]
In July 2015, Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck, then Parliamentary Secretary to
the Minister for Agriculture, indicated that the government was 'in the process
of finalising the terms of reference and membership' for the Council.[67]
As at 1 November 2016, however, the Council had not been formed.
Departmental officers were asked why the National Recreational Fishing
Council is yet to be established. Mr Ian Thompson, a first assistant secretary,
provided the following update regarding developments since the former
minister's July 2015 statement:
There have been some changes with how the recreational sector
represent themselves and there was discussion with the sector and others. One
of the models that was being pursued at that time was to have the council run
by the recreational sector itself, but then that would require money.
An alternative model is to have one that is supported by government, which
means the government would pay for support, but then funding is not unlimited.
So there has been a lot of discussion about the best way of having a council
that is able to provide the right sort of advice but still be financially
In the absence of a formal consultation process, informal negotiations
regarding the Geelong Star between industry and recreational fishing
groups have occurred. Initially, these discussions were brought about following
the efforts of recreational fishing groups, as the ARFF explained in its
The Geelong Star was approved to fish the SPF by the
Commonwealth Government early in 2015. It commenced fishing in March 2015.
Noting that the Government did not consult with ARFF or other key stakeholder
user groups about the potential impacts of the fishing operations on
recreational fishing prior to the vessel gaining approval, ARFF sought to try
and limit potential impacts of these operations through discussions with the
vessel operators. These discussions commenced in April 2015.[69]
The ARFF advised that during these initial discussions, the ARFF
proposed that the vessel operator would avoid fishing ARFF-identified 'areas of
concern' for recreational fishers and the coastal communities recreational
fishing activities support 'until more was known about the economic, social and
environmental characteristics of the fishery'. However, the ARFF's proposal
'was rejected by the vessel operators and due to a lack of progress, the
discussions collapsed'.[70]
The next phase of negotiations occurred at the invitation of the
Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Senator the Hon Anne
Ruston. The first meeting occurred on 1 December 2015. At this meeting,
Seafish Tasmania voluntarily agreed that the Geelong Star would not fish
in SPF management zone 7 until the end of the season on 30 April 2016.[71]
In February 2016, the government indicated further progress had been
made in negotiations between recreational and commercial fishing interests
about the operations of the Geelong Star, with voluntary undertakings
offered by Seafish Tasmania.[72]
However, by the committee's April 2016 public hearing, negotiations had again
collapsed with the recreational fishing groups deciding to withdraw from
further discussions.[73]
Mr Hansard from the ARFF explained that the recreational fishing groups
withdrew from the process as they have 'deeper concerns and issues here in
relation to the management of the fishery and the value of the fishery'. Mr
Hansard added that the negotiations were 'a bandaid solution to a deeper
Specific concerns about the management of the SPF by AFMA
This section follows on from the previous general discussion about the
overall regulatory regime that AFMA operates within by examining the specific
concerns put forward about matters that appear to be within AFMA's control.
Transparency and accountability of
activities in the SPF
A significant area of concern for various stakeholders is the amount of
information about the activities of the Geelong Star and the management
of the SPF that is released to the public, and the timeliness and quality of
the information that is released. The principal concern is the volume of material
that is classified as commercial-in-confidence and, therefore, is not available
to other stakeholders or the public more generally. When describing its
concerns, TARFish drew the committee's attention to the '5 boat rule' used by
AFMA. TARFish explained:
There is a significant degree of a lack of transparency and
what is perceived to be secrecy surrounding industrial scale fishing in the SPF
by the Australian community and this is largely caused by what is known as the 'AFMA
5 boat rule'. This rule precludes the communication by AFMA of a lot of key
information that fuels public disquiet and conjecture about the operations of
industrial scale fishing operations in the SPF. Whilst TARFish understands the
premise of 'commercial and in confidence' the 5 boat rule is much more
relevant for a fleet of smaller vessels rather than a fishery where there may
be one large vessel that replaces a fleet of smaller vessels.[75]
Particularly troubling for some environmental groups is the inability of
members of the public to monitor where and when the vessel operates, and where
and when interactions with protected species occurred.[76]
For example, Environment Tasmania submitted:
There is a high level of secrecy surrounding the small
pelagic fishery and freezer factory trawler operations, with no ability for
public scrutiny. The public is not being told where or when the vessel has
been operating, or what is being caught. Despite repeated written requests for
information, we still do not even know exactly where or when the deaths of
seals and dolphins occurred. The recent whale shark incident and an
unwillingness to release information have further exacerbated distrust between
stakeholders and the AFMA.[77]
The Tasmanian Conservation Trust also claimed that AFMA provided
misleading information to the public when it published 'frequently asked questions'
about the management of the SPF. Specifically, the Trust raised concerns about
published statements regarding the involvement of recreational fishers and
conservationists in the development of the SPF Harvest Strategy and with
respect to how a particular recommended biological catch and total allowable
catch was set. In addition, in the Tasmanian Conservation Trust's view,
AFMA's website 'implied that continuing concerns about past and future
localised stock depletions had been addressed when this was not the case'.[78]
The limited amount of information available about the economic viability
of the fishery was also highlighted. The ARFF argued that 'the fact that AFMA
does not make publicly available estimates of the gross value of the fishery
adds to the doubts about their rationale in justifying that they are indeed
"maximising the net economic returns to the Australian community"',
as required by the Fisheries Management Act.[79]
The ARFF also questioned why the amount of bycatch recorded in the logbooks
of the Geelong Star is not made publicly available. The ARFF submitted
that not publicising this information:
...makes it impossible to determine the potential impact of the
Geelong Star's activities on key recreational species that are
non-target species. As these species are high value species for recreational
fishing, it could be that the Geelong Star is catching, killing and
discarding species that potentially exceed the value of the small pelagic fish
it is catching for sale from these areas.[80]
The ARFF recommended that 'all discarded fish species caught in the SPF
is recorded for species and weight and that this information is made public'.
The ARFF argued that this would inform discussions about the opportunity cost
of the vessel's activities with respect to recreational fishers and local
Recreational fishing groups also expressed surprise that a map
indicating large areas of the east zone of the fishery are closed to the Geelong
Star was only released to stakeholders in December 2015.[82]
The ARFF explained that the map was provided at a meeting it attended on 1
December 2015 with the vessel operator, AFMA and government representatives at
the invitation of the Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources.
Despite what the ARFF described as a 'close association with AFMA over the past
12 months on the small pelagic fishery issue', which included an AFMA officer
seconded to the ARFF, this was 'the first time ARFF had been made aware of the
mid water trawl closures and their impact on the fishable area of the SPF'.[83]
The ARFF questioned why AFMA did not explain the closures clearly prior
to 1 December 2015 and why the closures are not explicitly reflected in
the vessel management plan for the Geelong Star.[84]
Similarly, TARFish questioned why it took AFMA 'over 3 years to present a map
of the areas closed to mid-water trawl in the SPF to recreational fishing
In correspondence to the committee, AFMA noted that the majority of the
closures 'have been in place for many years (and publically available on AFMA's
website) as a result of requirement for SPF concession holders to also hold
concessions in overlapping fisheries'.[86]
Nevertheless, it is apparent that the inaccessibility of this information has
led to stakeholders doubting the basis for other regulatory decisions made by AFMA.
Based on the map not being released and not reflected in the vessel management
plan, the ARFF questioned whether AFMA has assessed the implications of the
closures for potential localised depletion.[87]
Mr Hansard told the committee that the provision of the mid-water trawl
maps in December 2015:
...was quite a surprise and did definitely change our
perspective in relation to the nature of the fishery.[88]
Although industry stakeholders did not comment on
commercial-in-confidence issues, it is evident that there is industry concern
about the quality of the public debate regarding the Geelong Star and
the information that is circulated to members of the public. The SPFIA
In recent years the increasing use of social media has led to
rapid dissemination of information and, often, misinformation. This has
provided a mechanism for environmental and recreational activists to spread
alarmist views about the effects of freezer trawlers to a generally poorly
informed public, creating confusion and mistrust of the fishing industry and
AFMA as the industry regulator.[89]
As the above discussion regarding the December 2015 maps illustrating
where in the SPF the Geelong Star cannot fish indicates, recreational
fishing groups were among the most vocal stakeholders with respect to the
quality of information made accessible and the timeliness of the release of
this information. Potentially, however, evidence from industry stakeholders
supports an argument that it would have been beneficial if AFMA explained
clearly from the outset where the Geelong Star is permitted to fish.
Although the SPFIA highlighted several instances of what it considers to be
widely distributed misinformation, of particular relevance here is a social media
post referred to in its submission. The SPFIA submitted:
The post includes seven regional towns that the Geelong
Star cannot fish anywhere near because they are in NSW's extended trawl
zone from Sydney to the Queensland border. Posts like these (there are several
every week) are alarmist, misleading and whip up concern among communities that
will never see an SPF freezer trawler because they are nowhere near the
Commonwealth SPF.[90]
AFMA's response to concerns about
Representatives of AFMA commented on a range of matters regarding the
transparency of its actions and keeping the public informed at the committee's
1 November 2016 public hearing.
On the 5 boat rule, AFMA advised that it applies the rule as a policy,
not due to a legislative requirement. In explaining the rationale for the rule,
AFMA's Chief Executive Officer noted that the information AFMA collects
can be 'very useful commercially'. The confidentiality AFMA offers encourages fishers
to report accurate information on the understanding that the information 'is
not being shared widely in a form that can actually cause them economic or
commercial damage'. In turn, this helps to reduce AFMA's costs. Dr Findlay
explained that the policy seeks to ensure that AFMA has the information it
needs for decision-making while balancing the public interest with individual
commercial interests.[91]
Dr Findlay illustrated AFMA's position by using an analogy between
AFMA's approach and the privacy and the confidentiality of medical information
patients provide to a doctor:
...fishers are required by law to report their catches
accurately to AFMA, and we put in various systems and we spend about $5 million
a year making sure those figures are correct. The issue is that sometimes
fishers will not report correctly, and to actually get accurate information
from every boat is enormously expensive.
To encourage them to report accurately—it is a bit like...people's
medical records. You want them to provide accurate information when they walk
into the GP clinic. They may not do so if they thought that information about
their medical history was going to be posted by the clinic on their website
that afternoon.[92]
Dr Findlay noted that AFMA deviates from its 5 boat policy occasionally,
such as when international treaty requirements require AFMA to report
Australia's catch.[93]
AFMA also commented on the information available to the public about the
SPF. Dr Findlay stated that, in proportion to other fisheries AFMA manages
'there is a lot more information available about the Small Pelagic Fishery than
there is about others'.[94]
Some issues with the quality of the information exist, however. In relation
to the February 2016 whale shark incident discussed in Chapter 3, Dr Findlay
remarked that the SPFIA 'made a statement which was not consistent with
statements made by AFMA'.[95]
As noted in Chapter 3, the whale shark interaction triggered public concern,
with questions raised about the accuracy and timeliness of the information made
On the information AFMA releases to the public, Dr Findlay told the
committee that he is 'always keen to put out as much information as we can'.
The use of AFMA observers on board vessels, however, raises work health and
safety issues that can affect when information is disclosed. Dr Findlay
This is a dangerous working environment. One of the reasons
we are moving towards cameras and away from human observers is because the
operating environment in which these observers operate is not a safe place to
be on a daily basis, and some of that risk on some of our boats comes from crew
members or skippers. I will be very clear here: we do not put observers into
positions where they are, for compliance purposes or other purposes, being seen
to be contradicting crews publicly while they are still at sea on board the
same boat. That is not a nice place for anyone. If you think about that sort of
operating environment, it is not a nice place to be when you have to spend the
next number of weeks with these people.[96]
Notwithstanding the above limitations, AFMA has been considering how it
communicates information to the public and whether improvements are possible.
As a result, Dr Findlay advised that AFMA will soon have a social media
presence. Up until now, AFMA was 'reluctant' to use social media as it is
a small organisation that regularly dealt with 'a small pool' of people in the
commercial fishing industry, scientists, recreational fishers and conservation
groups. However, Dr Findlay recognised that various stories 'can spiral very
quickly out of control', and as a result AFMA needs 'to get involved in
providing information in an accurate and timely way'.[97]
In addition to participating in social media, Dr Findlay noted the
importance of 'a good website'. Dr Findlay stated that AFMA has been 'putting a
lot more information up on our website about the facts and realities of some of
our fisheries management systems and also the results they deliver'.[98]
Management of the former Small
Pelagic Fishery Resource Assessment Group
As noted in Chapter 2, in setting the TAC, and in managing the fishery
more generally, AFMA must undertake consultation with the management advisory
committee for the SPF established under the Fisheries Administration Act
1991, which is currently SEMAC. AFMA must also take into account, among
other things, advice from the resource assessment group for the SPF about the stock
status of the quota species.
Prior to 1 July 2015, the SPFRAG provided advice and recommendations to
SEMAC, AFMA management and the AFMA Commission on the status of target stocks,
harvest rates and TACs, and the impact of fishing on the marine environment.[99]
The SPFRAG comprised an independent chair, scientific members, industry
members, an environment/conservation member, a recreational/charter fishing
member and an AFMA member. Observers from Commonwealth and state government
departments and agencies also participated.[100]
In October 2015, AFMA announced that a scientific advisory panel and
stakeholder forums (at least two per year) would replace the SPFRAG. These
arrangements would be trialled for two years.[101]
Concerns about the SPFRAG
Evidence presented to the committee indicates a degree of dysfunction
within the SPFRAG. Much of the controversy stems from the membership on the
SPFRAG of Mr Gerry Geen, a director of Seafish Tasmania, the operator of the Geelong
Star. The clearest example of the controversy is the January 2015 decision
of the then chair of the SPFRAG, Dr Kirsten Davies, to resign. In her letter of
resignation, Dr Davies explained that her decision is due to 'the different
views AFMA and I hold pertaining to the pecuniary interest of one of the
current industry members of the RAG'. Dr Davies wrote:
Due to the level of his company's significant quota holding
in the Small Pelagic Fishery, I do not believe he should participate in the
majority of RAG discussions and the development of recommendations that are
referred to SEMAC and the Commission.
While the RAG is an advisory body and not a decision making
entity, it does influence policy and activities, such as providing advice on
the Total Allowable Catch (TAC). From my perspective as Chair, and, in my
interpretation of the guidelines as described in FAP 12 [Fisheries
Administration Paper 12], this industry member's perceived and/ or actual
influence in providing advice on aspects of the management of the Fishery,
given his company's quota holding, presents a situation of an unacceptable
level of pecuniary interest and conflict. As a result, I do not believe he
should hold a position as a SPF RAG member.[102]
Dr Davies described her position as 'precautionary'.[103]
Furthermore, in a letter to the committee, Dr Davies stressed the importance of
industry representatives on government advisory groups and boards; however, Dr
Davies called for AFMA to develop 'an objective and quantifiable measure' to
help answer questions such as the following:
'When does the level of pecuniary conflict become so high
that a members involvement and influence, perceived or real, be deemed to be
unacceptable, thus excluding their membership of the group/board?'[104]
Two members of the SPFRAG raised issues related to the operation of the
former group: Mr Jon Bryan (through the evidence given on behalf of the
Tasmanian Conservation Trust) and Mr Graham Pike. The Tasmanian Conservation
Trust in particular devoted much of its submission to the following matters:
the alleged conflicts of interest within the SPFRAG due to the
membership of a Seafish Tasmania director as noted above, including that a
chair of the SPFRAG resigned because of concerns about the conflict of
claims that published minutes of the SPFRAG meetings are
inaccurate (as the minutes indicate consensus exists when it does not);
a claim that 'the TAC setting process in 2015 was...carried out in
the SPFRAG without having a formal harvest strategy in place', which was
described as 'bizarre';[105]
concerns about the confidentiality provisions imposed on SPFRAG
members and how this limited the ability of the members to fulfil their role.[106]
Mr Pike also described a situation where, in his opinion, AFMA hindered
the SPFRAG's operations by not providing sufficient meeting time to develop a
harvest strategy.[107]
AFMA refuted the various claims that were made. Regarding conflicts of
interest, AFMA submitted that: is not a question of members having declared conflicts of
interests, but how those interests are then managed. It is clear that the rules
enable the remaining members to make decisions on, for example, whether
conflicted members may or may not be involved in discussions or actually be
excluded from discussions of certain matters and the procedures involved to
achieve this, if considered appropriate.[108]
On the status of the advice provided by the SPFRAG and how it fed into
decision-making, it was emphasised that the AFMA Commission is the decision‑making
body, and that other groups provide advice to it. Relevantly, AFMA's policy
document on the role, functions and administration of the resource assessment
groups states:
While RAGs have broad stakeholder membership, their primary
role is to provide sound technical advice on an issue, not an outcome based on
a majority or unanimous vote. The AFMA Commission considers scientific advice
to be paramount when making such decisions. However, the AFMA Commission is not
required to make a decision consistent with the advice of the RAG (or MAC or
AFMA Management).[109]
In a letter to the committee, AFMA added:
...the AFMA Commission must make decisions that pursue AFMA's
objectives based on available information, even where it has received
conflicting advice from experts and stakeholders (which is often the case).
Nowhere is there a requirement for consensus, or resolution to the satisfaction
of all stakeholders, which is an impossible standard to achieve.[110]
AFMA also specifically refuted Mr Bryan's claim that the TAC setting
process was carried out by the SPFRAG without a formal harvest strategy in
place. AFMA submitted:
There has been a harvest strategy in place at all times, since
2009. The Commission approved a revised harvest strategy in April 2015,
before it set the current fishing season TACs.[111]
The remainder of AFMA's comments regarding the operation of the SPFRAG can
be found in its responses to submissions 143 and 166, which the committee has
published alongside the submissions.
Ultimately, after considering claims about a lack of transparency and
conflicts of interest within the SPFRAG, AFMA advised that it decided to trial
the aforementioned scientific panel and stakeholder forums as a replacement for
the SPFRAG. AFMA submitted that the new system:
...enables a wider range of stakeholders to participate in the
advisory process and lessens the possibility of negative perceptions about
conflict of interest.[112]
Since these submissions and AFMA's responses were provided to the
committee, the Commonwealth Ombudsman has investigated these claims about the
SPFRAG. The Ombudsman did not make adverse findings against AFMA. Instead, its
report outlined matters for AFMA to consider about how it could assist chairs
of these advisory committees to manage meetings better.[113]
The Ombudsman also supported AFMA's conclusion that a harvest strategy was in
place at all times since 2009—the Ombudsman's report stated it 'is not accurate
to say that the fishery ever operated with an incorrect Harvest Strategy'.[114]
Among the other matters that the Ombudsman discussed in its report is that
it may be useful for AFMA to clarify to members of resource assessment groups
'what it means to be on a committee that is advisory only'. The Ombudsman
It appears to be the case that some members have a view that
their input is perhaps more fundamental and determinative than it in fact is.
For example, responsibility for revision of the Harvest Strategy and setting
the TAC lies with the AFMA Commission not the RAG. The RAG provides commentary
and advice and makes decisions on what recommendations to put forward to the
AFMA Commission, who then ultimately decides. The RAG was an important advisory
body, but it was not a decision-making body.[115]
The Ombudsman also suggested that it was 'curious' that the resource
assessment groups are described by AFMA as being scientific bodies when they
'are staffed by many more non-scientists than scientists (i.e. industry,
recreational, conservation, and AFMA members)'. The Ombudsman added:
It is interesting that AFMA has chosen, after identifying a
level of dysfunction in the SPFRAG, to replace it with a panel of experts that
are exclusively qualified in a scientific or economic discipline. It would seem
that this new model is more consistent with the label 'scientific committee'
and in that sense it is not an unsurprising change.[116]
The Ombudsman concluded:
We have not found instances of defective administration by
AFMA. If anything, we have observed AFMA employees making every effort to
assist the RAG to resolve concerns, to ensure that everyone is given a fair
hearing, and that there was accurate representation of discussion and what was
agreed in the minutes of meetings. The decision by the Commission to
discontinue the SPFRAG in June 2015, was a decision that was open to it and not
unreasonable in the circumstances because all RAGs are creatures of AFMA
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