Overview of management arrangements for the Small Pelagic Fishery
This chapter describes management arrangements and techniques applied to
the SPF that are relevant when examining the specific concerns stakeholders and
members of the public have about the operations of the Geelong Star. Information
is provided on the overall management approach, strategies and policies
governing fishing activities in the SPF that are relevant to the Geelong
The SPF is managed by AFMA in accordance with a management plan
(currently the Small Pelagic Fishery Management Plan 2009). Two fishing
methods are permitted in the SPF: purse seine and mid-water trawl.[1]
As the following paragraphs explain, AFMA manages activity in the fishery through
the use of output controls based on individually transferable quotas and a 'total
allowable catch' that is determined for each quota species for each fishing
AFMA also develops strategies to mitigate catches of non-quota species and
interactions between fishing vessels and protected species.
Output controls
In managing fisheries, policymakers and regulators are faced with a
choice between 'input' controls and 'output' controls. As the Northern Territory
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries explained in its submission, input
controls 'are used to restrict the size, type and mode of use of fishing
equipment to limit catching power as a means of managing impact on fishery
resources and other components of the marine environment'. Output controls
'limit the amount of any particular stock that can be harvested (typically as
allowable catch quotas) by any given fishing sector or fisher irrespective of
any input regulations'.[3]
The ban introduced by the government in April 2015 on all boats over
130 metres in length from undertaking fishing-related activities within
the AFZ is an example of an input control. The 'super trawler' ban
notwithstanding, in most of the fisheries AFMA manages, including the SPF,
output controls form the basis of the management framework. These output
controls are based on total allowable catches (TACs) and individual
transferable quotas (ITQs).[4]
That is, AFMA imposes a quota system for each species in the fishery that
limits individual fishers to the amount of quota they hold and the entire
fishery to the TAC set for each season. ITQs are granted as statutory fishing
rights (SFRs); to fish in the SPF, an operator must hold quota SFRs for all
target species in the fishery.[5]
The ITQ is based on a proportion of the TAC; that is, if the TAC
increases, the 'proportion that one SFR entitles the holder to remains the same
but the quantity (in kilograms) they can take increases'.[6]
If a vessel is in excess of its quota, it can seek to lease quota from another
party to cover the excess fish.[7]
The determination of the TAC is informed by the 2007 Commonwealth
Fisheries Harvest Strategy Policy (HSP).[8]
The objective of the HSP is 'the sustainable and profitable utilisation of
Australia's Commonwealth fisheries in perpetuity through the implementation of
harvest strategies that maintain key commercial stocks at ecologically
sustainable levels and within this context, maximise the economic returns to
the Australian community'.[9]
The CSIRO explained that the HSP:
...attempts to explicitly address the economic and ecological
sustainability of the fish stocks by achieving a biomass that delivers Maximum
Economic Yield (MEY) target...with 48% of the unfished biomass as the default,
rather than maximum sustainable yield (often set at 40% of unfished biomass).
Moreover, fisheries are closed, or targeting and catch bans are imposed, once
the estimated stock biomass drops below 20% of the unfished biomass.[10]
The Small Pelagic Fishery Management Plan 2009 requires a TAC for each
quota species in each sub-area of the SPF for each season.[11]
The TAC is determined by taking the total mortality from fishing by all sources
(the recommended biological catch, or RBC) and subtracting other known sources
of fishing mortality, such as the catch taken by state fishers.[12]
In setting the TAC, and in managing the fishery more generally, AFMA
must undertake consultation with the management advisory committee for the SPF
established under the Fisheries Administration Act 1991,[13]
which is currently the South East Management Advisory Committee (SEMAC).[14]
AFMA must also take into account:
advice from the resource assessment group for the SPF about the
stock status of the quota species (that is, the resource assessment group
provides advice on the RBC);[15]
the harvest strategy for the quota species AFMA has developed;
all fishing mortality of the quota species, from all sub-areas
within the fishery and overlapping or adjacent fisheries for the species;
the ecological implications of taking the amount of the species;
the distribution, population and structure of the species; and
the precautionary principle.[16]
AFMA may also consider the views of any other interested person.[17]
The harvest strategy for the SPF utilises a tiered system of assessment
for setting TACs for each quota species. The Australian Bureau of Agricultural
and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), in the submission from the
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, explained that the tiered
frameworks comprises four tier levels, with each level having different
information requirements and harvest control rules. The tier levels are as
Tier 1 is the highest level of assessment and provides the
'greatest certainty in RBC setting and allows the highest potential harvest
rate'. Tier 1 is based on 'a quantitative stock assessment and an Annual
Fishery Assessment'.
Tier 2 'provides a medium level of assessment based on an Annual
Fishery Assessment and allows a lower potential harvest rate'.
Tier 2(b) – Atlantis, provides a lower levels of assessment based
on an Annual Fishery Assessment and estimates from an ecosystem model known as
Tier 3 'is the lowest level of assessment and applies when the
requirements of other tier levels are not met'.[18]
In its Fishery status reports 2015, ABARES provided the following
explanation of how the harvest control rules for the different tiers operate, and
the quality of the information needed to qualify for a particular tier:
Maximum exploitation rates of 20 to 25 per cent of current
biomass are internationally recommended to ensure that a high proportion of
fish remain in the ecosystem...As a result, the SPF tier 1 harvest control rules
use a maximum exploitation rate of 20 per cent of estimated spawning biomass
from a recent DEPM survey as the basis for setting RBCs. This is more
conservative than the internationally recommended 20 to 25 per cent of current
biomass. If there are no further DEPM surveys, the RBC is reduced from 20 to 10
per cent over five years, from the year the spawning biomass estimate was last
determined using the DEPM surveys. This reduction accounts for increasing
uncertainty in stock status since the last survey.[19]
ABARES submitted that the tiered harvest strategy framework used in the
April 2015 revision of the SPF harvest strategy 'is appropriate for the SPF
because it accommodates growth of the fishery and the consequent collection of
additional information to support stock assessment'. ABARES added:
Underpinning the tiered approach is the need to balance risk
with knowledge by establishing exploitation rates that are initially very
conservative and which increase (but remain conservative) as additional
information (i.e. quantitative measures of spawning biomass) becomes available.[20]
Figures for the catch limits in the SPF in recent seasons are at Table
2.1. AFMA reports that the TACs for the 2015–16 season 'leave 92.4 per cent of
the combined estimated biomass of SPF stocks in the water for the marine
environment and other uses such as recreational fishing'.[21]
ABARES submitted that the TACs 'are set at precautionary and sustainable
levels, taking broader ecosystem impacts into consideration'.[22]
Stakeholders' concerns about the TACs are discussed in Chapter 3.
2.1: Recent TAC and catch history for the small pelagic fishery (tonnes)
2014–15 TAC(1)
2014–15 catch(1)
2015–16 TAC(1)
2015–16 catch(3)
2016–17 TAC(2)
Total estimated stock(1)
Blue mackerel east
40,000 (at 2008)
Blue mackerel west
86,500 (at 2005)
Jack mackerel east
157,805 (at 2014)
Jack mackerel west
Redbait east
68,886 (at 2005–06)
Redbait west
Australian sardine
40,000 (at 2004)
Sources: (1) AFMA, Submission
18, Attachment 3; (2) AFMA, 'Total allowable catch and catches in the Small
Pelagic Fishery' (tabled by AFMA on 1 November 2016).
As noted in Chapter 1, the SPF is divided into east and west sub-areas.
In addition, AFMA divides the SPF into seven management zones. Zones 1 to
4 are contained in the west sub-area and zones 5 to 7 are located in the east
sub-area. AFMA further divides part of the fishery into 120 grids. The regional
catch limits referenced to these grid areas are relevant to concerns about
localised depletion, which are discussed in Chapter 3.
The map at Figure 2.1 depicts the management zones and grid areas.
Figure 2.1: SPF management zones and catch

AFMA, Answer to question on notice, no. 67, Senate Rural and Regional Affairs
and Transport Legislation Committee, Budget Estimates 2015–16, May 2015.
Bycatch of non-target species and interactions with protected species
Under the Fisheries Management Act 1991, AFMA must have regard to
the impact of fishing activities on non-target species and the long-term
sustainability of the marine environment.[23]
In addition to the pursuit of the Fisheries Management Act objectives, the
management of Commonwealth fisheries is also assessed against EPBC Act requirements,
including the measures for minimising interactions with species protected under
the EPBC Act.[24]
This section discusses the regulatory approach to the bycatch of non-quota
species and the harm commercial fishing causes to protected species.
Bycatch include species that are not usually kept by commercial fishers
for either commercial or regulatory reasons. For the SPF, AFMA defines bycatch
as being:
catch other than the four target species in the SPF;
the part of the catch that 'does not reach the deck of the
fishing vessel but is affected by interaction with fishing gear'; and
catch (of target species or bycatch) that is discarded 'because
either it has low commercial value or because regulation precludes it from
being retained'.[25]
The approach to bycatch in the SPF is also informed by:
the Ministerial Direction to AFMA of 2005 (see Chapter 1); and
the Commonwealth Policy on Fisheries Bycatch (2000), which
'commits all Commonwealth fisheries to bycatch reduction, improved protection
for protected species and minimising any adverse impacts of bycatch on the
marine environment'. Under the Policy, a bycatch action plan is required for
each fishery.[26]
The current plan for the SPF is AFMA's Small Pelagic Fishery: Bycatch and Discarding
Workplan 2014–2016.
A vessel management plan (VMP), which is enforced through SFR
conditions, can also provide 'individually tailored mitigation measures'. The
measures included in VMPs are designed to minimise seabird, seal and dolphin
The VMP for the Geelong Star contains
bycatch mitigation requirements that include 'the use of a seal excluder device
or barrier net, marine mammal observation and move-on measures, bird scaring
devices, offal management measures, marine mammal and seabird handling
practices and a comprehensive network of spatial closures to reduce the
likelihood of interactions with Australian sea lions'.[28]
The latest VMP for the Geelong Star is version 2.0. This VMP was
released by AFMA and came into effect on 31 October 2016.[29]
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources also noted that, under
Part 13 of the EPBC Act, it is an offence to harm protected species, other than
conservation dependant species, in Commonwealth waters 'unless fishers have a
permit or the management arrangements for the fishery are accredited by the
Environment Minister'.[30]
The department added that Part 13 accreditation for the SPF requires that
mid-water trawl boats:
...must have in place effective mitigation approaches and
devices to minimise interactions with seabirds, seals and dolphins. This
condition is being addressed though AFMA's management, primarily the
development and implementation of VMPs for all SPF mid-water trawl boats.[31]
Compliance and monitoring
AFMA oversees fishing activity in the SPF through the use of:
GPS-based vessel monitoring systems, which are compulsory for all
fishing vessels in the Commonwealth's jurisdiction;
observer coverage, with the level of coverage dependent on the
daily logbooks; and
electronic monitoring, such as cameras, which is used to verify
logbooks and is compulsory in various fisheries and for the Geelong Star—AFMA
submitted that the use of these monitoring systems 'enables AFMA to know where
every fishing boat is, what they have caught and where they have caught it'.[32]
For the Geelong Star, initially an AFMA observer was required to
be on board the vessel for the first ten trips, or the first 12 months,
whichever is longer, and then as directed by AFMA.[33]
The latest VMP released in October 2016 requires that the Geelong Star
now carry an AFMA observer 'at all times'.[34]
Although not a requirement, an additional bycatch officer was on board the
vessel to monitor bycatch mitigation 'in the initial stage of this vessel's
development'. At the November 2016 public hearing, AFMA advised that the
bycatch officer is no longer present on the vessel's fishing trips.[35]
Some of these compliance arrangements are informed by requirements
imposed by authorities other than AFMA. Accreditation by the Environment
Minister of the Small Pelagic Fishery Management Plan 2009 under Part 13 of the
EPBC Act was conditional on measures to mitigate interactions with protected
species and 'for new mid-water trawl vessels in the fishery to have observer
coverage for the first 10 trips'.[36]
The following chapters outline the evidence received about the consequences
of the activities of the Geelong Star. Concerns about the vessel's
impact on the marine environment will be examined first, followed by social and
economic effects. Although these issues are separated in this report, it is
acknowledged they are interrelated to some extent.
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