
Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 138, 22 February 2016, pp. 3735–36.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No. 5, 13 September 2016, p. 177.

[3]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 3.

[4]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 6.

[5]        Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 3.

[6]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 6.

[7]        Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 4.

[8]        APPEA, Submission 46, p. 9.

[9]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 6.

[10]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 6.

[11]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 8. See also, South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 3.

[12]      A frontier basin is defined as one that is considered prospective for hydrocarbons due to its geology, but where no hydrocarbon discoveries have been made.

[13]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 6.

[14]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 6.

[15]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 10.

[16]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, pp. 11–12.

[17]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, pp. 12–13.

[18]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p.12.

[19]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p.13.

[20]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p.13.

[21]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 6.

[22]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 14.

[23]      Australian Government, Director of National Parks, 'Great Australian Bight Marine Park (Commonwealth & State waters) – A Description of Values and Uses', 2005, p. 1,, (accessed 10 August 2016).

[24]      Australian Government, Director of National Parks, 'Great Australian Bight Marine Park (Commonwealth & State waters) – A Description of Values and Uses', 2005, p. 1.

[25]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 28 April 2016, p. 27.

[26]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 27.

[27]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 27. For more information on the natural values of the Nuyts Archipelago, see: Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (SA), Nuyts Archipelago Marine Park Management Plan 2012, p. 6. See also the Department for Environment and Heritage (SA), Island Parks of the Western Eyre Peninsula Management Plan (2006).

[28]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 27. See also Department of Environment and Planning (SA), Coorong National Park Management Plan (1991).

[29]      See:

[30]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 28.

[31]      NOPSEMA, 'Guidance Note – Activities within Commonwealth Marine Reserves', 26 November 2015, p. 3.

[32]      Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, s. 367.

[33]      NOPSEMA, 'Guidance Note – Activities within Commonwealth Marine Reserves', 26 November 2015, p. 3.

[34]      NOPSEMA, 'Guidance Note – Activities within Commonwealth Marine Reserves', 26 November 2015, p. 3.

[35]      Department of the Environment, Submission 15, pp. 7–8.

[36]      Department of the Environment and Energy, Former Great Australian Bight Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters),, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[37]      Department of the Environment and Energy, Former Great Australian Bight Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters),

[38]      Department of the Environment and Energy, Great Australian Bight Commonwealth Marine Reserve,

[39]      Department of the Environment, Submission 15, p. 8.

[40]      Department of the Environment, Submission 15, p. 8. For more information on approvals for activities see:

[41]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 15. See also Sea Shepherd Australia, Submission 18, p. 1.

[42]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 31. See also the Department of Environment and Energy, 'Threatened Whale Species',

[43]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 30.

[44]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 32; International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, pp. 3–4.

[45]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 32.

[46]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 32.

[47]      Mr Laurent Lebreton, Submission 35, Attachment 1, p. 15.

[48]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 33.

[49]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 4.

[50]      Mr Laurent Lebreton, Submission 35, Attachment 1, p. 15.

[51]      Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 2; BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 33.

[52]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 33; Mr Laurent Lebreton, Submission 35, Attachment 1, p. 15.

[53]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 16.

[54]      Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 17.

[55]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 3.

[56]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 3.

[57]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 3.

[58]      Mr Laurent Lebreton, Submission 35, Attachment 1, p. 16

[59]      Miss Rebecca Faulkner, Submission 38, p. 9.

[60]      Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula, Regional Profile 2014–16, September 2014, p. 25,, (accessed 3 March 2017). See also Miss Rebecca Faulkner, Submission 38, p. 9.

[61]      South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 11.

[62]      South Australian Oyster Growers Association, Submission 42, p. 4.

[63]      South Australian Oyster Growers Association, Submission 42, p. 2.

[64]      Mr Laurent Lebreton, Submission 35, Attachment 1, p. 17. See also Miss Rebecca Faulkner, Submission 38, p. 9.

[65]      Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula, Regional Profile 2014–16, September 2014, p. 27,, (3 March 2017).

[66]      Aboriginal Lands Trust, Submission 84, p. 2.

[67]      Aboriginal Lands Trust, Submission 84, p. 2.

[68]      Mr Laurent Lebreton, Submission 35, Attachment 1, p. 17. See also Sea Shepherd, Submission 18, p. 5.

[69]      City of Victor Harbor, Submission 12, p. 1.

[70]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 24.

[71]      Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 5.

[72]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 6.

[73]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 27.

[74]      Humane Society International, Submission 3, p. 2.

[75]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, p. 31.

[76]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 14.

[77]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 2.

[78]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 2.

[79]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 5.

[80]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 5.

[81]      Clean Bight Alliance Australia, Submission 23, p. 8.

[82]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 6.

Chapter 2 - Regulatory framework for oil and gas exploration and production

[1]        South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 4.

[2]        NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 7.

[3]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 10.

[4]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 10.

[5]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 11.

[6]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 11.

[7]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 11.

[8]        South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 4.

[9]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 12.

[10]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 12.

[11]      'Acreage' refers to vacant offshore areas in Commonwealth waters for which companies can place a competitive bid.

[12]      For more information on acreage release see See also Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, pp. 15–16.

[13]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 15.

[14]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 15.

[15]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 15.

[16]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 16.

[17]      Work program bidding allocates exploration acreage to the applicant who is proposing the most amount of work to explore the petroleum potential of a release area, subject to having the technical and financial competence to meet their work commitments. Under a competitive cash bidding system, applicants offer cash bids for the right to explore with exploration permits being awarded to the highest cash bidder. Permit holders have the exclusive right to apply for production licence if a resource is discovered. Cash bidding is used to allocate offshore petroleum acreage in mature areas and in areas containing known petroleum accumulations. The work program bidding system has been maintained for all other areas. See Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, 'Competitive Cash-Bidding Fact Sheet',

[18]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 16.

[19]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 16.

[20]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 16.

[21]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 4

[22]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 4

[23]      Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, s. 646. See also NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 7.

[24]      Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, s. 569. See also NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 8.

[25]      Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, s. 280. See also NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 8.

[26]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 8.

[27]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 8.

[28]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 4.

[29]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 21.

[30]      NOPSEMA, Assessment Process,, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[31]      NOPSEMA, Assessment Process,, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[32]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 13.

[33]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 13.

[34]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 12.

[35]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 21.

[36]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 14.

[37]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 24.

[38]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 24.

[39]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 21.

[40]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 21.

[41]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 21.

[42]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 25.

[43]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, pp. 25–26.

[44]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 26.

[45]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 14.

[46]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 14.

[47]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 14.

[48]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 3, p. 6.

[49]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 4, p. 17.

[50]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 19.

[51]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 19.

[52]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 19.

[53]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 19.

[54]      The titles were later transferred to BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd in 2012.

[55]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, pp. 16–17.

[56]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 17.

[57]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 17.

[58]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 17.

[59]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 17.

[60]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 17.

[61]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 17.

[62]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 16.

[63]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 16.

[64]      NOPSEMA outlined on their website that they were unable to make a decision within the 30 day timeframe as it considered the Environment Plan required a complex assessment.

[65]      NOPSEMA, Great Australian Bight Exploration Drilling Program,, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[66]      NOPSEMA, Great Australian Bight Exploration Drilling Program,, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[67]      NOPSEMA, Great Australian Bight Exploration Drilling Program,, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[68]      Available with The Wilderness Society submission, Submission 79. See also Chapter 3.

[69]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 3.

[70]      NOPSEMA, Great Australian Bight Exploration Drilling Program,, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[71]      BP Developments Australia, Press Releases, BP decides not to proceed with Great Australian Bite exploration, 11 October 2016,, (accessed 27 October 2016).

[72]      NOPSEMA, BP withdraws Environment Plans for drilling in the Great Australian Bight, 21 December 2016,, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[73]      NOPSEMA, BP withdraws Environment Plans for drilling in the Great Australian Bight, 21 December 2016,, (accessed 15 February 2017).

[74]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 5.

[75]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 5.

[76]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 5.

[77]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 5.

[78]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 5.

Chapter 3 - Regulatory issues

[1]        See Chapter 2.

[2]        Dr David Moffat, Chevron, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 43.

[3]        International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 8.

[4]        Humane Society International, Submission 3, p. 3.

[5]        Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 6.

[6]        Dr David Ellis, Submission 30, p. 75.

[7]        Mr Lyndon Schneiders, The Wilderness Society, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 36.

[8]        Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 34.

[9]        Ms Rachel Walmsley, EDOs Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 19.

[10]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 63.

[11]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 62.

[12]      Mr Cameron Grebe, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 54. See also NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 5.

[13]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 15.

[14]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 5.

[15]      Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 15.

[16]      For more information on this consultation process see Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 23.

[17]      Humane Society International, Submission 74, p. 1.

[18]      See EDOs of Australia, Submission 14, Appendix1.

[19]      EDOs of Australia, Submission 14, p. 2.

[20]      EDOs of Australia, Submission 14, p. 2.

[21]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 62.

[22]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 63.

[23]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, pp. 62–63.

[24]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 6. See also Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 13.

[25]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 6. See also Mr James Tregurtha, Department of the Environment and Energy, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 2.

[26]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 6.

[27]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, pp. 14–15.

[28]      Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 59.

[29]      Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 59. See also Mr Cameron Grebe, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 59.

[30]      Mr Cameron Grebe, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 59.

[31]      Mr Cameron Grebe, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 34.

[32]      South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 6.

[33]      Santos Ltd, Submission 16, p. 7.

[34]      Mr James Tregurtha, Department of the Environment and Energy, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 7.

[35]      Ms Trudy McGowan, Executive Officer, South Australian Oyster Growers Association, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 51.

[36]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 8.

[37]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 8.

[38]      Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 6.

[39]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 61.

[40]      Ms Kathryn Warhurst, Conservation Council of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 25.

[41]      EDO (SA), Submission 9, pp. 2–3.

[42]      EDO (SA), Submission 9, p. 3.

[43]      EDO (SA), Submission 9, p. 3.

[44]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 13. See also Chapter 2.

[45]      Mr Cameron Grebe, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 34.

[46]      Environmental Defenders Office SA (Inc), Submission 9, p. 2.

[47]      Mr Peter Owen, The Wilderness Society, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 24.

[48]      Ms Jessica Lerch, The Wilderness Society, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, pp. 24–25. See also The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 61.

[49]      Clean Bight Alliance Australia, Submission 23, p. 2.

[50]      Clean Bight Alliance Australia, Submission 23, p. 2.

[51]      Mr Lyndon Schneiders, The Wilderness Society, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 36.

[52]      Ms Kathryn Warhurst, Conservation Council of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 25.

[53]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 37.

[54]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 37.

[55]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 39. For a further discussion of the results of this modelling see Chapter 5.

[56]      See The Conservation Council of South Australia, Submission 14; Dr David Ellis, Submission 30; Clean Bight Alliance Australia, Submission 23; International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29; Miss Rebecca Faulkner, Submission 38; Emeritus Professor Robert Bea, Submission 73; Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Submission 76.

[57]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, p, 14.

[58]      Kangaroo Island Council, Submission 78, p. 5.

[59]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, p, 8.

[60]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 21.

[61]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 21.

[62]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 21.

[63]      Ms Kerry Colbung, Aboriginal Lands Trust, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 9.

[64]      Ms Kerry Colbung, Aboriginal Lands Trust, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 10.

[65]      Ms Virginia Leek, Crown Solicitor's Office South Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 10.

[66]      Aboriginal Lands Trust, Submission 84, p. 3.

[67]      Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Submission 77, p. 5.

[68]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, p. 24.

[69]      Mr Matthew Doman, APPEA, Committee Hansard. 16 November 2016, p. 57.

[70]      Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 6.

[71]      Mr Lyndon Schneiders, The Wilderness Society, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 39.

[72]      Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 52.

[73]      Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 56.

[74]      South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 9.

[75]      For more information see: and

[76]      See

[77]      Dr Malcolm Roberts, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, pp. 6–7.

[78]      Dr Malcolm Roberts, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 56. See also BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, p. 10.

[79]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, p. 15.

[80]      Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 37.

[81]      Mr Mike Lawson, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 8.

[82]      Mr Mike Lawson, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 8.

Chapter 4 - Effects of oil and gas exploration and production in the Great Australian Bight

[1]        Dr Malcolm Roberts, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 1. See also Dr Malcolm Roberts, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 56.

[2]        APPEA, Submission 46, p. 9.

[3]        Ms Claire Fitzpatrick, BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 50.

[4]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 6.

[5]        Dr Malcolm Roberts, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 1.

[6]        APPEA, Submission 46, p. 10.

[7]        Dr David Moffat, General Manager, Exploration, Chevron Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 45.

[8]        Dr David Moffat, General Manager, Exploration, Chevron Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 43.

[9]        Government of South Australia, Submission 44, p. 12.

[10]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 5.

[11]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 5.

[12]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 5.

[13]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, p. 2.

[14]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, p. 33. See also Ms Claire Fitzpatrick, Managing Director, BP Development Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 44.

[15]      Infrastructure Magazine, 'Fueling South Australia's port infrastructure', 3 November 2016,, (accessed 20 February 2017).

[16]      Mr Peter Owen, Director, The Wilderness Society, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, pp. 23–24.

[17]      The Australia Institute, Submission 37, p. 1. See also Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Submission 77, p. 6.

[18]      The Australia Institute, Submission 37, pp. 5–6. See also Dr David Ellis, Submission 30, p. 77.

[19]      Australian Maritime Officers Union, Submission 75, p. 7.

[20]      Aboriginal Lands Trust, Submission 84, p. 3.

[21]      The Australia Institute, Submission 37, p. 4.

[22]      Mr Roderick Campbell, Research Director, The Australia Institute, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2017, p. 10.

[23]      South Australian Oysters Growers Association, Submission 82, p. 1. See also South Australian Oyster Growers Association, Submission 42, p. 1.

[24]      South Australian Oysters Growers Association, Submission 82, pp. 8–9.

[25]      South Australian Oysters Growers Association, Submission 82, p. 10.

[26]      South Australian Oysters Growers Association, Submission 82, p. 10.

[27]      See for example, Miss Rebecca Faulkner, Submission 38, p. 9.

[28]      Mr Roderick Campbell, Research Director, The Australia Institute, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2017, p. 12.

[29]      The Australia Institute, Submission 37, p. 8.

[30]      The Australia Institute, Submission 37, p. 5.

[31]      South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 13.

[32]      Mr Roderick Campbell, Research Director, The Australia Institute, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2017, p. 13.

[33]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 49.

[34]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2017, p. 30.

[35]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 49.

[36]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 49.

[37]      Ms Claire Fitzpatrick, BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 46.

[38]      Mr Mike Lawson, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 9.

[39]      Ms Marie Illman, Manager, Offshore Exploration, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 5; Mr Mike Lawson, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 6.

[40]      For more information on the PRRT, see:

[41]      Australian Taxation Office, Answers to Questions on Notice, Senate Economics Legislation Committee, Supplementary Budget Estimates 2016–2017, Question 250, 19 October 2016 (received 9 December 2016).

[42]      For more information on the review see:

[43]      For more information see:

[44]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 12.

[45]      Mr Derrick O'Keefe, Murphy Australia Oil, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 62.

[46]      Mr Mike Lawson, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 3.

[47]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 13.

[48]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 28.

[49]      Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 6.

[50]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 7.

[51]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 22.

[52]      Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 6; see also Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 32; Humane Society International, Submission 3, p. 2.

[53]      South Australian Oyster Growers Association, Submission 42, p. 2. See also Mr Jeff Hansen, Sea Shepherd Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 19.

[54]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 3.

[55]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 2.

[56]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 13.

[57]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, pp. 1–2.

[58]      Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 6.

[59]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 25. See also Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Conservation Management Plan for the Southern Right Whale 2011–2021, 2012, pp. 33–34,, (accessed 18 January 2016).

[60]      Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 4. See also Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 1.

[61]      Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 6.

[62]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 5.

[63]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 5.

[64]      Mr Rodney Keogh, Fowlers Bay Eco Park, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 65.

[65]      Mr Rodney Keogh, Fowlers Bay Eco Park, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 66.

[66]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 5.

[67]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 6.

[68]      Ms Claire Charlton, Curtin University Great Australian Bight Whale Project, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 4.

[69]      Mr Russell Lagdon, Chevron Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 46.

[70]      Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19; p. 6. See also Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 6; Professor Will Steffen, Submission 27, p. 1; Miss Rebecca Faulkner, Submission 38, p. 5; Conservation Council of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 2.

[71]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 4.

Chapter 5 - Environmental and economic impacts in the event of an oil spill

[1]        Stochastic modelling demonstrates the probability of where an oil spill may impact for defined time periods by running a series of trajectories under various wind conditions from historic records. These outputs illustrate the waters and shorelines that are most at risk from oiling during various seasons. It is primarily used for contingency planning purposes to develop a range of possible planning scenarios.

[2]        The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 39.

[3]        The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, p. 7. See also Mr Laurent Lebreton, Submission 35, Attachment 1, for a complete copy of the analysis.

[4]        The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, pp. 39–40.

[5]        See The Conservation Council of South Australia, Submission 14; Dr David Ellis, Submission 30; Clean Bight Alliance Australia, Submission 23; International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29; Miss Rebecca Faulkner, Submission 38; Emeritus Professor Robert Bea, Submission 73; Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Submission 76.

[6]        The Norwood Resource Incorporated, Submission 35, p. 3.

[7]        BP, Fate and effects oil spill modelling assumptions, parameters and results, 14 September 2016,, (accessed 24 February 2017). See also The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, Attachment 1.

[8]        BP, Fate and effects oil spill modelling assumptions, parameters and results, 14 September 2016, p. 3.

[9]        BP, Fate and effects oil spill modelling assumptions, parameters and results, 14 September 2016, pp. 14–15.

[10]      City of Victor Harbor, Submission 12, pp. 2–3.

[11]      South Australian Oysters Growers Association, Submission 82, p. 3.

[12]      Ms Trudy McGowan, SAOGA, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 53.

[13]      Dr David Ellis, Submission 30, p. 78.

[14]      City of Victor Harbor, Submission 12, p. 2.

[15]      Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, pp. 3–4.

[16]      Mr Ben Byass, Submission 66, p. 1.

[17]      Kangaroo Island Council, Submission 78, p. 2.

[18]      Aboriginal Lands Trust, Submission 84, p. 3.

[19]      Aboriginal Lands Trust, Submission 84, p. 3.

[20]      Aboriginal Lands Trust, Submission 84, p. 3.

[21]      Ms Kerry Colbung, Aboriginal Lands Trust, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 13.

[22]      Mr Bunna Lawrie, Submission 62, p. 1.

[23]      Mr Bunna Lawrie, Submission 62, pp. 1–2.

[24]      Mr Bunna Lawrie, Submission 62, p. 1.

[25]      Mr Bunna Lawrie, Submission 62, p. 1.

[26]      Mr Bunna Lawrie, Submission 62, p. 2.

[27]      Clean Bight Alliance, Submission 23, Attachment 1, p. 1.

[28]      Ms Kerry Colbung, Aboriginal Lands Trust, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 9.

[29]      Conservation Council of South Australia, Submission 13, p. 1. See also International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 1; Sea Shepherd Australia, Submission 18, pp. 1–2; Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 3; Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 2.

[30]      City of Victor Harbor, Submission 12, p. 2.

[31]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 27.

[32]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 27.

[33]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 27.

[34]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 27.

[35]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 72.

[36]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 72.

[37]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 28.

[38]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 31.

[39]      Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 2.

[40]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 72.

[41]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, pp. 72–73.

[42]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 5.

[43]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 32.

[44]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p.73.

[45]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 73.

[46]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 5.

[47]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 5.

[48]      Volatile hydrocarbons are compounds that are either gases or liquids that can evaporate and act as a gas.

[49]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 73.

[50]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 33.

[51]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 5. See also Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 31.

[52]      National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,, (accessed 15 February 2017). See also International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 5.

[53]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 27. See also International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 1 and p. 5.

[54]      Ms Kathryn Warhurst, Conservation Council of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 19.

[55]      Sea Shepherd Australia, Submission 18, p. 4.

[56]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 33.

[57]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 70.

[58]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 70.

[59]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 70.

[60]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 70.

[61]      Dinoflagellates are microscopic unicellular algae which often have a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with corals.

[62]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 70.

[63]      Sea Shepherd Australia, Submission 18, p. 1.

[64]      Sea Shepherd Australia, Submission 18, p. 8.

[65]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 71.

[66]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 71.

[67]      Mariculture is a specialised branch of aquaculture involving the cultivation of marine species in enclosed sections of the ocean. For example, tuna and salmon farming, and oyster production.

[68]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 71.

[69]      Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 3.

[70]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 71.

[71]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 73.

[72]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 28.

[73]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 4.

[74]      Humane Society International, Submission 3, p. 2.

[75]      Ms Kathryn Warhurst, Conservation Council of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, pp. 18–19.

[76]      Mr Lyndon Schneiders, The Wilderness Society, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 33.

[77]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, pp. 73–74.

[78]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 74.

[79]      NOPSEMA, Submission 7, Attachment 6, p. 74.

[80]      Humane Society International, Submission 3, p. 2.

[81]      Clean Bight Alliance Australia, Submission 23, p. 5.

[82]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 21.

Chapter 6 - Capacity to prevent, and mitigate the effect of an oil spill

[1]        South Australian Government, Submission 44, pp. 6–7.

[2]        NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 27. See also South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 7.

[3]        AMSA, Submission 2, Attachment 1, p. 22.

[4]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 25.

[5]        AMSA, Submission 2, Attachment 1, p. 22.

[6]        Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 26.

[7]        The National Plan can be found as Attachment 1 to AMSA, Submission 2.

[8]        AMSA, National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies,, (accessed 22 February 2017).

[9]        AMSA, Submission 2, p. 1.

[10]      AMSA, National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies,, (accessed 22 February 2017).

[11]      AMSA, Submission 2, p. 2.

[12]      AMSA, Submission 2, p. 2.

[13]      AMSA, Submission 2, p. 2.

[14]      A blowout is an uncontrolled release of crude oil and/or natural gas after pressure control systems have failed. Most oil rigs are now equipped with blowout preventers, however as seen in the Deepwater Horizon incident, these can fail.

[15]      This document can be found at

[16]      BP, Oil spill response planning strategic overview, 9 September 2016, p. 7., (accessed 15 February 2017) . See also The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, Attachment 1.

[17]      BP, Oil spill response planning strategic overview, 9 September 2016, p. 9. See also The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, Attachment 1.

[18]      BP, Oil spill response planning strategic overview, 9 September 2016, pp. 9–11. See also The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, Attachment 1.

[19]      BP, Oil spill response planning strategic overview, 9 September 2016, p. 12. See also The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, Attachment 1.

[20]      BP, Oil spill response planning strategic overview, 9 September 2016, p. 13. See also The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, Attachment 1.

[21]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 8.

[22]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 8.

[23]      AMOSC, Submission 11, p. 2.

[24]      AMOSC, Submission 11, p. 2.

[25]      AMOSC, Submission 11, p. 12.

[26]      AMOSC, Submission 11, p. 12.

[27]      AMOSC, Submission 11, pp. 12–13.

[28]      AMOSC, Submission 11, p. 14.

[29]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 9.

[30]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 9.

[31]      Ms Claire Fitzpatrick, BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 44.

[32]      Ms Claire Fitzpatrick, BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 43.

[33]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 10.

[34]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 10.

[35]      Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 3.

[36]      Conservation Council SA, Submission 13, p. 2.

[37]      Mr Matthew Collis, IFAW, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 27.

[38]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 2.

[39]      Conservation Council SA, Submission 13, p. 2.

[40]      Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Submission 22, p. 4.

[41]      The Humane Society International, Submission 3, p. 2.

[42]      Mr Jeff Hansen, Sea Shepherd Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 17.

[43]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, p. 9.

[44]      Ms Kathryn Warhurst, Conservation Council of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 20. See also Australian Marine Conservation Society, Submission 19, p. 3.

[45]      Kangaroo Island Council, Submission 78, p. 6.

[46]      Mr Jeff Hansen, Sea Shepherd Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 17.

[47]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 2.

[48]      BP, Oil spill response planning strategic overview, 9 September 2016, p. 9. See also The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, Attachment 1.

[49]      International Fund for Animal Welfare, Submission 29, p. 2.

[50]      Mr Jeff Hansen, Sea Shepherd Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 16.

[51]      Kangaroo Island Council, Submission 78, p. 6.

[52]      Mr Jeff Hansen, Sea Shepherd Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 19.

[53]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 79, p. 10.

[54]      Humane Society International, Submission 3, p. 3. See also Ms Emily Mitchell, Submission 47, p. 20.

[55]      Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins, Submission 64, p. 6.

[56]      Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins, Submission 64, p. 7.

[57]      Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins, Submission 64, p. 7.

[58]      Emeritus Professor Robert Bea, Submission 73, p. 3

[59]      Emeritus Professor Robert Bea, Submission 73. See also Mr Laurent Lebreton, Submission 35.

[60]      Emeritus Professor Robert Bea, Submission 73, p. 3.

[61]      The Humane Society International, Submission 3, p. 2.

[62]      The Australia Institute, Submission 37, p. 3.

[63]      The Wilderness Society, Submission 43, p. 36.

[64]      Santos Ltd, Submission 16, p. 9.

[65]      Kangaroo Island Council, Submission 78, p. 5.

[66]      Kangaroo Island Council, Submission 78, p. 5. See also Mr Jeff Hansen, Sea Shepherd Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 19.

[67]      Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins, Submission 64, p. 2.

[68]      Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins, Submission 64, p. 6.

[69]      Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins, Submission 64, pp. 3–4.

[70]      Emeritus Professor Robert Bea, Submission 73, p. 5.

[71]      Emeritus Professor Robert Bea, Submission 73, p. 3.

[72]      Sea Shepherd Australia, Submission 81, p. 3.

[73]      Emeritus Professor Robert Bea, Submission 73, p. 23.

[74]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, pp. 1–2, 13.

[75]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, pp. 17–21.

Additional comments from the Australian Greens

[1]        David Smith, 'Barack Obama bans oil and gas drilling in most of Arctic and Atlantic oceans', 21 December 2016,

[2]        FAQs on Actions being taken under the Canada-US Joint Arctic Statement,

[3]        An offshore petroleum project is a large-scale project where one or more petroleum activities are planned for the recovery of petroleum. An offshore project would not include drilling for exploration or appraisal purposes, or other petroleum exploration activities such as seismic surveys. However, all petroleum activities including those covered by an OPP require an accepted environment plan prior to proceeding. In the early stages of the design phase of an offshore petroleum project, a proponent must submit an offshore project proposal to NOPSEMA for assessment. For more information see: proposals/.

[4]        NOPSEMA, Offshore Project Proposal: Public Comment Information Paper, August 2016, p. 1,

[5]        NOPSEMA, Offshore Project Proposal: Public Comment Information Paper, August 2016, p. 1,

Additional comments from Senators Back, Gallacher and Reynolds

[1]        Dr Malcolm Roberts, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 7.

[2]        Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 59.

[3]        Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 59.

[4]        NOPSEMA, Submission 7, pp 14–15.

[5]        Mr Stuart Smith, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 59.

[6]        NOPSEMA, Submission 7, pp 14–15.

[7]        Mr Cameron Grebe, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 34.

[8]        South Australian Government, Submission 44, p. 6.

[9]        NOPSEMA, Submission 7, p. 16.

[10]      Mr Cameron Grebe, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 57.

[11]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 36.

[12]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 36.

[13]      Dr Malcolm Roberts, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 1.

[14]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 4, p. 6; see also Geoscience Australia, Submission 70, p. 2.

[15]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 11.

[16]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 3.

[17]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 11.

[18]      Dr David Moffat, General Manager, Exploration, Chevron Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 45.

[19]      Government of South Australia, Submission 44, p. 12.

[20]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 4.

[21]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 5.

[22]      Regional Development Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula/Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Submission 83, p. 5.

[23]      District Council of Ceduna, Submission 5, p. 4.

[24]      Infrastructure Magazine, 'Fueling South Australia's port infrastructure', 3 November 2016,, (accessed 20 February 2017).

[25]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Submission 72, p. 5.

[26]      Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, 'Resources taxation', (accessed 1 May 2017).

[27]      Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Review, Issues note, 20 December 2016,, (accessed 1 May 2017), p. 2.

[28]      Mr Mike Lawson, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 9.

[29]      Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Review, Issues note, 20 December 2016, p. 2.

[30]      See for example, Miss Rebecca Faulkner, Submission 38, p. 9.

[31]      For an example of a statement articulating this principle, See Treasury, Submission 19 to House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics inquiry into tax deductibility, January 2016, p. 2.

[32]      Australian Taxation Office, Review of the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax: ATO Submission, p. 4.

[33]      PRRT review, pp. 28–29.

[34]      Mr Mike Lawson, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 9.

[35]      Mr Mike Lawson, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Committee Hansard, 8 February 2017, p. 9.

[36]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 14.

[37]      Mr Derrick O'Keefe, Murphy Australia Oil, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2017, p. 64.

[38]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 22.

[39]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 22.

[40]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 22.

[41]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 22.

[42]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 37.

[43]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 4.

[44]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 5, p. 10.

[45]      Santos Ltd, Submission 16, p. 9.

[46]      Murphy Australia Oil, Submission 21, p. 4.

[47]      Dr David Moffat, Chevron Australia, Committee Hansard, 16 November 2016, p. 43.

[48]      Santos Ltd, Submission 16, pp. 8–9.

[49]      Dr Malcolm Roberts, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 4.

[50]      APPEA, Submission 46, p. 16.

[51]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, pp. 1–2, 13.

[52]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, pp. 17–21.

[53]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, pp. 13–15.

[54]      The US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 established the NRDA process.

[55]      BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Submission 20, Attachment 2.

[56]      Ms Claire Fitzpatrick, Managing Director, BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 47.

[57]      Ms Claire Fitzpatrick, Managing Director, BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 48.

[58]      Mr Stuart Smith, Chief Executive Officer, NOPSEMA, Committee Hansard, 28 April 2016, p. 59.

Additional Comments from Senator Nick Xenophon - Oil or gas production in the Great Australian Bight: A Precautionary Tale

[1] Another definition is that the precautionary principle requires 'that public policy include measures to avoid or diminish morally unacceptable harms that may result from human actions. The harms need not be certain outcomes of an action; it is sufficient that they be scientifically plausible'. Adams, M. D. (2002), 'The precautionary principle and the rhetoric behind it', Journal of Risk Research, 5, 301–316.