Correction to Media Diversity in Australia final report
Tabled on 9 December 2021
View the correction as a single document - (PDF 109KB)
At page 76, amend quote in paragraph 5.38
Delete ‘the mentality’ and insert 'an instrumentality’
The corrected quote to read:
‘If we’re saying that YouTube is the model that we want our regulator to abide by, that means we are
saying that the regulator should be able to shut down a major TV network with 30 minutes notice,
with no consultation, no explanation, no written justification and no procedural fairness. To me, that
sounds more like an instrumentality in a totalitarian state rather than a liberal democracy.’
At pages 77 and 84, amend quotes in paragraphs 5.44 and 6.13, respectively
Delete ‘[in suspending Sky News]’ and insert ‘[to ban all news media in February 2021]’
The corrected quotes to read:
‘The problem that we’ve seen with Facebook’s actions in the last 24 hours [to ban all news media in
February 2021] is that they give us a graphic example of what a very large new media monopoly can
do to abuse its power, just as we should be equally mindful of how a continuing media monopoly—
that’s Murdoch—also abuses its power and has done so for a long period of time’.