
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

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Page size:
 798 items in 40 pages
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Page size:
 798 items in 40 pages
1Icon Water (PDF 1498 KB) 
2Shoalhaven Bushwalkers Inc (PDF 99 KB) 
3Save the Brumbies Inc (PDF 1024 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 245 KB) 
3.1 Supplementary to submission 3 (PDF 105 KB) 
4Dr Jennie Whinam (PDF 112 KB) 
5Water for Rivers (PDF 126 KB) 
6Wild Horses Kimberley Inc (PDF 879 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 921 KB) 
7Australian Brumby Alliance Inc (PDF 858 KB) 
7.1 Supplementary to submission 7 (PDF 977 KB) 
8Dr Mike Braysher and Mr Terry Korn PSM (PDF 171 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 2072 KB) 
9HOOFS2010 Inc (PDF 588 KB) 
10Mr Andrew Turner (PDF 241 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 9197 KB) 
11Conservation Council ACT Region (PDF 216 KB) 
12Monaro Acclimatisation Society (PDF 127 KB) 
13Heritage Horse and Environment Protection Alliance (PDF 79 KB) 
13.1 Supplementary to submission 13 (PDF 169 KB) 
14Name Withheld (PDF 114 KB) 
15Byron Hikers' Club (PDF 70 KB) 
16White Alpine Equine (PDF 843 KB) 
17Professor Don White (PDF 268 KB) 
18Native Fish Australia Victoria Branch (PDF 43 KB) 
19Threatened Species Scientific Committee (PDF 216 KB) 
20Public Service Association of New South Wales (PDF 3377 KB) 

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Past Public Hearings

07 Sep 2023: Canberra
23 Aug 2023: Canberra


Inquiry Status



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