Submissions received by the Committee as at 5 May 2009

Submissions received by the Committee as at 5 May 2009

Spacer Image
Sub No. Submitter
1 Dr Anna Shepherd (PDF 9KB)
2 Hon. Dr Bob Such MP, Member for Fisher (PDF 603KB)
3 Dr Victor Wilk (PDF 3KB)
4 Aldgate Valley Landcare Group Inc (PDF 23KB)
5 Mr Barry Hebbard (PDF 870KB)
6 Mr Rob Hales (PDF 12KB)
7 Timber Communities Australia (PDF 40KB)
8 Mr Colin Smith (PDF 10KB)
9 Mr Sue Gould (PDF 200KB)
10 Ms Jo Murray (PDF 10KB)
11 Friends of Bass Valley Bush Inc Landcare Group (PDF 8KB)
12 Dr Chris James (PDF 262KB)
13 Mr Keith Sarah (PDF 18KB)
14 Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (PDF 279KB)
15 Ms Ann Jelinek (PDF 485KB)
16 Bendigo and District Environment Council Inc (BDEC) (PDF 134KB)
17 Ms Vivienne Ortega (PDF 28KB)
18 Land & Environment Planning (PDF 32KB)
19 Ms Sylvia Cooper (PDF 17KB)
20 Mr Dave Milligan (PDF 434KB)
21 Ms Maureen Cooper (PDF 26KB)
22 Sunshine Coast Environment Council (PDF 966KB)
23 Mrs Mavis Rowlands (PDF 271KB)
24 Dr Ralph Ballard (PDF 36KB)
25 Mr Julian and Ms Deborah Guess (PDF 5KB)
26 Ms Joanne Goossens (PDF 16KB)
27 Wildlife Protection Association of Australia Inc (PDF 326KB)
28 IFAW Asia Pacific (The International Fund for Animal Welfare (PDF 255KB)
29 Mr Peter Wadham (PDF 4KB)
30 Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 418KB)
30A Minerals Council of Australia (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 2808KB)
31 Port of Melbourne Corporation (PDF 476KB)
32 Ms Vanessa Richardson (PDF 945KB)
33 Ms Melissa Gunner (PDF 334KB)
34 Mr Ian Matthews (PDF 30KB)
35 Nature Conservation Council of NSW (PDF 268KB)
36 Mr George Villaflor (PDF 34KB); Attachment A - Photos of Fraser Island earthworks (PDF 788KB); Attachment B - Press article
on 'Dogfight over dingoes' (PDF 66KB)
37 Mrs Mary C Clemons (PDF 175KB)
38 Dr Chris McGrath (PDF 122KB); Attachment - Flying foxes, dams and whales: Using federal environmental laws in the
public interest (PDF 302KB)
39 Birds Australia (PDF 68KB)
40 Ms Carolyn Robins (PDF 17KB)
41 Ms Katherine Webb (PDF 5KB)
42 Ciro De Luca (PDF 5KB)
43 Central West Environment Council Inc of NSW (PDF 21KB)
44 Mr Steve Burgess & Ms Elaine Bradley (PDF 68KB)
45 Mr Graeme Armstrong (PDF 7KB)
46 Mr Craig and Ms Gabrielle Latta - Australian Freshwater Turtle Conservation and Research Association (AFTCRA Inc) (PDF 25KB)
47 Mr Michael Noble (PDF 15KB)
48 Friends of the Earth Melbourne (PDF 231KB)
49 Possum Centre Busselton Inc (PDF 100KB)
50 Ms Kellie Gee (PDF 11KB); Attachment (PDF 70KB)
51 The Wilderness Society (Sydney) (PDF 472KB)
52 Australian Conservation Foundation - Updated (PDF 498KB)
53 Bat Advocacy NSW (PDF 80KB)
54 Mr Michael Stokes (PDF 45KB)
55 Invasive Species Council Inc (PDF 300KB)
56 National Association of Forest Industries (NAFI) (PDF 113KB)
57 Commonwealth Fisheries Association (PDF 239KB)
58 Humane Society International (PDF 291KB); Attachment 1 - Joint Environmental NGO Letter of Support for Reform (PDF 573KB);
Attachment 2 - Submission on proposed additional MNES (PDF 401KB)
59 Australian Fisheries Management Authority (PDF 1293KB)
60 Ms Diana Palmer (PDF 8KB)
61 Limestone Plains Group (PDF 23KB)
62 Hume City Council (PDF 851KB)
63 South West Environment Centre (PDF 82KB)
64 Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (PDF 359KB)
65 Mr Tom Baxter - Updated (PDF 94KB); Attachment - Tasmania's Pulp Mill: The Forgotten Issue is Wood Supply (PDF 78KB)
66 Greater Mary Association Inc (PDF 95KB)
67 Office of the Secretary and Chief of the Defence Force (PDF 60KB)
68 Lawyers for Forests Inc (PDF 119KB)
69 Inland Rivers Network (PDF 89KB)
70 Professor Jon Altman & Mr Sean Kerins (PDF 2140KB)
71 Mr Jim Walker (PDF 13KB)
72 Bird Observation & Conservation Australia (PDF 1992KB)
73 Mr Brad Jessup (PDF 46KB)
74 Mr Justin Tutty (PDF 13KB)
75 Confidential
76 Mr Peter Robinson (PDF 365KB)
77 Confidential
78 Green Institute (PDF 38KB); Attachment 1 - Biodiversity Summit 2006: Proceedings (hard copy only); Attachment 2 - Wielangta Forest: Landmark Trial (PDF 251KB); Attachment 3 - The Swift Parrot in Tasmania: its Conservation Status and the Impact of
Logging on its Breeding Habitat (PDF 275KB)
79 Mr Ivan Jeray (PDF 12KB)
80 Save the Mary River Coordinating Group (PDF 2041KB); Attachment - Audit of Burnett Water Pty Ltd, Burnett River Dame (PDF 216KB)
81 WWF-Australia (PDF 178KB); Attachment 1 - Threatened Species Network (PDF 1474KB); Attachment 2 - Southern and Eastern Scalefish
and Shark Fishery Wildlife Trade Operation Re-assessment 2006 (PDF 154KB); Attachment 3 - Audit of Burnett Water Pty Ltd, Burnett
River Dam (PDF 113KB); Attachment 4 - Humane Society International & Tasmanian Conservation Trust: Comments on the Australian
Government's Draft Policy Statement: Use of environmental offsets under the EPBC Act 1999 (PDF 205KB); Attachment 5 - Building
Nature's Safety Net Initiative (PDF 3289KB); Attachment 6 - Excerpt from Hansard relating to ALP's posed amendment to the Act to include
a carbon trigger (PDF 56KB); Attachment 7 - Proposed drafting instructions for regulation of invasive species (PDF 67KB);
Attachment 8 - Windup report for the EPBC Project (PDF 4638KB)
82 Confidential
83 Dr Mark Drummond (PDF 13KB)
84 Colong Foundation for Wilderness (PDF 152KB); Revised (PDF 135KB)
84A Colong Foundation for Wilderness (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 269KB)
85 Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (PDF 1525KB)
86 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (PDF 44KB)
87 National Farmers' Federation (PDF 454KB)
88 Western Australian Forest Alliance (PDF 95KB)
89 Conservation Council of SA Inc (PDF 348KB)
90 Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices (ANEDO) (PDF 605KB)
91 Clarence Environment Centre (PDF 305KB)
Response from Clarence Valley Council (PDF 20KB)
92 Professor Lee Godden (PDF 83KB)
93 National Parks Australia Council Inc (PDF 356KB)
94 The Conservation Council, ACT Region (PDF 506KB)
95 Magnetic Island Community Development Association (PDF 456KB)
Response from Juniper Development Group (PDF 5979KB)
Response from Townsville City Council (PDF 35KB)
96 Conservation Council of Western Australia (PDF 4650KB)
Response from Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia (PDF 136KB)
97 North East Forest Alliance and Northern Inland Environment Council (PDF 68KB)
Response from Department of Lands, NSW (PDF 2370KB)
98 North Coast Environment Council (PDF 91KB)
Response from Forests NSW (PDF 388KB)
99 Government of Tasmania (PDF 1714KB)
100 Mr Steve Meacher (PDF 14KB)
101 Myenvironment Inc (PDF 10036KB)
102 Ms Mary Chandler (PDF 637KB); Attachment 1 - Letter to Mildura Fire District Fire Management Officer (PDF 26KB); Attachment 2 - Mildura District
Fire Protection Plan: Draft June 2007 (PDF 403KB); Attachment 3 - Letter to Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (PDF 6KB)
103 Ms Maria Riedl (PDF 170KB); Attachment 1 - Letter from Minister for Water, Victoria (PDF 120KB); Attachment 2 - Media Release by the Hon. Peter
Garrett MP dated 5 September 2008 (PDF 23KB)
104 Planning Institute Australia (PDF 780KB)
105 Government of South Australia (PDF 138KB)
106 Ms Bree Jashin (PDF 104KB)
Attachment 1: Scene of beauty destroyed by ranger (PDF 80KB); Attachment 2: Missing Alpha male Eurong family (PDF 3370KB); Attachment 3: Destroyed juvenile 11 month old male Eurong family (PDF 1886KB); Attachment 4: Old girl Eurong family (PDF 67KB); Attachment 5: Unnecessary environmental and Indigenous cultural and spiritual heritage desecreation, Eurong (Part 1 (PDF 588KB)), (Part 2 (PDF 656KB)); Attachment 6: Aunty Mally-friendly dingos don't need a fence (PDF 42KB); Attachment 7: SMS Aunty Malley (PDF 73KB); Attachment 8: Dingo walking grid (PDF 26KB); Attachment 9: Dingo proof fishing Happy Valley (PDF 1181KB); Attachment 10: Energex community rescue helicopter callouts to Fraser Island not for dingo incidents (PDF 49KB); Attachment 11: Sand chokes dingo grids (PDF 19KB); Attachment 12: Human faeces in camping zones from short term campers (PDF 118KB); Attachment 13: Cleaning up rubbish from World Heritage Fraser Island ocean beach - owner and holiday maker (PDF 43KB); Attachment 14: Cigarette butts on World Heritage Beach Fraser Island (PDF 4332KB); Attachment 15: Squashed crab on World Heritage Beach Fraser Island in an absent state of recovery (PDF 25KB); Attachment 16: Bulldozer on beach (page 11) (PDF 50KB)

Response from the Environmental Protection Agency, Queensland Government (PDF 189KB)
Response from Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (PDF 788KB)

107 Confidential
107A Confidential
108 Save the Mary River Brisbane Group (PDF 26KB)
109 Sustainable Environment Group of the Mornington Peninsula Shire (PDF 651KB)
110 North East Bioregional Network Inc (PDF 15KB); Attachment A - Forestry (PDF 61KB); Attachment B - Land Clearance - Key Issues and Recommendations (PDF 13KB)
111 Ms Julie Wellington (PDF 647KB)
112 Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (PDF 406KB); Attachment - Accounting for Nature (PDF 3935KB)
113 Australian Hydroponic & Greenhouse Association (PDF 206KB)
114 Confidential

Departmental response to issues raised by submitters

Letter from the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts dated 14 November 2008 (PDF 50KB).

Additional Information

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act - A Five Year Assessment received from The Australia Institute (PDF 300KB)

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act - An Ongoing Failure received from The Australia Institute (PDF 34KB)

Decimation of an Icon, Australian Society for Kangaroos (PDF 846KB)

Submission by Independent Trawlers Association Inc. to the EIS on the Traveston Dam (PDF 94KB)

Answer to questions taken on notice

Australian Network of Environmental Defenders Offices (ANEDO) (from public hearing, Sydney, 10 December 2008) (PDF 330KB)

National Farmers' Federation (from public hearing, Canberra, 9 December 2008) (PDF 600KB): Attachment 1 - Appendices A to E (PDF 1735KB);
Attachment 2 - Appendices F to M (PDF 1519KB)

Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) (from public hearing, Canberra, 9 December 2008):
Question 1 (PDF 32KB); Question 2-Updated (PDF 556KB); Question 3 (PDF 19KB); Question 4 (PDF 23KB); Question 5 (PDF 36KB); Question 6 (PDF 20KB); Question 7 (PDF 23KB)

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry dated 30 March 2009 (PDF 281KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818