Chapter 3
The effectiveness of current waste management strategies
This chapter addresses the effectiveness of existing strategies to
reduce, reuse or recover waste from different waste streams. It is divided into
the following sections:
- existing waste policies and practices;
- the use of landfill as the primary waste management response and
its economic, environmental and social impacts; and
- a number of key issues in relation to the management of the
municipal, commercial and industrial (C&I) and construction and demolition
(C&D) waste streams.
Existing waste management strategies
The constitutional responsibility for waste management policy lies with
state jurisdictions while significant carriage is often undertaken by local
Most states and territories have waste minimisation strategies supported by both
environment protection legislation and waste minimisation legislation. The
overall objectives of such strategies are to protect the environment and
conserve natural resources.[2]
The Productivity Commission reported that two of the prominent features
of waste minimisation strategies across all jurisdictions were, first the
sharing of responsibility for waste reduction between industry and the
community, and second the requirement to use or consider the waste hierarchy in
Recognition of shared responsibility as a principle of waste
minimisation strategies is reflected in the number and range of extended
producer responsibility (EPR) initiatives undertaken across jurisdictions. For
example, the New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change
targets 17 products for specific industry action under its EPR Priority
Statement 2005–06 including batteries and paint.[4]
EPRs are further discussed in chapter 5.
South Australia's approach to waste minimisation provides an example of
the integration of the waste hierarchy into state waste management policy. The
South Australian Government seeks to provide policy and legislative frameworks
based on the waste hierarchy which enable state and local government, industry
and the community to work together 'to drive a new strategy for waste avoidance
and reduction, waste reuse and recycling and waste disposal.'[5]
The objective of waste minimisation in many states and territories has
given rise to zero waste or towards zero waste goals. Victoria, the Australian Capital
Territory, South Australia and Western Australia all have in place zero waste
or towards zero waste goals.[6]
The Australian Capital Territory Government, for instance, has adopted a
strategy of no waste by 2010.[7]
Other jurisdictions have established targets for each waste stream. New South Wales
and Victoria recovery targets to be reached by 2014 are reproduced in Table
Table 3.1—Waste recovery targets in NSW and Victoria
Waste stream |
Victoria |
Municipal recovery |
66 per cent |
65 per cent |
C&I recovery |
63 per cent |
80 per cent |
C&D recovery |
76 per cent |
80 per cent |
Department of Environment and Climate Change, New South Wales
Government, Submission 16, Attachment B, p. 50.
Whilst New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and
the Australian Capital Territory have waste management targets underpinned by
strategies and timelines to meet them, Queensland, the Northern Territory and Tasmania
do not have strategies with targets at all.[8]
What results according to Hyder Consulting is a 'lack of focus on the part of
all players in respective waste/resource chains on what needs to be achieved
and by whom.'[9]
The Productivity Commission recommended that governments should not
directly or indirectly impose targets on the amount of waste diverted from
landfill as part of waste management policy.[10]
However, this recommendation was rejected in the government response which
acknowledged that waste diversion targets:
...should only be included in waste management legislative,
regulatory or quasi-regulatory instruments if rigorous analysis reveals that
their pursuit will deliver net benefits to the community.
The Commonwealth notes that aspirational, voluntary targets can be
effective communication tools in drawing community attention to desirable
outcomes in waste and recycling matters. Aspirational waste reduction targets,
where appropriate, should be set in a sustainability context and be based on
sound science.[11]
The committee agrees that there is a legitimate communication role for
waste diversion targets. It also agrees that targets should be set in a
sustainability context and based on rigorous analysis and sound science.
To establish realistic targets on waste reduction that are achievable,
appropriate and obtainable, cost-benefit analyses that factor in environmental
and social externalities need to be undertaken.
Recommendation 1
The committee recommends that state and territory governments implement
waste reduction targets that are set in a sustainability context and based on
rigorous analysis and sound science.
Disposal of waste to landfill remains the primary means of waste
management in Australia despite strong growth in recycling over recent years.
As the following table demonstrates, of the 32.4 million tonnes of waste
generated in 2002–03 in Australia, 54 per cent was landfilled and 46 per cent
was recycled.
Table 3.2—Waste disposal and recycling rates of key jurisdictions,
State/Territory |
Total Generated
(Tonnes) |
(Tonnes) |
Disposal Rate
(%) |
(Tonnes) |
Diversion Rate
(%) |
12,170,000 |
6,341,000 |
52 |
5,830,000 |
48 |
Victoria |
8,609,000 |
4,180,000 |
49 |
4,429,000 |
51 |
Queensland |
3,973,000 |
2,722,000 |
69 |
1,251,000 |
31 |
WA |
3,522,000 |
2,696,000(a) |
77 |
826,000 |
23 |
SA |
3,433,000 |
1,277,000 |
37 |
2,156,000(b) |
63 |
674,000 |
207,000 |
31 |
467,000(c) |
69 |
32,382,000 |
54 |
14,959,000 |
46 |
(a) Total disposal figure for WA is for metropolitan Perth.
Total recycling figure for SA includes meat waste, a prescribed industrial
(c) The total recycling figure for the ACT includes cooking oil and fat,
motor oil, salvage and reuse, and paint.
* There was no data available for Tasmania and the Northern
Territory at the time Hyder
Consulting published the report from which this table is derived. |
Hyder Consulting, Waste and Recycling in Australia, Paper
prepared for the Department of Environment and Heritage, Short Paper, Report
no. 4, February 2006, p. 6.[12]
A more recent estimate by WCS Market Intelligence & WME Media reveals
that the rate of diversion has remained constant, while the overall quantity of
waste generated and hence waste going to landfill increased by about eight per
cent per annum. Of the estimated 38.3 million tonnes of waste generated in Australia
in 2004–05, approximately 20.7 million tonnes (or 54 per cent) was disposed of
in landfill.[13]
Of the 20.7 million tonnes landfilled:
- 6.9 million tonnes or 33 per cent was municipal waste;
- 6.3 million tonnes or 30 per cent was C&I waste; and
- 7.5 million tonnes or 36 per cent was C&D waste.[14]
Despite the country's strong dependence on landfill as a waste
management strategy, there are no national aggregated data on the number of
landfills or the environmental performance of landfills across Australia.[15]
Moreover, there are no minimum national environmental standards in relation to
landfill operations and regulatory regimes differ across jurisdictions.[16]
As noted earlier, landfill can cause environmental and social costs through
gas emissions, leachate discharge, foul odours and loss of visual amenity, and
the harbouring of disease-carrying pests which are not charged to the landfill operator.[17]
These external costs are rarely included in the pricing structure of landfill
and as a result, tend to encourage an over reliance on landfill compared to
various resource recovery options. Such externalities detailed by the New South
Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change include:
- GHGE of between 0.08 and 1.01 tonnes CO2-e/tonne of
municipal solid waste from methane emissions from landfill depending on gas
recovery and electricity generation;
- Opportunity costs of disposing materials which could otherwise
replace the use of virgin resources;[18]
- Local amenity costs which can manifest in reduced property values
and enjoyment for those who live or work near the landfill;
- Pollution of groundwater and odours;
- Windblown dust and litter; and
- Intergenerational costs associated with the lifetime of the
landfill and beyond as resources are no longer available for the potential use
of future generations.[19]
The greatest consideration for any business in relation to waste
management options is cost.[20]
Thus, the effectiveness of many strategies and initiatives to influence waste
avoidance and recovery is hampered by the comparatively low cost of landfill
Another driver of landfill over resource recovery appears to be the much
higher revenues received by the waste management industry for the collection,
transportation, treatment, processing and disposal of waste. Data quoted in the
Productivity Commission report demonstrate that collection, transportation,
treatment, processing and disposal of waste generated around 90 per cent of the
total revenue in the Australian waste industry in 2002–03.[22]
By comparison treatment, processing and sale of recyclables only generated around
10 per cent. This is despite the fact that the amount of waste disposed (54 per
cent) was broadly comparable to the amount of material recycled (46 per cent). This
imbalance demonstrates the much greater financial incentive for the waste
management industry to landfill material than to recover the resources.
A 2005 Waste Management Board of Western Australia study established
that the high transportation costs and low landfill fees meant that recycling
was not economically viable for most parts of the state outside the Perth metropolitan
region. However, the study also found that the environmental benefits of
recycling outweighed any financial losses for nearly all locations in the
state. Indeed, according to the Western Australian Department of Environment
and Conservation, in a number of regional and remote communities, recycling
provides 'significant social benefits not quantified in the economic
Nonetheless, the committee acknowledges that the proposals canvassed in this
report may sometimes require adaptation for smaller, regional communities or
not be appropriate at all.
Hyder Consulting maintain that over the course of the last two decades,
a large body of scientific evidence has been developed both in Australia and
internationally that 'clearly demonstrates that the recovery of material prior
to landfilling and the treatment of residual waste has significant
environmental benefits.'[24]
Yet, across Australia, the social and environmental benefits of recycling have
largely been undervalued, if valued at all, in consideration of waste
management options. In the committee's view this situation must be remedied by
jurisdictions fully accounting for the external social and environmental costs
and benefits of landfill versus recycling. These externalities are discussed
later in this chapter.
Landfill levies
Evidence before the committee strongly supported the use of landfill
levies as an incentive to change the behaviour of waste generators. Levies
serve as a positive price signal for improved resource recovery. The principal
beneficiaries of the levy would be the more efficient recyclers as the levy would
be paid on residual materials that cannot be recovered. One witness put this
point another way, 'removal of the levy would reward the less efficient
According to Mr Timothy Rogers, Executive Director, Departmental
Performance Management and Communication, New South Wales Department of Environment
and Climate Change, the levy in New South Wales has been highly effective in
driving resource recovery. He describes the levy as a 'simple market mechanism
designed to support innovation in the marketplace.'[26]
Scheduled increases of $6 per tonne per annum over five years were
introduced to the New South Wales Waste and Environment Levy in July 2006.
Therefore, by 2010–11, the New South Wales levy is expected to reach $56 per
tonne in the Sydney metropolitan area and $52 per tonne in the extended regulation
area. The levy, as 'NSW's major economic instrument for waste' has assisted in
driving increasing demand for new recycling technology to recover and utilise
more materials and for alternative waste technologies to treat the residual
portion of waste that would previously have been disposed of to landfill.[27]
Landfill levies vary considerable across the country as demonstrated
below in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3—Landfill levies on disposal, 2008–09
Jurisdiction |
Region |
Levy $ per tonne |
NSW[28] |
Sydney Metropolitan
Area |
$46.70 |
Extended Regulation Area |
$40.00 |
State-wide |
$46.70 |
VIC[29] |
Metropolitan and Provincial – Municipal |
$9.00 |
Metropolitan and Provincial – Industrial |
$15.00 |
Rural – Municipal |
$7.00 |
Rural – Industrial Municipal Regional |
$13.00 |
Nil |
SA[30] |
Metropolitan – Solid Waste
Non-Metropolitan – Solid Waste
State-wide – Liquid Waste |
$10.10 |
WA[31] |
Perth Metropolitan –
Perth Metropolitan – Inert |
$5.00 per m3 |
NT |
Nil |
ACT[32] |
Domestic Waste (up to 0.5 tonnes)
Domestic Waste (over 0.5 tonnes)
Commercial Waste (up to 0.25 tonnes)
Commercial Waste (over 0.25
tonnes) |
$8 to $24
$110.00 |
Nil |
WSN Environmental Solutions notes that whilst landfill levies are
intended to drive alternatives to landfill, in most states such levies have
been 'relatively insignificant and have failed to provide the economic drivers
to either minimize waste generation or to facilitate the investment in resource
recovery technologies.'[33]
Moreover, in three jurisdictions, Queensland, Tasmania and the Northern
Territory, there is no levy at all.
Consistent with the 'user pays' principle, the committee is of the view
that landfill levies should be applied across all jurisdictions. Such levies
should be calculated to include the costs of the full range of social and
environmental externalities of landfills and be mindful of the impact on
smaller communities. The Productivity Commission's report noted the need to
tailor regulatory solutions to match the circumstances of particular landfills
and address only the externalities produced by the landfill and not upstream
issues. Such efforts should, however, be balanced with the need to maintain
minimum environmental standards.[34]
Evidence available to the committee suggests that the adoption of landfill
levies across all jurisdictions will drive greater resource recovery from
waste. What is unknown and requires detailed analysis is the impact of landfill
levies as a price signal on the volume of waste generated across the three main
waste streams and in relation to the rate of waste growth.[35]
The committee considers that the role of government in relation to
landfill includes mandating the health and safety requirements of landfills. The
committee took the view that, as landfill will remain a key aspect of waste
management in Australia, it should be the least economically advantageous
option for waste generators.
Recommendation 2
The committee recommends that landfill levies should be applied across
all jurisdictions, adjusted for the impact on smaller communities, and should be
calculated to include the full range of social and environmental externalities.
One of the major concerns expressed by witnesses was the level of
hypothecation in relation to landfill levies.[36]
Hypothecation rates vary with the highest rate of 100 per cent in Victoria where
the levy funds are used solely for the purposes of environmental protection and
to foster the environmentally sustainable use of resources and best practice in
waste management.[37]
Evidence before the committee related not only to the importance of
hypothecation per se but also of the need to invest levy revenue into
resource recovery initiatives.[38]
Infrastructure was highlighted throughout the inquiry as an area in need of
considerable investment. Funds from the hypothecation of levy revenue could be
invested into such initiatives. Moreover, one of the primary concerns raised in
relation to community attitudes towards waste generation is that an 'out of
mind, out of sight' attitude often prevails, given that community awareness of
the waste lifecycle and waste externalities is limited. Investment of levy
revenue into resource recovery is one step towards encouraging greater
awareness of the fate of waste and of the consequences of waste generation.
The committee notes with interest the South Australian approach when in
July 2007 it doubled the landfill levy and hypothecated the increased amount
(i.e. 50 per cent of the new total) to Zero Waste South Australia, a body
which 'offers a suite of financial incentives, advocacy and strategic partnerships,
to facilitate the achievement of South Australia’s Waste Strategy.'[39]
Recommendation 3
The committee recommends that state and territory governments pursue the
hypothecation of landfill levies and their investment into resource efficiency
initiatives and infrastructure to the fullest extent possible.
Resource efficiency
Whilst it is often used in the context of recycling or resource
recovery, the term 'resource efficiency' is a broader concept which includes avoidance,
reuse, recycling and recovery of energy from waste.
Improving Australia's resource efficiency rates is desirable due to the
environmental and social benefits that can be delivered. High resource
efficiency is also an indicator of a more productive economy – that is,
achieving greater productive output for each unit of resource. Materials that
are disposed of rather than reused or recycled are effectively abandoned
potential resources.
Evidence presented to the committee strongly indicated that the optimal
level of resource efficiency in Australia is far from being reached in relation
to many reusable and recyclable materials.
In terms of the growth of recycling in Australia, the Productivity
Commission found that recycling rates have increased in recent years at a rate
faster than disposal to landfill.[40]
WSC Market Intelligence & WME Environment Business Media estimated that in
1999–2000, approximately 10.5 million tonnes of waste was recovered for
recycling and/or reprocessing and in 2004–05, 17.6 million tonnes of waste was
Thus, about 46 per cent of waste was captured for recycling/reprocessing in
2004–05 compared to 37 per cent in 1999–2000.
Whilst there is variation between materials in terms of their recycling
rates and despite an overall increase in recycling, more solid waste in Australia
continues to be disposed to landfill (54 per cent) than is recycled (46 per
In 2002–03, an estimated 46 per cent of Australia's waste or
approximately 15 million tonnes was recovered for recycling. Hyder
Consulting estimated that in 2002–03, 30 per cent of municipal, 44 per cent of
C&I and 57 per cent of C&D waste was recycled.[43]
Estimates from 2005–06 suggest that the total resource recovery rate was 46
per cent of which rates across the three main waste streams were as follows:
- 35 per cent (or 3.851 million tonnes) of municipal waste;
- 50 per cent (or 6.279 million tonnes) of C&I waste; and
- 50 per cent (or 7.573 million tonnes) of C&D waste.[44]
A Hyder Consulting study estimated that in 2006, the Australian
recycling industry had a turnover of $11.5 billion, contributing 1.2 per cent
of GDP, and a capital investment of over $6 billion. The same year, the
recycling industry employed approximately 10 900 people and indirectly an
additional 27 700 people. The direct and indirect benefits of this investment
and employment were estimated at $55 billion.[45]
The additional net benefits of recycling that have not translated into
transaction costs primarily because of their social and environmental focus
- Environmental benefits such as greenhouse gas abatement savings,
water and resource use, aquatic eco-toxicity and energy savings;[46]
- Economic benefits including annual turnover, employment and
indicative multipliers; and
- Social benefits including employment, quality of life,
sustainable future, economy and biodiversity.[47]
One of the key environmental benefits of recycling is greenhouse gas
abatement. Submitters told the committee that there are a number of currently
available technologies that can be implemented by the waste management and
resource recovery sectors in Australia to deliver significant levels of
greenhouse gas emission reduction (carbon abatement). The Boomerang Alliance's
submission included the following options available to reduce the waste sector's
carbon footprint (which contributes around 3 per cent or 16.6 Mt CO2-e
to the national total):
- abatement through improved landfill gas capture and use
('improved landfill gas flaring and recovery');
- avoiding future landfill gas emissions by stopping the disposal
to landfill of waste materials with degradable organic carbon ('avoided
emissions from avoided landfilling');
- saving energy by recycling high embodied energy materials
('embodied energy savings from recycling');
- using renewable fuels derived from waste ('displacing the use of
fossil fuels'); and
- converting suitable waste materials to 'biochar' for land
application ('developing new 'carbonising' technologies as a form of carbon
capture and storage').[48]
Assuming 80 per cent of waste currently destined for landfill ca be
diverted, Warnken ISE estimates annual abatement of 37.8 Mt CO2-e,
which is approximately a 7 per cent reduction on current national net GHGE.
Whilst acknowledging the immediate practical challenges of achieving such
additional resource recovery, Warnken ISE notes that this level of performance
is technically possible with currently available technology.[49]
Even if this high level of recovery is overly optimistic, it demonstrates the
large potential for GHGE abatement from within the sector. As Australia
transitions to a low carbon economy, the demand for additional abatement in
this sector is likely to increase dramatically.
Evidence before the committee strongly supported the view that the link
between recycling and greenhouse gas abatement must be clearly articulated within
waste management policy. According to Mr Matthew Warnken, Managing Director of
Crucible Carbon, the carbon abatement benefit of recycling should be recognised
in any waste cost-benefit analysis:
To date a lot of the assessment in the public arena has
devalued, first of all, the quantum of carbon benefit associated with the
increase in recycling and, secondly, the value that should be associated with
Conversely, Mr Mike Ritchie, New South Wales President of the Waste
Management Association of Australia argued that the forthcoming Carbon
Pollution Reduction Scheme needs to send a direct and undiluted price signal to
the market to recognise the greenhouse benefits of recycling:
...we need to recognise recycling within or beside an
emissions-trading regime. At the moment, if I recycle 1,000 tonnes of Bunnings
aluminium from Bunnings stores, the beneficiary of that recycling is the
aluminium smelter. They are the ones, under the emissions-trading scheme, that reduce
their emissions and therefore buy fewer permits. There is a market trade
process which may give some benefit through me back to Bunnings, but it is a
very small and very diluted signal. We need a far more direct signal to
encourage people to recycle, whether that is a business owner-manager or a
Bunnings general manager. We need some kind of parallel system to an
emissions-trading scheme that says, ‘You created the following embodied energy
savings upstream and here is a certificate or some recognition of that which is
tradable and has value.’ At the moment that is a very indirect signal.[51]
Given the Commonwealth Government is currently considering the
arrangements for a national emissions-trading scheme the committee is of the
view that it is timely that the government takes recycling into account.
Recommendation 4
The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government calculates
options to send a direct and undiluted price signal to the market and publishes
the greenhouse benefits of recycling or landfill gas reduction, capture and use
as part of its deliberations on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.
The committee is mindful of the fact that the carbon abatement value
should not be seen in isolation of the other environmental and social benefits
of recycling, including water and energy savings. Indeed, one of the key
messages throughout the inquiry from a range of stakeholders was that waste
generation and management require a holistic yet multi-dimensional, rather than
selective and singular, approach.
The availability and accessibility of kerbside recycling has been the
primary driver behind the growth in recycling across the country.[52]
Other drivers include international commodity markets and rising commodity
prices for recovered materials such as metals, and landfill levies which have
created incentives, particularly in the C&I and C&D sectors, to utilise
alternatives to landfill.[53]
Kerbside recycling, and opportunities in the C&I and C&D sectors are
discussed below.
To date Australia has largely relied on encouragement and persuasion to increase
rates of recycling, particularly from the household waste steam, along with the
subsidising of collection services and introduction of waste disposal levies.
In Europe, increased recycling is primarily achieved through legislation.[54]
Municipal waste
There are two main options for improving the level of recycling and
resource efficiency from the municipal waste stream. First, there is kerbside
recycling which has become widespread throughout Australia, and second there is
away-from-home recycling which has a much lower uptake rate. Before discussing
each of these options, the committee first makes some observations about the
level of community engagement in dealing with the municipal waste stream.
Community engagement
The need for a paradigm shift in our attitudes towards waste was
emphasised throughout this inquiry. Many stakeholders recognised the need to
reduce our impact on the environment or face 'profound changes and consequences
that will affect every aspect of our environment, our lives, our economies and
our societies.'[55]
Others highlighted the waste industry's contribution to Australia's GHGE and the
need to focus on carbon abatement initiatives and alternatives to landfill.
Although this sentiment was strong throughout the evidence, it was particularly
so within community groups in relation to municipal waste.
A number of community groups and private individuals, (many of whom
voluntarily collect and recycle litter) highlighted the negative environmental
and aesthetic impact of waste. Whilst the motives, perspectives and views of
such stakeholders varied considerably, the common thread was the need to
transform Australia from a 'throwaway society to a recycling society.'[56]
In order to do so, a paradigm shift is required in which waste is viewed as a
resource of positive economic, environmental or social value.
The obverse to the proposition that people throw away items that are no
longer wanted or valued, because they are considered waste, is that people
don't throw away items that are valuable or recognised as a resource. The
transforming element which imports a value onto such items may be economic,
environmental, social or a combination of all these factors.
In South Australia for example, the economic value of container deposits
brought about by the state's 30 year old container deposit scheme, has
contributed to a general intolerance towards litter in the environment. This
view is supported by the fact that there is less rubbish collected in South
Australia than any other state on a per capita basis on Clean Up Australia
In other words, South Australians recognise the environmental and social
impacts of waste and therefore the environmental and social value in its
removal from the environment.
During its hearings in Adelaide the committee heard that the container
deposit scheme had imbued a culture of collection and recycling. For example, Mr
John Phillips OAM, Executive Director of Keep South Australia Beautiful
Environmental Solutions explained to the committee:
I think it is important to understand that we have had it for 30
years, so it is built into our culture. People understand CDL, and it is just
Mr Phillips went onto explain that because the CDL scheme had provided
the recycling infrastructure, that the materials returned for recycling had
expanded well beyond containers:
If you look at the recycling depot network in South Australia,
their metropolitan regional consists of over 100 recycling depots. They do not
just collect CDL. They get paper, cardboard and mixed plastic and they take car
batteries. This morning you heard that they take metal and all those sorts of
things, so that is a culture of being able to return product with a value on it...[59]
Finally, he explained some of the associated social, economic and
environmental benefits that flowed from the CDL:
Some of the economic benefits flow back into the community
through the Scouts, the footy club, the netball club or whatever it is. That is
their annual fundraising method. Businesses do the same. They collect their 5c
deposits in the kitchen and then they have their staff Christmas party based on
how much is raised during the year. So I think it is part of the culture, but
there are a lot of economic benefits and social benefits that flow. It is the
mechanism that allows us to be engaged with the community about other things.
The average person really does not know how to wrap their mind around emissions
trading or global warning. They just do not understand it. But simply by
talking about litter, purchasing habits and recycling, you can engage with them
on some of those complex issues in a simple way. We see that with our education
centres and our school programs, whether they are about water, energy, waste or
biodiversity. You can use it as a tool. I think the community need to have that
sort of simplicity when it comes to understanding how they need to respond to
something that is becoming more urgent every day but that they do not know how
to touch.[60]
Whilst the level of community support to engage in tangible local and
global efforts to reduce impacts on the environment is well demonstrated, such
commitment has not been adequately harnessed. Reasons include limited
infrastructure to enable more recycling and thus limited accessibility to
recycling services, coupled with a lack of leadership on recycling.[61]
This has led to a growing frustration on the part of community groups and
private individuals engaged in the voluntary collection of litter. Ms Terrie-Anne
Johnson, Chief Executive of Clean Up Australia, stated that this frustration
was of 'being responsible for being the solution to the issue rather than being
part of the solution to the issue.'[62]
On the other hand, there is considerable frustration amongst people looking for
alternatives to waste disposal.[63]
The committee heard that part of the solution requires greater
investment in recycling services which are convenient, accessible, supported by
adequate infrastructure, and provide an incentive to engage. Mr Jeff Angel,
Director of Total Environment Centre stated:
Education strategies have been used a lot, but by themselves
they are useless as they do not produce viable or accessible collection
systems. It is all very well to tell people to recycle, but if they do not have
easy access to facilities such as kerbside or beverage container deposit
systems to put in practice their recycling aspirations then it falls apart.[64]
A container deposit scheme (CDS) is one such option highlighted
throughout the inquiry as a means of providing the necessary infrastructure for
drink containers specifically and other recyclable materials more broadly.
Whilst the committee will await the outcomes of the EPHC investigation into
container deposit legislation (CDL), it recognises that the network of
collection centres established under such a scheme would also likely provide
the infrastructure for the collection of other recyclable materials.
Kerbside recycling
An estimated 90 per cent of Australian households had access to kerbside
recycling in 2006.[65]
Of the costs involved, Boomerang Alliance indicated that:
[K]erbside recycling (nett of the sale of recyclate) is
estimated to cost $374 million p.a to
local government and the estimated costs for state and local government to
address litter are estimated at over $200 million p.a.[66]
Estimates suggest that kerbside recycling delivers external benefits of
approximately $420 per tonne of mixed recyclables collected, almost all of
which arises upstream.[67]
The Productivity Commission conceded that the net external benefits of kerbside
recycling vary according to the circumstances but noted that that this figure
was probably inflated.[68]
The Local Government and Shires Associations of New South Wales noted
the 'immense cost' of kerbside recycling services to local councils and
The costs are primarily collection and sorting costs which are particularly
high in relation to materials such as glass and containers given the problems
with compaction and low density. The Western Australian Local Government
Association notes that recycling services provided by local councils have to
deal with the growing complexity of waste:
Those local governments providing a recycling service are faced
with an increasing diversity of materials used, particularly in packaging,
leading to the need for more complex recycling infrastructure and greater
expense in order to separate the material.[70]
One of the issues raised in relation to kerbside recycling was the lack
of knowledge in the community about recyclable material. The common
misperception that the triangular recycling symbol on plastic containers
implies that the container can be recycled is one case in point. The plastic
identification code which is a triangle with a number in it is used by the
industry to identify the type of plastic, rather than whether or not it can be
recycled. It does not necessarily mean that the item can be recycled in a
particular council area.[71]
Mr David West, National Campaign Director of the Boomerang Alliance noted the
lack of community knowledge:
As an example, if I can pop-quiz the panel: how many of you
recycle your margarine containers? It is probable that your local council does
not recycle that form of plastic when it goes into a kerbside bin—in fact, you
are actually contaminating it...So there is a huge amount of confusion with
people about what is recyclable, because every plastic has a recycling symbol
on it, even if it is not commonly collected through the kerbside system.[72]
As much practical information as possible on recyclable material in each
council area would assist households in determining what is recyclable in their
council area.
Another practical issue raised during the inquiry in relation to
kerbside recycling was the lack of consistency of wheelie bin lid colours that
are used in different jurisdictions. The committee takes the view that streamlining
such colours to ensure national consistency to the fullest extent possible
would benefit householders when they move or travel interstate.
Glass contamination
Glass, which has a recovery rate of 50 per cent, poses a particular
problem in kerbside collections because glass compaction in pressurised
collection vehicles causes breakage and thus contamination of paper. This leads
to more wastage and lower values for recycled paper.[73]
The presence of glass in kerbside bins limits compaction rates for trucks
thereby reducing productivity.[74]
As glass fines contaminate paper fibre ensuring that most paper is sent
to landfill.[75]
However, technology is now available which appears to be able to address the
problem of sorting broken glass by colour as it enables optical sorting to
minimise contamination of the waste stream. Mr Trevor Hockley, Consultant for
Recyclers of South Australia informed the committee:
You have the fact that the paper is being contaminated with
glass shards from breakage—that is a problem for them and they try to use
screens and whatever else to separate it—then you have glass being all
together, being broken and then needing to be optically sorted, in most cases,
to get colour separation and clean, on-spec streams... [76]
Glass and paper along with plastics are highly tradable commodities.[77]
Glass can be endlessly recycled whereas paper gradually breaks down and can
only be used a number of times.[78]
The Forever Glass Group of Companies details the benefits of glass recycling
- Energy savings of up to 74 per cent compared to making glass from
raw materials;
- A saving of 1.1 tonnes of raw materials for each tonne of crushed
glass (cullet) used;
- Fuel oil saving of about 34 litres for every tonne of glass
- Recycling a glass jar saves enough energy to light a bulb for
four hours.[79]
At present, paper is one of few materials that is cheaper to recycle
than send to landfill.[80]
Moreover, the recycling of paper has carbon abatement value as every tonne of
wastepaper and carton board in landfill produces an estimated 2.5 tonnes of CO2-e
Mr David West, National Campaign Director of the Boomerang Alliance describes
the lost revenue resulting from glass contamination:
We lose about 80,000 tonnes of paper, worth $120 a tonne, a year
to landfill at the moment because of little tiny glass fines. You can have a
technology fix for that, but that technology fix will add another $20-odd to
the cost of reprocessing paper. In trying to get the cost of reprocessing glass
right, we have got to a point now where it costs $370 a tonne to process glass
for a product that you can sell for $70. If we do not recycle it, we cannot
recover paper.[82]
Whilst there was general agreement that contamination of kerbside
recycling was a problem, particularly in relation to glass, there was
considerable diversity in views in relation to the extent of the problem, its
implications for resource recovery, and the need of an alternative solution. According
to Mr Vaughan Levitzke, Chief Executive of Zero Waste South Australia, the
beverage container deposit scheme operational in South Australia has
effectively taken glass out of the kerbside system ensuring that the amount of
glass is considerably less, and thereby enabling greater compaction, and less
contamination of paper.[83]
This view was endorsed by Mr Neville Rawlings, President of Recyclers of
South Australia, who stated that South Australia had an 80 per cent recovery
rate for glass as a consequence of the container deposit system which, in
diverting glass away from the kerbside system, had enabled the state to recover
cleaner paper.[84]
However, both VISY Industries Australia and AMCOR Australasia were of
the view that contamination came from multiple sources. Neither stakeholder was
unable to confirm or deny any distinction between levels of contamination in
South Australian paper compared to paper recovered in other jurisdictions. Whilst
Mr Tony Gray, Director of Sustainability of VISY Industries Australia
stated that the company would know the levels of contamination of the million
tonnes of paper that it recycles in Australia, there was no elaboration on what
these levels were.[85]
Whilst the committee recognises that there are efforts underway to
address the issue of contamination including optically sorting glass to
minimise contamination of the stream,[86]
consideration should be given to initiatives which remove or separate glass
from the main kerbside recycling. The committee recognises that such
initiatives may include a container deposit system and the separation of glass
from other recyclables at the kerbside. One the one hand, the committee
acknowledges the concerns of stakeholders that the removal of higher value
commodities including glass from the kerbside system will impact on the
viability of kerbside collection and materials recovery facilities (MRFs).[87]
However, on the other hand, an alternative system has the potential to reduce
paper contamination, improve the recovery of both glass and paper leading to
higher returns and greenhouse gas abatement, and by enabling greater compaction
rates collection of trucks, improve productivity.
Recommendation 5
The committee recommends that the Environment Protection and Heritage
Council undertake a cost-benefit analysis of glass in the kerbside recycling system
including economic, social and environmental externalities. Such an analysis
should consider alternatives to kerbside recycling for glass, including
container deposit schemes, and their potential economic, social and
environmental impacts.
Away-from-home recycling
Effective recycling of materials consumed away from home is a particular
challenge for those engaged in municipal recycling. These materials include
refuse from food halls, shopping centres, public parks and public events. The
ever-present take-away coffee cup and flavoured milk cartons are two key cases
in point.[88]
Changes in consumer behaviour have resulted in a significant increase in
the purchase and disposal of food and drink packaging outside of the home.[89]
According to Mr Ian Kiernan, Chairman of Clean Up Australia, 50 per cent of
major food and grocery items are now consumed away from home, for which there
is little infrastructure to enable recovery.[90]
The commercial sector does not have a sustainable economic mechanism to support
of public place recycling.[91]
In this regard Mr Markus Fraval, Chief Executive Officer of Revive
Recycling stated:
Kerbside collection is very well suited to much packaging, but
its flaw is that it deals only with items consumed at home. In the case of
beverage containers, approximately 50 per cent are consumed away from home.
Only 23 per cent of rigid containers are actually recycled at the moment
through Australia’s kerbside system. When you add commercial and industrial
waste, a further 16 per cent, the total recovery is around 39 per cent—but only
23 per cent goes through kerbside. What that shows is that there really is a
need for additional infrastructure.[92]
Widespread recognition across the industry of the need to improve away‑from-home
recycling has not translated into agreement on the best method to recover such
resources. The second National Packaging Covenant (the Covenant) was expanded
to include away-from-home recycling as a means of assisting the Covenant to
reach its goals and targets.[93]
According to the Packaging Council of Australia, away from home recycling is
the best opportunity for a 'substantial increase in packaging recycling rates.'[94]
However, views are strongly divided on the effectiveness of the Covenant as a
co-regulatory arrangement partly because it has produced a lack of measurable
The Covenant is considered further in chapter 5.
Prominent in the away-from-home debate is container deposit legislation,
around which extremely polarised views are held. The South Australian container
deposit system (CDS) has provided an economic incentive for away-from-home
recycling of beverage containers for individual consumers and the commercial
sector alike which does not exist in other jurisdictions. Evidence before the
committee suggests that the recycling rate of beverage containers in South
Australia is currently around 70 per cent[96]
compared to the national rate of approximately 41 per cent.[97]
Whilst there was no agreement on whether the Covenant is adequate, or on
the usefulness of any alternative model (including the national application of
the South Australian CDS), key requirements for such an initiative which are
considered in greater detail in chapter 5 include:
- An incentive to recycle (of which the strongest is economic).[98]
- Convenience or accessibility of the recycling service.[99]
- The provision of adequate infrastructure to enable accessibility.[100]
- Education and awareness campaigns to encourage ownership of the
problem accompanying away-from-home recycling initiatives.[101]
The committee also heard evidence about the use of reverse vending
machines (RVMs) to improve away‑from‑home recycling. When located
at convenient public places, RVMs enable recycling to become part of a regular
shopping routine with no additional transportation costs. According to evidence
before the committee, RVMs offer high quality sorting cost savings. Through the
compaction of recyclable materials at the point of collection, moreover, RVMs
have the potential to reduce transport and logistics costs.[102]
RVM data (both in terms of number of containers by material and by brand) is
collected automatically. The process is described by Mr Markus Fraval,
Chief Executive Officer, Revive Recycling:
Consumers typically feed their containers into an RVM. These
machines will accept aluminium, steel, plastics and glass—basically the whole
range of beverage containers. They are identified by material, colour and
brand. The technologies used are barcode readers, shape recognition, material
recognition, colour recognition and also weight sensors. A combination of those
gives a unique identification for each container that is put through—after a significant
amount of programming work and database building initially. A receipt is then
issued to the consumer and that receipt can then be taken to cooperating
retailers or other parties and redeemed for cash. The benefit to retailers of
that is that it provides a flow through of traffic into their premises.[103]
The committee sees clear scope for improvement in the rate of away‑from‑home
recycling. Options such as a national CDL, strengthening the National Packaging
Covenant and the use of RVMs should be canvassed by jurisdictions for their
relative costs and benefits.
Recommendation 6
The committee recommends that the Environment Protection and Heritage
Council consider initiatives, including container deposit schemes, to improve
away-from-home recycling. Such initiatives should include elements such as an
incentive to recycle, convenience, adequate infrastructure and a supporting
education and awareness program.
Commercial and industrial waste
As noted in chapter 2, the wide-ranging nature of commercial and
industrial (C&I) waste, as well as the diversity of those who produce it,
pose particular problems for its recycling.[104]
One of the key problems in capturing waste generated in the C&I
sector, despite the existence of a market for many such materials, is that
there is currently little economic incentive for businesses operating in
commercial premises to establish suitable infrastructure for recycling.
Disposal to landfill remains the cheaper and more convenient option.[105]
In the case of office paper, recycling costs and a lack of infrastructure in
offices, combine to make recovery difficult.[106]
A number of submitters highlighted the need to improve paper recycling
rates in relation to office paper in the C&I sector.[107]
SITA Environmental Solutions argue that white paper recycling rates are as low
as 11 per cent because landfill is cheaper than installing separate collection
transportation services.[108]
Ms Jane Castle, Resource Conservation Campaigner with the Total Environment
Centre, explains why millions of tonnes of office paper are going to landfill
each year:
Because there is no economic incentive for, largely, businesses
in commercial premises to separate the office paper out from other waste. At
the moment it is a cost for a business to have their office paper recycled, and
there is no infrastructure in offices to separate it. There are some businesses
out there that are looking for those opportunities, and people are coming on
board if they can get the infrastructure into their offices. And there is a
market for office paper, which is largely overseas at the moment—it gets
exported. The barrier is that primarily it is not a business priority.[109]
Ms Castle identified a lack incentive for businesses to get involved in
recycling office paper.[110]
Mr Jeff Angel, Director of Total Environment Centre recognised that the lack
of infrastructure hindered recycling. He maintained that suggestions for councils
to extend their kerbside collection would impose substantial cost on councils because
kerbside collections are not operating at a profit. Small businesses would
incur increasing rate levies for waste collection. Mr Angel explained that the importance
of business presenting to the public as environmentally responsible would
provide the incentive to get involved in reprocessing and recycling:
[T]he pressure is on business—big, small and medium—to have a
good environmental reputation. The whole issue of carbon footprints and people
trying to present themselves as having a good green reputation is coming to the
fore. When you talk to businesses about addressing their carbon footprint, one
of the core issues is how they handle waste.[111]
SITA Environmental Solutions argue that white office paper recycling
rates can only be improved when there is:
- an increase in the cost of the
alternative landfill disposal,
- recycling rebates payable on
tonnes recovered,
- regulations requiring office paper
recycling, and
- government purchasing requirements
positively biased in favour of recycled office paper.[112]
The National Packaging Covenant (the Covenant) recycling target for
paper and cardboard is 70–80 per cent by 2010.[113]
According to the National Packaging Covenant Council, however, from 2003 to
2005, the recycling rate increased from 64 to 66 per cent.[114]
If this gradual rate of increase is maintained the Covenant is likely to just
achieve the lower end of its paper and cardboard target.
AMCOR Australasia notes that whilst paper recycling has increased across
all waste streams, most of the increase has come through the kerbside system.[115]
The Covenant is currently undergoing a mid-term review to consider progress
towards objectives and goals. The results of the review are expected to be
presented by the National Packaging Covenant Council to the EPHC at its next meeting
in November 2008.[116]
The committee recognises, that while its recommendation to introduce
landfill levies across all jurisdictions may provide some incentive to recycle
office paper, other complementary incentives may also be required. In this
regard, the committee encourages the ongoing review of the Covenant and its
respective National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM), recognising that
reaching the target of 70–80 per cent recycling is likely to require a
reduction in office paper disposal to landfill.
Construction and demolition waste
The observations of Qubator Pty Ltd affirmed the view that the most
powerful motive for recycling C&D waste is the generator's desire to reduce
the cost of disposal:
The cost of dumping waste is therefore a critical factor in
determining whether or not waste will be used, irrespective of the fact that it
can be used.[117]
This dynamic was clear in New South Wales where the landfill levy is
substantial: waste has a high recovery rate, driven largely by
the waste levy, the weight of the material and the ease of recycling it.[118]
According to Qubator, corporate policy may prevent waste from being reused
or recycled and where this is the case, it is generally to avoid the
possibility of litigation in the event that 'something goes wrong'.[119]
Such policies may well reflect industry standards. In relation to product
standards, the Productivity Commission recommended that jurisdictions
responsible for specifying the use of materials for production (including building
and construction materials) should review all product standards that
'unjustifiably frustrate the use of recycled products and/or call for the use
of virgin materials.'[120]
The Commonwealth responded with agreement that performance-based standards for materials
are generally preferable and recognition that examination of mandatory
standards in the building and food packaging industries to determine whether
such standards are appropriate had merit.[121]
The committee notes the Productivity Commission recommendation and the Commonwealth's
response and encourages jurisdictions to review their mandatory standards to
enable the recycling of materials wherever possible rather than the use of
virgin materials.
Pricing externalities
Evidence before the committee suggested that many of the zero and
limited waste to landfill targets of various jurisdictions are not going to be
reached. One of the primary reasons for this is the fact that price and
regulatory signals indicate that landfill is still the most economically
attractive means of waste management.[122]
As Hyder Consulting observed, with the exception of businesses subject to, or
engaged in, negotiations with jurisdictions about their extended producer
responsibilities and those signatories of the National Packaging Covenant,
'there is virtually no reason for business to improve their resource recovery
The primary policy instruments available to government in relation to
waste management are pricing signals, or regulation, or a combination of both
by way of regulatory signals.[124]
Pricing signals such as a landfill levy and other market based instruments (including
an advanced disposal fee) are one mechanism designed to capture the societal
and environmental cost of waste management. The objective ought to be to set
price signals at a level which serves as an incentive for producers, users, and
end-of-life managers to take full account of the external impacts of waste
management practices. The lack of cost-benefit analysis, which takes the full
costs of GHGE and other environmental and social externalities into account,
has meant that landfill remains the major waste management option in Australia.
There are obvious difficulties in quantifying the societal and
environmental impacts of current landfill practices. For example, how is it
possible to determine the social and environmental cost of a waterway
contaminated by landfill leachate? According to the New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change, recent
cost-benefit analyses have tended to overestimate compliance costs of recycling
and waste reuse whilst underestimating their environmental and social benefits.[125]
Submitters raised the Productivity Commission's Waste Management report with
the committee as an issue of major concern given its low pricing assumptions in
relation to the cost of carbon. The Productivity Commission assumed that the
external cost of greenhouse gas emissions was between $5 and $20 per tonne of
carbon dioxide emissions (CO2-e) [126]
which several witnesses indicated is towards the lower end of expected carbon
permit prices.[127]
Another issue is the inclusion of an 'inconvenience cost' in economic
assessments of environmental and recycling infrastructure. The issue is whether
separating waste into recyclables and non‑recyclables by the end-user is
inconvenient and should be costed accordingly.[128]
The Productivity Commission held the view that waste generators must
consider the financial costs of waste disposal and recycling, the value of time
and effort taken to manage their waste, and any preference for recycling or
reuse that arise which all amount to private cost rather than social benefit.[129]
Other stakeholders such as the Total Environment Centre submitted that such an
approach gives more weight to alleged business and convenience costs over the
real environmental, resource and social costs from waste.[130]
The convenience factor is discussed in more detail in chapter 4.
Recommendation 7
The committee recommends that waste management policy must be grounded
in rigorous cost-benefit analysis which encompass economic, environmental and
social externalities.
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