Jabiluka: The Undermining of Process - Inquiry into the Jabiluka Uranium Mine Project

Jabiluka: The Undermining of Process - Inquiry into the Jabiluka Uranium Mine Project

30 June 1999

© Commonwealth of Australia 1999
ISBN 0 642 71017 1

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1395KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Membership of the Committee (PDF 31KB)

Terms of Reference

Acronyms (PDF 16KB)
Executive Summary (PDF 66KB)
Recommendations (PDF 22KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 14KB)

Reference to the Committee
Conduct of the Inquiry

Chapter 2 - Background (PDF 70KB)

Kakadu National Park
Kakadu and World Heritage
Aboriginal History
Aboriginal Land Rights
The Jabiluka Project

Chapter 3 - Environmental impact assessment - preliminary (PDF 62KB)

The Legislative and Regulatory Framework for Uranium Mining in Kakadu
Environmental Impact Assessments and Approvals for Jabiluka

Chapter 4 - Environmental impact assessment - the issues (PDF 278KB)

The Jabiluka EIA Process: Flaws and Uncertainties
  Run-off Containment and Management
  Tailings Disposal and Hydrology
  Radiological Protection
  The Scope for Public and Aboriginal Input to the EIA Process
  Cultural Heritage and Sacred Sites
  The Social Impacts of Uranium Mining
  World Heritage Protection
The Regulation and Oversight of Uranium Mining in Kakadu
The Government’s Decision-making
Should there be an Inquiry into the Jabiluka Project under s. 11 of the EPIP Act?

Chapter 5 - The rights of traditional owners (PDF 146KB)

The Legislative Framework: Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976
Aboriginal Land Ownership and the Jabiluka Mine
Jabiluka, Ranger and Change in Kakadu
How Fair Was the 1982 Jabiluka Agreement?
The Rights of Traditional Aboriginal Owners: Debate and Conclusions

Chapter 6 -World Heritage issues (PDF 171KB)

Kakadu National Park and World Heritage Listing and Criteria
Australia’s World Heritage Obligations
The Government’s Response to the World Heritage Committee Mission’s Report
Should Kakadu National Park Be Given an ‘In Danger’ Listing?
Consequences of an ‘In Danger’ Listing

Appendix 1 - List of Submissions to the Inquiry (PDF 81KB)
Appendix 2 - List of Witnesses Who Appeared Before the Committee at Public Hearings (PDF 22KB)
Appendix 3 - Bibliography and References (PDF 25KB)
Appendix 4 - Executive Summary and Recommendations of the WHC mission to Kakadu (PDF 27KB)
Government Senators' Report (PDF 166KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: ecita.sen@aph.gov.au