
In hot water: the impacts of climate change on marine fisheries and biodiversity

6 December 2017

© Commonwealth of Australia 2017
ISBN 978-1-76010-682-9

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1662KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Committee membership (PDF 22KB)
Abbreviations (PDF 10KB)
List of recommendations (PDF 42KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 31KB)

Conduct of the inquiry
Structure of the report

Chapter 2 - Changes in ocean temperatures, currents and chemistry associated with climate change (PDF 709KB)

Rising ocean temperatures
Changing ocean currents
Rising sea levels
Changing ocean chemistry
Extreme weather events
Overview of monitoring arrangements
Knowledge gaps and other considerations

Chapter 3 - Changes in fish stocks, marine biodiversity and marine ecosystems (PDF 150KB)

Implications for fish stocks, marine biodiversity and ecosystems
Knowledge gaps and other considerations

Chapter 4 - Consequences of climate change for fishing, aquaculture and other ocean-based activities (PDF 144KB)

Commercial fishing and aquaculture
Recreational fishing
Indigenous fishing and management of sea country
Fishing on the high seas, fishing activity in other countries and illegal fishing
Tourism and recreational water-use

Chapter 5 - Adapting to climate change: Policy and regulatory responses (PDF 402KB)

Accounting for climate change in legislation, decision-making practices and administrative arrangements
Fisheries management
Marine biodiversity protections
Biosecurity measures and monitoring systems

Chapter 6 - Adapting to climate change: Measures to support fisheries, marine ecosystems and biodiversity (PDF 151KB)

Changes to fishing and aquaculture activities
Great Barrier Reef
Further research and better utilisation and coordination of research efforts

Chapter 7 - Conclusions and recommendations (PDF 51KB)
Australian Greens' additional comments: - Warming oceans – the canary in the coal mine (PDF 24KB)

Funding of the RV Investigator and GBRMPA
An Oceans Commissioner

Coalition Senators' additional comments (PDF 35KB)

Marine research and industry collaboration
Aquatic biosecurity and emergency response
Landcare and marine
Engagement of Traditional Owners and Indigenous Protected Areas
Offshore Constitutional Settlement arrangements
State and territory recreational fisheries
Greenhouse trigger
National Oceans Commissioner
Marine Protected Areas
Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Appendix 1 - Submissions, tabled documents, answers to questions on notice and additional information (PDF 15KB)

Tabled documents
Answers to questions on notice
Additional information

Appendix 2 - Public hearings (PDF 17KB)

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526