
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

1Mr John Bushell (PDF 136 KB) 
2GetUp! (PDF 271 KB) 
3Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 538 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 379 KB) 
4Mr Benjamin Cronshaw (PDF 67 KB) 
5Dr Andrew Norton (PDF 131 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 13175 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 3679 KB)  Attachment 3 (PDF 2131 KB) 
6Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council (PDF 254 KB) 
7Lock the Gate Alliance (PDF 1611 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 361 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 4570 KB)  Attachment 3 (PDF 4662 KB) 
8Protect Country Alliance (PDF 782 KB) 
9Professors Melissa Haswell and David Shearman (PDF 664 KB) 
10Central Australian Frack Free Alliance (PDF 103 KB) 
11Australian Workers' Union (PDF 261 KB) 
12Protect Big Rivers  (PDF 747 KB) 
13Mr Pompey and Ms Rosemary Raymond (PDF 216 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 35 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 5446 KB) 
14Name Withheld (PDF 73 KB) 
15Centre for Independent Studies (PDF 574 KB) 
16GetUp!, Environment Centre NT, Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network, Arid Lands Environment Centre and Australia (PDF 1163 KB) 
17Environment Centre NT (PDF 339 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 6184 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 219 KB) 

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