List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

6.12       The committee recommends that the Australian Government work with the state and territory governments to develop and implement a national policy framework for stormwater management (a National Stormwater Initiative).

Recommendation 2

6.13       To inform the development of the policy and regulatory framework under the National Stormwater Initiative, the committee recommends immediate audits to:

6.14       The committee further recommends that the audits:

Recommendation 3

6.15       The committee recommends that the Australian Government place water policy on the agenda of an upcoming meeting of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and that COAG recognise the benefits that improved stormwater management can provide.

Recommendation 4

6.16       As part of the development of the National Stormwater Initiative, the committee recommends that the Australian, state and territory governments consider new funding models and financial incentives that would facilitate improved stormwater management outcomes in an economically efficient way.

Recommendation 5

6.17       The committee recommends that the Australian Government restore funding for stormwater research. As part of the development of the National Stormwater Initiative, consideration should also be given to how the overall level of research and development can be increased by attracting co-investment from other levels of government and the private sector to support and expand research activities that receive funding from the Australian Government.

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