Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Submissions, tabled documents, additional information and answers to questions taken on notice


1          Dr Peter Freewater

2          IECA Australasia

3          DesignFlow

4          Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia

5          E2Designlab

6          Mr Simon Brink

7          Bankstown City Council

8          Townsville City Council

9          eWater Limited

10        Dr Darren Drapper

11       Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board, Government of South Australia

12        SPEL Environmental

13        Municipal Association of Victoria

14        Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Victoria

15        Local Government NSW

16        Central West Councils Salinity & Water Quality Alliance

17        Waterway Ecosystem Research Group, The University of Melbourne

18        City of Greater Geelong

19        Stormwater Australia

20        Stormwater Victoria

21        Stormwater Industry Association WA

22        Mr Jack Mullaly

23        Moreton Bay Regional Council

24        Mackay Regional Council

25        Australian Institute of Landscape Architects

26        Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council

27        Surfrider Foundation Australia

28        City West Water

29        Ipswich City Council

30        Healthy Waterways

31        Local Government Association of South Australia

32        Stormwater South Australia

33        Burnett Mary Regional Group

34        Cooks River Alliance

35        Water Sensitive SA

36        Sydney Water

37        City of Monash

38        Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (NSW Division)

39        Centre for Water Management & Reuse, University of South Australia

40        Great Lakes Council

41        Urban Water Cycle Solutions

42        CSIRO

43        City of Melbourne

44        CRC for Water Sensitive Cities

45        Georges River Combined Councils' Committee Inc

46        Mr Peter Dillon

47        Australian Water Association

48        Department of the Environment

49        Water Services Association of Australia

50        Engineers Australia

51        Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering

52        Parramatta River Catchment Group

53        Local Government Association of Queensland

54        Western Suburbs Regional Organisation of Councils

55        Floodplain Management Association

56        Mr Justin Crick

57        Mr Peter Q Newland

58        Mr Richard Clark

59        Clouston Associates

60        Dr Peter Coombes

61        Networked Infrastructure National Architecture Pty Ltd

62        Templug International Pty Ltd

63        Earth Environmental

64        Government of South Australia

Tabled documents

Stormwater Australia – Hearing notes (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

Stormwater Australia – List of suggested actions (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

Stormwater Australia – Water recycling (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

Stormwater Victoria – Hearing statement (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

City of Melbourne – Total Watermark—City as a Catchment: Update 2014 (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

City of Melbourne – Urban Forest Strategy: Making a Great City Greener
(public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

City of Melbourne – Opening statement (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

City of Melbourne – Stormwater diagram (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

City of Melbourne – Summary Report 2012 (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

City of Melbourne – Outcomes Report 2012 (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering – Harnessing the Potential of Stormwater (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering – Integrated water management can boost 'liveability' in cities (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

Dr Peter Coombes – Overview of submissions 41 and 60 (public hearing, Adelaide, 26 August 2015)

Dr Peter Dillon – Key points (public hearing, Adelaide, 26 August 2015)

Dr Peter Dillon – Australian Progress in Managed Aquifer Recharge and the Water Banking Frontier (public hearing, Adelaide, 26 August 2015)

Dr Peter Dillon – Reliability of water supply from stormwater harvesting and managed aquifer recharge with a brackish aquifer in an urbanising catchment and changing climate (public hearing, Adelaide, 26 August 2015)

Dr Peter Dillon – Refinding Yabbies (public hearing, Adelaide, 26 August 2015)

Dr Peter Dillon – Assessment of treatment options of recycling urban stormwater recycling via aquifers to produce drinking water quality (public hearing, Adelaide, 26 August 2015)

Additional information

Dr Peter Coombes – Coombes, P and Barry M (2008), 'The relative efficiency of water supply catchments and rainwater tanks in cities subject to variable climate and the potential for climate change', Australian Journal of Water Resources, vol. 12, no. 2

Dr Peter Coombes – Living Melbourne, Living Victoria: Greater Melbourne Systems Model – Modelling in support of Living Victoria Ministerial Advisory Council

Dr Peter Coombes – Coombes, P and Barry M (2014), Systems analysis of water cycle systems: Economic analysis of options and scenarios for the Living Ballarat project, Urban Water Cycle Solutions

Dr Peter Coombes – Victorian Government, Melbourne's water future

Dr Peter Coombes – Coombes, P, Smit, M and MacDonald, G (2015), A Case Study: Resolving Boundary Conditions in Economic Analysis of Distributed Solutions for Water Cycle Management

Dr Peter Coombes – Coombes, P, Smit, M and MacDonald, G (2015), A Case Study: Resolving Boundary Conditions in Economic Analysis of Distributed Solutions for Water Cycle Management (final paper)

Answers to questions taken on notice

Stormwater Australia – Answers to questions taken on notice (public hearing, Melbourne, 18 May 2015)

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