Appendix 1

Submissions, tabled documents, answers to questions on notice and additional information


1                            Shark Shield Pty Ltd

2                            Surf Life Saving Queensland

3                            Sydney Coastal Councils Group

4                            Australia for Dolphins

5                            Mr Dan Webber

6                            Australian Aerial Patrol

7                            Mr Duncan Leadbitter

8                            Dr Peter Kerkenezov

9                            Confidential

10                          Surf Life Saving South Australia

11                          Mr John Heaton

12                          Ms Holly North

13                          Surf Life Saving Western Australia (Inc)

14                          Mrs Rochelle Ferris

15                          Surf Life Saving NSW and Australian Lifeguard Service NSW

16                          Surf Life Saving Australia

17                          Surfrider Foundation Australia

18                          The Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC

19                          Confidential

20                          Surfing Australia

21                          Dr Leah Gibbs, Mr Lachlan Fetterplace, Associate Professor Quentin Hanich and Mr Matthew Rees

22                          Mr Greg Webber

23                          Dr Daniel Bucher and Professor Peter Harrison

24                          Ms Caitlin Weatherstone

25                          SEA LIFE Trust

26                          Mr Dale Carr

27                          NSW Greens

28                          Migaloo 2 Foundation

29                          Sharksafe Barrier

30                          Mr Keith Williams

31                          Global Marine Enclosures

32                          Queensland Government, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

33                          Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

34                          Fisheries Research and Development Corporation

35                          Sunshine Coast Environment Council

36                          Illawarra Greens

37                          Australian Seabird Rescue Inc.

38                          Australian Marine Conservation Society

39                          Mr Don Munro

40                          IFAW – International Fund for Animal Welfare

41                          Eurobodalla Greens

42                          EDOs of Australia

43                          Humane Society International

44                          Nature Conservation Council of NSW

45                          Ballina Chamber of Commerce

46                          Project AWARE

47                          Mr Kim Allen

47.1                       Supplementary 1 to Submission 47

47.2                       Supplementary 2 to Submission 47

47.3                       Supplementary 3 to Submission 47

48                          Dr Christopher Neff

49                          Australian Institute of Marine Science

50                          Greenpeace Australia Pacific

51                          Australian Conservation Foundation

52                          Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore SLSC

53                          Ms Keri James

54                          Ballina Environment Society Inc.

55                          Department of the Environment and Energy

56                          Mr Fred Pawle

57                          Sea Shepherd Australia

58                          Associate Professor Daryl McPhee

59                          Mr Tony Isaacson, DiveCareDare

59.1                       Supplementary to Submission 59

60                          Dorsal

61                          New South Wales Young Lawyers Animal Law Committee

62                          Associate Professor Richard Gates

63                          Ms Jann Gilbert

64                          Mr Peter Stephenson

65                          Government of South Australia

66                          Mrs Rebecca Clough

67                          Mr Geoff McPherson

68                          Confidential

69                          Ballina Shire Council

70                          Abalone Industry Association of South Australia

71                          Mr Eric Kotz

72                          Mr Ian Wiese

73                          Dr Sharon Burden

74                          Mr Blair Ranford

75                          Mr Paul Collier

76                          Esperance Ocean Safety and Support Group

77                          Dr Jan-Olaf Meynecke

78                          Finding Salisbury Inc

Form letter

Form letter received from 223 individuals

Tabled documents

Mr Lindsay Lyon – Finding of Inquest concerning the death of Paul William Buckland, 11 April 2003 (public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017)

Mr Lindsay Lyon – Finding of Inquest concerning the death of Peter Stephen Clarkson, 9 August 2013 (public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017)

Mr Lindsay Lyon – Article, CF Smit and V Peddemors, 'Applications estimating the probability of a shark attached when using an electric repellent' (public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017)

Mr Lindsay Lyon – Shark Shield Ocean Guardian (public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017)

Professor Shaun Collin – Article, C Huveneers et al, 'Effects of an Electric Field on White Sharks: In Situ Testing of an Electrical Deterrent' (public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017)

Professor Shaun Collin – Article, R Kempster et al, 'How Close is too Close? The Effect of a Non-Lethal Electric Shark Deterrent on White Shark Behaviour', Plos One, 2016, 11(7) (public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017)

Professor Jessica Meeuwig – Article, J Meeuwig et al, 'When Science Places Threatened Species at Risk' (public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017)

Mr Chris Gurtler – Photographs, Shark Alert (public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017)

Mr John Heaton – Record of shark incidents September 2014 – October 2016 (public hearing, Byron Bay, 2 May 2017)

Mr John Heaton – Documents outlining personal effects after the last 2 years of shark attacks (public hearing, Byron Bay, 2 May 2017)

Ms Jann Gilbert – Various newspaper articles (public hearing, Byron Bay, 2 May 2017)

Sunshine Coast Environment Council – Queensland shark control program maps (public hearing, Byron Bay, 2 May 2017)

Senator Sue Lines – Report on international visitors to Australia, Tourism Research Australia (Austrade) (public hearing, Perth, 28 July 2017)

Mr Lindsay Lyon – Shark Shield opening statement (public hearing, Perth, 28 July 2017)

Mr Bradley Woods, Australian Hotels Association (WA) – Internet searches on shark attacks (public hearing, Perth, 28 July 2017)

Ms Kellie Lindsay, Coolum and North Shore Coast Care – Summary of the ecological impacts of the Queensland shark safety program, and options and recommendations for solutions (public hearing, Brisbane, 31 July 2017)

Coolum and North Shore Coast Care – Opening statement (public hearing, Brisbane, 31 July 2017)

CSIRO – Opening statement (public hearing, Canberra, 20 October 2017)

Answers to questions on notice

Sydney Coastal Councils Group – Answer to question taken on notice, public hearing, Sydney, 16 March 2017 (received 12 April 2017)

Department of the Environment and Energy – Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, Sydney, 16 March 2017 (received 19 April 2017)

Dr Christopher Neff – Answer to question taken on notice, public hearing, Sydney, 17 March 2017 (received 28 April 2017)

SEA LIFE Trust – Answer to question taken on notice, public hearing, Sydney, 17 March 2017 (received 2 May 2017)

Mayor Troy Pickard – Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, Perth, 20 April 2017 (received 16 May 2017)

Ms Tooni Mahto – Answer to question taken on notice, public hearing, Byron Bay, 2 May 2017 (received 16 May 2017)

Mr Bradley Woods – Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, Perth, 28 July 2017 (received 24 August 2017)

CSIRO – Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 20 October 2017 (received 23 November 2017)

CSIRO – Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 20 October 2017 (received 24 November 2017)

Department of the Environment and Energy – Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, Canberra, 14 November 2017 (received 29 November 2017)

Additional information

The Hon Colin Barnett MLA, Premier of Western Australia – Correspondence dated 14 December 2016

Associate Professor Nathan Hart – 'Sharks senses and shark repellent' in Integrative Zoology (2015)

Dr Christopher Neff – Tables and charts regarding shark control programs and shark bite incidents

Humane Society International – Additional statement provided after 17 March 2017 public hearing

Mr Dan Webber – Additional information provided after 17 March 2017 public hearing

Mr Chris Gurtler – Cardno report for Shark Alert, 'An Innovative Method for Obtaining High Detection Rates of Sharks on Ocean Beaches'

Mr Chris Gurtler – Briefing note on Shark Alert by Dr Daryl McPhee

Cr Simon Richardson – Clarification of evidence provided after 2 May 2017 public hearing

Ms Jann Gilbert – Journal article: 'Human-shark interactions: The case study of Reunion Island in the south-west Indian Ocean'

Ms Jann Gilbert – Article: 'Why is this Indian Ocean island a hot spot for shark attacks?'

Mr Richard Talmage – Correspondence from Shark Mitigation Systems dated 4 August 2017

The Hon Niall Blair MLC, New South Wales Minister for Primary Industries – Correspondence dated 14 August 2017

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