Committee membership

Committee contact details

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Parliament House
Canberra   ACT   2600

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Committee membership

Committee members  
Senator David Bushby, Chair (from 12 September 2016) LP, Tasmania
Senator James Paterson, Chair (to 12 September 2016) LP, Victoria
Senator Larissa Waters, Deputy Chair AG, Queensland
Senator Anthony Chisholm ALP, Queensland
Senator Jonathon Duniam LP, Tasmania
Senator Jane Hume LP, Victoria
Senator Anne Urquhart ALP, Tasmania
Participating members for this inquiry  
Senator Stirling Griff NXT, South Australia
Senator Bridget McKenzie NATS, Victoria

Committee secretariat

Ms Christine McDonald, Committee Secretary
Mr Colby Hannan, Principal Research Officer
Ms Fattimah Imtoual, Senior Research Officer
Ms Kirsty Cattanach, Research Officer
Ms Michelle Macarthur-King, Administrative Officer

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