Additional Documents

1 PDF: Report of the Independent Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory, provided by Dr Allan Hawke AC Report of the Independent Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory, provided by Dr Allan Hawke AC
2 PDF: Dr Wayne Somerville, How Could CSG Air Pollution in the Darling Downs Be an 'Acceptable' Risk to Health? The Elephant That Can't Get Into the Room, May 2015, provided by Dr Geralyn McCarron Dr Wayne Somerville, How Could CSG Air Pollution in the Darling Downs Be an 'Acceptable' Risk to Health? The Elephant That Can't Get Into the Room, May 2015, provided by Dr Geralyn McCarron
3 PDF: Extract from QGC Stage 2 Water Monitoring and Management Plan, '13.0 Well stimulation', provided by Dr Geralyn McCarron Extract from QGC Stage 2 Water Monitoring and Management Plan, '13.0 Well stimulation', provided by Dr Geralyn McCarron
4 PDF: Origin Energy - response to evidence taken at public hearing, 27 July 2015, Brisbane Origin Energy - response to evidence taken at public hearing, 27 July 2015, Brisbane
5 PDF: QGC - response to evidence taken at public hearing, 27 July 2015, Brisbane QGC - response to evidence taken at public hearing, 27 July 2015, Brisbane
6 PDF: Mrs Anne Daw, Limestone Coast Protection Alliance, documents provided on 15 September 2015 Mrs Anne Daw, Limestone Coast Protection Alliance, documents provided on 15 September 2015
7 PDF: Corrrespondence from Professor Damian Barrett, Research Director, Energy, CSIRO, correcting evidence given at the public hearing on 28 July 2015, Canberra Corrrespondence from Professor Damian Barrett, Research Director, Energy, CSIRO, correcting evidence given at the public hearing on 28 July 2015, Canberra

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526

About this inquiry

The private senator’s bill proposes to make gas or coal mining activities undertaken without prior written authorisation from landholders unlawful and would ban constitutional corporations from engaging in hydraulic fracturing operations (fracking) for coal seam gas, shale gas and tight gas.

Past Public Hearings

09 Sep 2015: CANBERRA
25 Aug 2015: TAMWORTH
28 Jul 2015: CANBERRA


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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