Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings

Monday, 16 February 2015 – Brisbane

Energex Limited

            Mr Terry Effeney, Chief Executive Officer

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited

            Mr Ian McLeod, Chief Executive

Australian Sugar Milling Council

            Ms Sharon Denny, Senior Executive Officer, Government and Business Development

Australian Sugar Industry Alliance

            Mr Warren Males, Head, Economics, Canegrowers; and Chairman, Sugarcane Gene Technology Group
            Mr Dominic Nolan, Joint Secretary

Canegrowers Isis Ltd

            Mr Robert Mackenzie, Director
            Mr Geoffrey McCarthy, Director

Bundaberg Regional Irrigators Group

            Mr Dale Holliss, Company Secretary

Avondale Water Board

            Mr Peter Maidment, Chairman

Electrical Trades Union

            Mr Lance McCallum, National Policy Officer
            Mr Stuart Traill, Queensland State Organiser

VETO Energex Towers Organisation

            Mr Paul Casbolt, President
            Ms Laurie Koranski, Spokesperson

Energy Networks Association

            Mr John Bradley, Chief Executive Officer
            Mr Garth Crawford, Executive Director, Economic Regulation

Queensland Consumers' Association

            Mr Ian Jarratt, Vice President

Tuesday, 17 February 2015 – Sydney

Australian Energy Market Commission

            Ms Chantelle Bramley, Senior Director, Strategy and Economic Analysis
            Mr Richard Owens, Senior Director, Transmission and Distribution Networks
            Mr Paul Smith, Chief Executive

Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ltd

            Mr Oliver Derum, Senior Policy Officer, Energy and Water Consumers' Advocacy Program
            Dr Gabrielle Kuiper, Senior Policy Officer, Energy and Water Consumers' Advocacy Program

Cotton Australia

            Mrs Angela Bradburn, Policy Officer
            Ms Felicity Muller, Policy Officer
            Mr Michael Murray, Policy Manager

New South Wales Irrigators' Council

            Ms Stefanie Schulte, Policy Manager

Solar Energy Industries Association Inc

            Mr Geoff Bragg, New South Wales Chairman

Bell Bay Aluminium

            Mr Ray Mostogl, General Manager

Professor David Johnstone (private capacity)

Total Environment Centre

            Mr Mark Byrne, Energy Market Advocate

Mr Bruce Robertson (private capacity)

Solar Citizens

            Ms Claire O'Rourke, National Director

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 – Melbourne

Australian Energy Regulator

            Ms Michelle Groves, Chief Executive Officer
            Mr Chris Pattas, General Manager, Networks
            Mr Sebastian Roberts, General Manager, Networks

Energy Users Association of Australia

            Mr Phillip Barresi, Chief Executive Officer
            Mr Brian Green, Board Chairman
            Mr Mark Grenning, Board Director
            Mr Jonathan Wood, Board Director

Energy Supply Association of Australia

            Mr Kieran Donoghue, General Manager Policy
            Mr Matthew Warren, Chief Executive Officer

Jemena, AusNet Services, CitiPower and Powercor

            Mr Brent Cleeve, General Manager Regulation, CitiPower and Powercor Australia
            Mr Robert McMillan, General Manager Regulation, Jemena
            Mr Alistair Parker, General Manager Asset Management, AusNet Services

Energy Efficiency Council

            Mr Robert Murray-Leach, Chief Executive Officer
            Dr Phil Blythe, Managing Director, GreenSync
            Dr Paul Troughton, Director of Regulatory Affairs, EnerNOC

Consumer Action Law Centre

            Mr Gerard Brody, Chief Executive Officer
            Ms Janine Rayner, Senior Policy Officer, Energy

Mr Bruce Mountain (private capacity)

Thursday, 19 February 2015 – Adelaide

Agriculture Industries Electricity Taskforce

            Mr Tom Chesson, Key Member
            Mr Gavin McMahon, Chief Executive Officer, Central Irrigation Trust
            Mr Bruce Mountain, Director, Carbon and Energy Markets
            Mr Barry Schier, General Manager, Renmark Irrigation Trust

South Australian Council of Social Service

            Ms Jo De Silva, Senior Policy Officer
            Mr Andrew Nance, Director, St Kitts Associates

Uniting Communities South Australia

            Mr Mark Henley, Manager Advocacy and Communications

Tuesday, 24 March 2015 – Canberra

Ms Cally Wilson (private capacity)

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