Chapter 3 - The terrestrial reserve system
Australia's conservation estate is made up of a complex patchwork of
parks and reserves, managed by various Commonwealth, state and territory
agencies, under a range of systems. Overlaid on this reserve system are other
conservation management frameworks, in particular World Heritage and National
Heritage listings, which reflect the fact that different sites have different
levels of heritage significance at different geographic scales.
Australia today has over 600 national parks. Over 28 million hectares of
land is designated as national parkland, which accounts for almost four per
cent of Australia's land areas. However, an even larger proportion of the
conservation estate is in other types of reserves and other land tenures. A
further six per cent or more of Australia is protected and includes conservation
areas within state forests, nature reserves, indigenous protected areas and
conservation reserves. $87 million has been invested by the Government since
1997, directly increasing the size of the reserve system by 25% over that time.
This diversity of protected areas is brought together through the
National Reserve System (NRS). The NRS is a system of terrestrial protected
areas that contribute to the conservation of Australia's biodiversity. It has
been collaboratively developed by the state, territory and Australian
Governments, non-government organisations and Indigenous landholders.[1]
During mid-2004 various state and territory nature conservation agencies
provided information on terrestrial and marine protected areas in their
jurisdiction to the Department of the Environment and Water Resources (DEW).
This information was compiled into a database of statutory protected areas
called the Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD).
The CAPAD records information on all protected areas in Australia. The
database has been used to produce statistics on protected areas meeting the
currently agreed criteria for inclusion in the National Reserve System (NRS).
This information is used by the Commonwealth and the states and territories in
the monitoring and assessment of the reservation status of land for
conservation purposes in Australia.
As of 2004 terrestrial protected areas in Australia totalled over 768
million hectares, accounting for 10.52 per cent of Australia's landmass. There
are many different types of protected areas making up this percentage of
protected land, and CAPAD provides a list of all terrestrial protected areas in
Australia by type, including national parks, historic reserves, conservation
reserves, forests reserves, indigenous protected areas, and state parks, just
to name a few. (See Appendix 6 for a CAPAD summary of terrestrial protected
areas by type.) Figure 3.1 shows the contribution of some of the main
categories of reserve to the 80 million hectares of conservation estate
recorded in 2004.
Figure 3.1 Land tenure and the conservation estate

Source: CAPAD 2004 data.
The Australian national parks system differs markedly from that of some
other countries. In the United States of America (USA) the national parks
system is managed by the Federal government, and the states do not have
management or legislative control over them as is largely the case in Australia.
In addition to managing these parks, the USA's Park Service supports the
preservation of natural and historic places and promotes outdoor recreation
outside the system through a range of grant and technical assistance programs
which are available to the state authorities and other parties if they wish to
apply for them.[2]
Australia's system of national parks also contrasts with that of Canada
in that, for the Canadian National Parks Act and Regulations to apply, it is a
constitutional requirement that national park lands must be federal government
property. Within the provinces, where the provincial governments administer
most lands, a federal-provincial agreement is usually negotiated whereby the
province transfers administration and control of the land to the Canadian federal
government for a new national park. Within the Canadian northern territories,
it is the practice to seek the concurrence of the territorial government for a
new national park through negotiation of a federal-territorial agreement. Where
lands are subject to a comprehensive land claim by Aboriginal people, a new
park can be established as part of a negotiated claim settlement or a national
park reserve can be established pending the resolution of the claim.[3]
In Australia, the term 'national park' is more of a generic term that
can apply equally to parks that are under the control or ownership of the
states, territories and/or the Commonwealth. In both the USA and Canada the
term usually only applies to those parks managed by Federal government agencies.
Commonwealth reserves
While over 10 per cent of Australia's land is classified as protected
land, much of this land comes under the jurisdiction of the various state and
territory governments. The Commonwealth is responsible for a relatively small
percentage of these protected areas.
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
(EPBC Act) allows the Governor-General to declare an area of land that is owned
by the Commonwealth or held under lease by the Commonwealth, to be a Commonwealth
reserve. The Commonwealth must obtain the consent of the state to acquire land
for the purpose of declaring it a Commonwealth reserve if the land is dedicated
or reserved under state law for purposes related to nature conservation or
protecting areas of historical, archaeological or geological importance or
significance to Indigenous persons.[4]
As was explained to the committee during the hearings, the Commonwealth's
environment and heritage portfolio is responsible for six Commonwealth national
parks, 13 marine protected areas, two botanic gardens and the Great Barrier
Reef Marine Park. These properties represent just three per cent of Australia’s
terrestrial protected area estate in the national reserve system. Of Australia’s
current marine protected area estate, 98 per cent of the area is being managed
by the Commonwealth (see chapter 4 for a detailed discussion of the marine
reserve system).[5]
Currently, there are a number of Commonwealth reserves which are
declared under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999 (EPBC Act), made up of a combination of National Parks, Botanic
Gardens and Marine Protected Areas.[6]
The Commonwealth National Parks declared under the EPBC Act are:
- Booderee National Park
- Christmas Island National Park and Conservancy
- Kakadu National Park
- Norfolk Island National Park
- Pulu Keeling National Park and Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.[7]
With at least 18 percent of Australia's land currently being owned or
controlled by Indigenous people,[8]
some parks are leased back from their Indigenous traditional land owners by the
Commonwealth. In the case of Uluru-Kata Tjuta, Kakadu and Booderee national
parks, joint management has involved the transfer of ownership of each of these
national parks to Australia's Indigenous people on a lease-back arrangement in
exchange for future continuity of national park status of the land and shared
responsibility for park management.[9]
State and territory reserves
While the Commonwealth is responsible for the management of six terrestrial
national parks, there are 600 or more national parks that are being managed by
various state agencies.[10]
Those agencies which are empowered to manage the conservation estate at a state
and territory level are:
- Environment ACT
- NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
- Parks Victoria
- Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service
- National Parks and Wildlife Service SA
- Department of Environment and Conservation (WA)
- Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory; and
- Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.[11]
Each of these agencies manage a vast range of parks and reserves that do
not come under the jurisdiction or the funding of the Commonwealth. They
include the majority of places in Australia known as national parks. Other agencies
and departments are also involved in state and territory management of
important parts of the conservation estate. This estate includes diverse high
profile and intensely visited locations in Australia, such as:
- Kosciusko National Park in New South Wales. Kosciusko National
Park encompasses 673 542 hectares and is the largest national park in NSW and
one of the largest conservation reserves in Australia.[12]
Between one and two million people visit the park each year.[13]
- Mossman Gorge, covering 56 500 hectares, located in the Daintree National
Park in Queensland. This area has one of the highest visitation rates of all
tourist destinations in the Wet Tropic region at over 360 000 visitors per
- Rottnest Island in Western Australia, a reserve managed by the
Rottnest Island Authority, receives over half a million visitors each year. The
Island is 11 kilometres long, 4.5 kilometres at its widest point, and the land
area measures 1900 hectares. [15]
The most recent official statistics from the Department of the
Environment and Water Resources CAPAD provides the number of hectares of
terrestrial protected areas and the percentage of land these areas occupy in
each Australian state and territory (Table 3.1).[16]
The extent to which jurisdictions contain protected areas varies dramatically
across Australia with the Australian Capital Territory having the highest
percentage of protected area at 54.77 per cent coverage, while Queensland has
the lowest with 4.98 per cent.
The state with the greatest number of hectares of protected land is Western
Australia with over 27 million hectares, followed closely by South Australia
with just over 25 million hectares of protected land. The Australian Capital
Territory, at just over 129 000 hectares, has the lowest number of protected
hectares of land.
Table 3.1: Summary of Protected Areas by Territory and State
State or Territory
Area (ha)
% PA Total
129 146
6 134 350
8 619 427
25 344 280
6 931 835
2 590 444
3 746 083
27 399 534
Source: Department of the
Environment and Heritage, The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database
(CAPAD),, accessed 12 December 2006.
World Heritage Areas
Australia has long recognised the importance of preserving its rich and
diverse natural and cultural heritage. Australia was one of the first
signatories to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World's Cultural
and Natural Heritage and since then, 182 countries have ratified the treaty.[17]
A central element of this convention is the creation and maintenance of a
global register of places with universal heritage value, the World Heritage List.
Sites nominated for World Heritage listing are subject to careful
assessment, before being inscribed on the list as representing the best
examples of the world's cultural and natural heritage. With 16 World Heritage
properties, Australia has well above the average of less than five areas per
member party.[18]
The World Heritage Convention states that the primary goal for World Heritage
management is ‘to protect, conserve, rehabilitate, present and transmit World
Heritage Areas for future generations’.[19]
Australia's 16 World Heritage Areas are places or areas that the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), has agreed
are deserving of special protection because they represent the best examples of
the world's cultural and natural heritage. Some of these areas, such as Kakadu,
Uluru-Kata Tjuta and Purnululu National Parks, are jointly managed by the
Aboriginal traditional owners as UNESCO World Heritage Areas.[20]
Australian properties listed as World Heritage Areas are:
- Heard and McDonald Islands
- Macquarie Island
- Tasmanian Wilderness
- Australian Fossil Mammal Sites
- Lord Howe Island
- Central Eastern Rainforests
- Willandra
- Shark Bay
- Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
- Kakadu National Park
- Fraser Island
- Wet Tropics of Queensland
- Great Barrier Reef
- Greater Blue Mountains Area
- Purnululu National Park
- Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens. [21]
While some of these World Heritage listed properties are managed by the
states and territories, legislation under the Commonwealth's Environmental
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, stipulates that any
action (development or otherwise) requires Commonwealth approval if the action
has, will have, or is likely to have a significant impact on these areas.[22]
World Heritage properties in Australia do not become Commonwealth
property, and ownership rights are not affected by listing. In Queensland, for
example, the management of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is shared between
the Commonwealth and Queensland governments, and the management of other World
Heritage sites is carried out primarily by environmental protection authorities
in conjunction with government and community partners.[23]
National Heritage List
The National Heritage List is Australia's list of places or groups of
places with outstanding heritage value to the nation - whether natural,
Indigenous or historic or a combination of these.[24]
Places on the National Heritage List are protected under the Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 which requires that
approval be obtained before any action takes place which has, will have, or is
likely to have, a significant impact on the national heritage values of a
listed place.[25]
This mechanism provides for a high level of protection to listed properties,
including national parks.
Currently there are 39 places listed on the National Heritage List, with
a large proportion of these being national parks and reserves. Five new
national parks were recently added to the National Heritage List as announced
by the Minister for the Environment and Heritage in December 2006. The National
Heritage List now includes the following parks and reserves:
- Kurnell Peninsula
- Recherche Bay (North East Peninsula) Area
- Glass House Mountains National Landscape
- Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Lion Island, Long Island and Spectacle
Island Nature Reserves
- Warrumbungle National Park
- Royal National Park and Garawarra State Conservation Area
- Grampians National Park (Gariwerd)
- Stirling Range National Park.[26]
The former Minister the Hon. Ian Campbell said that the inclusion of five
new national parks on the list recognised Australia’s reputation for having
some of the most rich and diverse natural heritage in the world and would help
ensure the preservation of these parks for future generations. The Minister
outlined the reasons for their inclusion, stating:
Sydney’s Royal National Park has been included in the list with
the Garawarra State Conservation Area because of its outstanding richness in
plant and animal species and its contribution to the beginning of the
Australian conservation movement. Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park has an
exceptional concentration of biodiversity with 24 plant communities, more than
1000 native plant species and 100 species of moths and butterflies. The dramatic
volcanic landscape, biodiversity and stunning natural beauty earned the Warrumbungle
National Park its place on the list, while the Grampians National Park was
recognised for its powerful landscape, natural beauty and Aboriginal rock art. The
Stirling Range is an internationally recognised biodiversity hotspot and its
inclusion in the National Heritage List will afford it greater protection for
future generations.[27]
As with the World Heritage List, listing on the National
Heritage List does not affect land tenure and is not confined to national
Conservation objectives beyond the public conservation estate
In addition to the role of government agencies in managing the
conservation estate on public land, nature conservation on private land also helps
to meet national conservation objectives. There are various Commonwealth, state
and territory schemes encouraging private conservation, and these play an
important role in enhancing Australia's efforts towards conservation
In addition to individual private land owners and managers who may be
working towards conservation objectives, there are also dedicated
non-government organisations (NGOs) involved in the purchase and management of
land specifically for conservation purposes. The Australian Bush Heritage Fund and
the Australian Wildlife Conservancy are amongst the organisations whose aims
include purchasing large tracts of land with the major objective of
preservation of the natural environment.
A more detailed discussion of the importance of private interests and
the valuable contribution their involvement makes to Australia's conservation
estate will take place in chapter 11 of this report.
Planning for the future of the reserve system
The Australian, state and territory governments have committed
themselves to a "Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative" (CAR)
system of reserves or protected areas. This ensures that significant
examples of the extensive range of Australia's ecosystems are protected for the
benefit of present and future generations. More specifically CAR means:
- Comprehensive – refers to the inclusion within protected
areas of examples of regional-scale ecosystems;
- Adequate – refers to ensuring sufficient levels of each
ecosystem is included within a protected area network to 'provide ecological
viability and integrity of populations, species and communities';
- Representative – refers to the inclusion of areas at a
finer scale, which reflect the variability within ecosystems.[28]
The goal of a CAR system of reserves for Australia is endorsed by the
Australian government and the state and territory governments as signatories to
the National Strategy for Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity
(1996), and the National Forest Policy Statement (1992). Through these
agreements, the various governments have agreed to work together in a
partnership approach to achieve the aims of the CAR system.[29]
Three processes contribute to the development of a CAR system of
protected areas: the National Reserve System (NRS); the Regional Forest Agreement
(RFA); and the National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas
(NRSMPA). While both the NRS and RFA will be discussed in more detail in this
chapter, the NRSMPA will be discussed in chapter 4.
National Reserve System (NRS)
The NRS program was formed in 1997 as part of the establishment of the Natural
Heritage Trust (NHT) to accelerate the protection of Australia's landscapes,
flora and fauna for future generations. Since its inception the Australian
Government has spent over $80 million building the NRS and adding more than 20
million hectares to the nation's protected land areas.[30]
The NRS platform is founded on strong partnerships between the Australian
government and the state and territory governments and this is embedded in the
NRS Directions Statement.[31]
The National Reserve System (NRS) program stimulates biodiversity
conservation through reserve establishment and management in both government
and non-government sectors across Australia. It has been effective in raising
awareness across successive government and non-government organisations about
the importance of achieving a comprehensive, adequate and representative (CAR)
system of reserves in Australia as a means of conserving biodiversity.[32]
Australia has nine Protected Area (PA) systems, one in each state and
territory as well as the Commonwealth Government system, and these collectively
join to form the National Reserve System which together covers over 10 per cent
of the Australian land mass.[33]
The NRS allows Australian governments and conservation organisations to
address the gaps in the comprehensiveness of the reserve system at the national
scale. This is achieved using the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for
Australia (IBRA) as the planning framework.[34]
A systematic approach to planning the NRS requires mapping methods that
will best reflect biodiversity in the landscape, 'to clearly identify
reservation targets, to set priorities to meet those targets' and to monitor
progress towards building a CAR reserve system.[35]
The IBRA framework provides those tools.
IBRA divides the Australian land mass into 85 biogeographic regions and
404 sub-regions. Each region is a land area made up of a group of interacting
ecosystems that are 'repeated in similar form across the landscape'.[36]
Appendix 7 contains the most recent map provided by the Department of the
Environment and Water Resources of the IBRA boundaries and includes a visual
representation of the terrestrial protected areas across Australia within those
The IBRA framework provides a planning mechanism for the development of
the NRS. All biogeographic regions have been allocated a priority ranking of
Very High, High, Medium or Low. These rankings indicate the priority status of
the different regions for inclusion in the NRS. The collaborative NRS
Directions Statement directs that each state, territory and the Australian
government must aim to have implementation plans in place for each IBRA
priority region by 2006. The priority ranking system assists governments to
decide how to best prioritise funding and other resources based on the level of
classification of a reserve area within the IBRA framework.[38]
Chapter 12 has a more detailed discussion of NRS funding.
An independent evaluation of the NRS program was undertaken in 2006 by
Mr Brian Gilligan to inform ongoing development of policy frameworks for
implementation of current and future natural resource management initiatives.
The evaluation addressed the extent to which the program is achieving its
objectives consistent with the overall objective of the NHT; the
appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of the program; the extent to
which the program links with the Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) program; and
the extent to which the program contributes to achieving other Australian
Government policy objectives.
The evaluation found that, overall, the NRS program is consistent with,
and contributes to, achieving the overarching objectives of the NHT. The review
recommended, inter alia, that the program should be reinstated as a
national program; funding levels should be reviewed by the Australian
Government; the application of national standards for protected area management
should be given high priority; the CAR criteria should continue to be used for
the purpose of planning and assessing acquisition proposals by the program, and
the contribution made by IPAs to the expansion of the NRS should be recognised
and enhanced.[39]
Regional Forest Agreement (RFA)
In 1992 the Commonwealth, state and territory governments began the process
which led to the formation of the National Forest Policy Statement (NFPS). The
NFPS was argued to be a first, major step towards resolving years of conflict
and dispute between environmentalists and loggers over forest use.[40]
Key elements of the NFPS include a commitment to the development of the CAR
reserve system, and the implementation of strategies to protect old-growth
forests and wilderness as part of that system. While many forest ecosystems are
already represented in other conservation reserves across Australia, the
nationally agreed criteria for a conservation reserve system for forests provides
an added objective basis for evaluating and subsequently ensuring conservation
of biological diversity and other values within the CAR reserve system.[41]
The establishment of Regional Forests Agreements (RFAs) are a key
element in the National Forest Policy Statement's approach as part of the CAR
system. RFAs seek a reasonable balance between the conservation of Australia's
forest estate and its enduring use for economic production and recreation.
RFAs are 20-year plans for the conservation and sustainable management
of Australia's native forests. There are 10 RFA's in four states: Western
Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales. These agreements provide
certainty for forest-based industries, forest-dependent communities and
conservation. As the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) points
out, RFA's are the result of years of scientific study, consultation and
negotiation covering a diverse range of interests.[42]
It is important to note that the NRS covers terrestrial ecosystems other
than those considered under the RFA process. The RFA process provides for
'specific forest and woodland ecosystems in specific forested regions'. RFAs
establish forest reserves only and are strategies for ecologically sustainable
forest management.[43]
While it is the Commonwealth government's role to coordinate a national
approach to environmental and industry-development issues, it is the state and territory
governments who have constitutional responsibility for forest management. The
20-year RFAs attempt to provide a balance between the environmental, social,
economic and heritage values that forests can provide for current and future
During the inquiry concerns were raised about the impact that RFAs were
having on state forests, and that the current system was undermining the
conservation process. Mr Graham Crossley of the Australian Trail Riders
Association pointed out that:
My understanding is that the first regional forest agreement
process was designed to stop conflict between the environmental people and
logging interests and was directed in that regard. The land was assessed,
essentially, for either conservation purposes or timber production. Timber
production targets were set. I think that they were 50 per cent at the 1995
sawlog production level. The Commonwealth entered into an agreement with the
states and provided a bag of money to go along with those agreements.
Conservation assessed land has essentially moved into reserve categories.
Timber production land had those timber production targets carried out against
them. Subsequent to that, there was a state election in New South Wales and
state forest land moved over into the reserve system, yet the production
targets remained the same. That had the effect that the same amount of timber
was coming off a smaller and smaller base. I have explored this topic with some
senior state forest managers who said that they have done some modelling on it
and that their belief is that in 25 years time there will be no mature trees
left in the Central and North Coast state forest areas. I believe that this is
a perverse outcome of the regional forest agreement process.[45]
Although RFAs have been an important element in developing the
conservation estate, this has not meant that the results are without
controversy. Concerns were raised that the degradation of biodiversity was more
likely to occur in forests which were being fully protected in the national
parks system, yet neglected:
You can see the degradation and what happens to these areas once
they are taken out of active forest production management. There are simply no
resources there to manage them. If there were the resources, would you knowingly
put a well managed, productive state forest into a national park and then leave
it? I cannot imagine that anybody with any sort of serious policy or who cares
about the environment would want that to happen. Yet that is exactly what happens,
time and time again. Once they have been put into a national park, they are
basically just left.[46]
These concerns highlight the fact that reserves require ongoing
management, and this is discussed further in subsequent chapters.
The historical origins of reserves as areas created in some cases before
federation has led to differences in funding levels across the various
jurisdictions, and a proliferation of types of park and reserve. This resulted
in the early 1990s in Australia having around ten times more national parks
compared with other countries, even though the percentage of allocated land was
quite similar.[47]
This fragmented system goes some way to explaining the different declaration
regimes and various management plans for the conservation estate across Australia.
Australia's World Heritage properties are also affected. Because Australia’s
16 World Heritage Areas are governed under a variety of legislative regimes, on
the ground management may be the responsibility of Commonwealth, state and territory
government agencies, local government or, in some cases, private landholders. [48]
There are many facets to the creation and management of the conservation
estate in Australia. The preceding chapters have provided some background on
the history of the parks system and an overview of how the terrestrial parks
and reserve system operates today. This background knowledge is essential to
any discussion of the adequacy of the parks and reserve system. The next
chapter outlines the distinctive origins and nature of the marine reserve
system. Subsequent chapters of this report seek to examine more closely
specific issues in relation to Australia's conservation estate to determine
what, if any, changes may need to take place in order to improve and enhance
the system as it exists today.
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