Appendix 1 - Submissions

Appendix 1 - Submissions

  1. Ms Belinda J Scott
  2. Mr Michael Reid
  3. Birrung Gallery Sydney
  4. Mr Robert Stuurman
  5. ArtsSA
  6. Mr Alex Malik
  7. Museum & Gallery Services Queensland
  8. Creative Economy Pty Ltd
  9. Queensland University of Technology
  10. Warlayirti Artists
  11. Professor Jon Altman
  12. Mr Brian Tucker
  13. Ms Lotte Ghielen
  14. Papunya Tula Artists Pty Ltd
  15. artsource – the artists foundation of WA Ltd
  16. Cross Cultural Art Exchange
  17. The Rainbow Serpent
  18. Department of Culture and the Arts, WA
  19. Australian Indigenous Art Trade Association
  20. The Artists of Ampilatwatja
  21. Japingka – Indigenous Fine Art Gallery
  22. Ms Monique Weemstra
  23. National Indigenous Council
  24. Mbantua Gallery
  25. Identeart
  26. Lauraine Diggins Fine Art
  27. National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA)
  28. The University of Queensland
  29. Austrade
  30. Griffith University
  31. Caruana Fine Art
  32. Professor R John Watling & Ms Rachel L Green
  33. Mr Peter Garrett AM MP
  34. Marshall Arts
  35. Department of Industry and Resources, Western Australia
  36. Arts Law Centre of Australia
  37. NSW Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council
  38. The Australia Council
  39. The Wilin Centre for Indigenous Arts and Cultural Development, Victorian College of the Arts
  40. Gab Titui Cultural Centre
  41. Ms Christine Godden
  42. Indigenous curators of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art
  43. Australian Art Market Report
  44. 44A Viscopy
  45. Arts Law Centre of Queensland Inc
  46. Ananguku Arts & Culture Aboriginal Corporation
  47. Ms Jennifer Herd
  48. Mr Alec O'Halloran
  49. Desart
  50. Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
  51. Maningrida Arts & Culture
  52. Waringarri Aboriginal Arts
  53. Arts NSW
  54. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  55. A P Bond – Art Dealer
  56. Ms Ali Cobby Eckermann
  57. Northern Territory Government
  58. Queensland Government
  59. Arnold Bloch Leibler & Jirrawun Arts Corporation
  60. Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
  61. Mr Will Owen
  62. Mr Jason Davidson
  63. Association of Northern, Kimberley and Arnhem Aboriginal Artists (ANKAAA)
  64. Dr B Korman
  65. Art Mob – Aboriginal Fine Art
  66. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
  67. Lockhart River Arts and Cultural Centre
  68. artmark Australia
  69. Ms Carole Best
  70. Arts Victoria
  71. Ms Isabelle de Beaumont
  72. Confidential
  73. Warakurna Artists
  74. Red Rock Art Gallery
  75. Name Withheld
  76. Ms Beverley Knight
  77. Ms Janet Clayton
  78. Dr Diane Mossenson
  79. Tangentyere Artists
  80. Mr John R Walker
  81. Australian Customs Service
  82. Australian Commercial Galleries Association
  83. Aranda Aboriginal Art
  84. Te Manatu Taonga/Ministry for Culture and Heritage, New Zealand
  85. Utopia Art Sydney
  86. Confidential
  87. Confidential
  88. Fire-Works Gallery
  89. Didgeri Air Art Tours & Palya Art

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