Chapter 2 - Climate change and the Kyoto Protocol
Climate change
Human activities such as the burning of coal, oil and natural gas, the
logging of forests, land clearance and industrial processes have increased
emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which in turn have
contributed to global warming and climate change. Atmospheric levels of carbon
dioxide are predicted to double from their pre-industrial levels during this
century, if emissions continue at their current rate, and could triple by 2100
if no abatement measures are taken. This will lead to global warming of between
1.4 and 5.8 degrees Celsius over the next 100 years.
These are findings from the most recent generally accepted authoritative
statement on climate change, issued in 2001 by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC).[1]
Its Third Assessment Report states that climate change will result in large and
possibly irreversible changes to the earth's systems. Human-induced climate
change will lead to changing weather patterns, increased temperatures, more
frequent droughts, sea level rise, more frequent extreme weather events and the
wider distribution of certain insect-borne diseases.
Expert witnesses to the inquiry confirmed this assessment. The Bureau of
Meteorology observed that 'there is a high level confidence in the expert
climate community that a large part of the observed [global] warming is due to
the enhanced greenhouse effect'. [2]
The potential impacts on Australia have been outlined in Climate
Change: an Australian Guide to the Science and Potential Impacts, published
in 2003. The Guide observes that Australia will be vulnerable to changes in
temperature and precipitation projected for the next 50 to 100 years as it
already has extensive arid and semi-arid areas, relatively high rainfall
variability and existing pressures on water supplies in many areas. Greater
frequency of droughts will impact adversely on agriculture. Warming of one
degree Celsius would threaten coral reefs and alpine regions and endanger various
species. There is a lack of consensus on the extent of future emissions, their
effect on temperature, and the reversibility of climate change.
There is bipartisan support, however, for the proposition that the
problem of global warming is real and one that cannot be ignored. The key
question for the Committee to consider in this inquiry is the extent to which
the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol will contribute to the resolution of the
problem of global warming and the mitigation of the future risks associated
with climate change.
The Committee unequivocally accepts the need to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. It notes that the witnesses to its inquiry were unanimous in
accepting the need to slow global warming, and the need to substantially reduce
greenhouse gas emissions in order to stabilise atmospheric concentrations of
those gases.[3]
It also notes evidence which suggests that such a reduction will take a
very long time to effect. As the CSIRO observed:
even if the Protocol were to come into force, it would represent
just a small, first step towards slowing global warming. Thus the real issue is
not whether or not we sign Kyoto, but whether or not there is a genuine
commitment (nationally and globally) to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, and
(in the long term) bring them down to levels significantly below current.[4]
In the remainder of this chapter, the Committee will outline the
background to the Kyoto Protocol, what the Protocol entails, the key
flexibility measures and operational details which have emerged from the
Conferences of the Parties, and the Australian Government's response thus far.
The United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change
The international community has long been aware of the dangers posed by
climate change and has taken steps to address it. At the United
Nations-organised Rio Earth Summit, the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC), a non-binding overarching agreement to deal with
climate change was adopted on 9 May 1992, and entered into force on 21 March 1994 following ratification by 50 parties, including Australia, which
ratified on 30 December 1992.[5]
There are now 188 parties to the Convention.
2.10 The central
objective of the Convention is to achieve the 'stabilization of greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous
anthropogenic interference with the climate system ... within a time-frame that
is sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to
ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic
development to proceed in a sustainable manner'.[6]
The IPCC has an objective of 60 per cent reduction on 1990 emissions by 2100.
2.11 Targets and
timetables for reducing greenhouse gas emissions under the UNFCCC have been the
subject of negotiations via Conferences of the Parties to the Convention, and
have been included through protocols to the Convention. The third Conference of
the Parties (COP3) was held at Kyoto in 1997. At Kyoto, an implementation plan
for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions was agreed upon, a plan known as
the Kyoto Protocol.
The Kyoto Protocol
2.12 Under the Kyoto
Protocol, developed nations and countries with economies in transition (the
Annex 1 Parties) would accept binding greenhouse gas emission targets for the
first commitment period (2008-2012), calculated as a percentage of their 1990
emission levels. Developing nations were exempted. While for the most part,
targets were set at 95% of 1990 emissions, Australia was one of only three
countries (the other two being Norway and Iceland) to negotiate an increased
target, namely 108% over its 1990 levels. This was an acknowledgement of the
fact that Australia was experiencing high population growth and was
particularly dependent on carbon intensive technologies such as coal-fired
electricity and hence would have to bear considerable economic cost to achieve
greenhouse gas reductions. This 8% increase was about 30% below expected
'business as usual' emission levels.[7]
2.13 The specific
policies to be used to reduce emissions were left to the discretion of each
country. Reductions in excess of the commitment could be carried forward and
used to count towards compliance in future periods. A failure to comply with
the set emissions reduction target was to be penalised by a reduction in
permitted emissions for the period following 2012 (for which emissions targets
have not been set). Targets for the second and subsequent commitment periods
will be the subject of negotiations starting in 2005.
2.14 For the Kyoto
Protocol to come into force, it must be ratified by 55% of its signatories, and
they must jointly account for at least 55% of 1990-level emissions from Annex
1, or developed, countries. To date, 120 parties have ratified, representing
some 44% of developed country emissions. Only two countries, the USA (with some
36 % emissions) and Russia (with some 17.4% emissions) can influence whether
the Kyoto Protocol comes into force, and its targets become legally binding
under international law. President George W. Bush indicated, in March 2001,
that the USA would not ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Thus, in practical terms, the
Kyoto Protocol will only come into effect if Russia ratifies it. Australia,
with only 2.1% of Annex 1 greenhouse gas emissions, cannot affect the entry
into force of the Protocol, whether it ratifies it or not.
Protocol flexibility measures
2.15 Specific
Protocol operational and compliance details continue to be worked through at
each successive COP, as set out below.
Joint Implementation provisions (JI) (article 6)
2.16 Developed (or
Annex 1) countries may transfer or acquire Emission Reduction Units (ERUs)
between one another by investing in emissions reduction projects in another
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (article 12)
2.17 Developed countries
may earn Certified Emission Reduction Units (CERs) by undertaking
emission-reducing projects in developing (non-Annex 1) countries, thus
assisting those countries to achieve economic and social development with clean
technology. A number of eligibility requirements are involved: for example,
projects are only eligible to earn CERs if the resulting reductions in
emissions are additional to any that would occur in the absence of the
certified activity. The price of CERs is to be set by the market, and their use
limited to 2.5% of party's initially assigned target. Nothing in the rules
expressly excludes non-ratifying countries from participation as a project
proponent but such countries may be discriminated against.
Emissions trading (article 17)
2.18 The 'least cost'
emissions reduction scenario. To meet its Kyoto emissions target, each party
has the choice of taking abatement action at home or purchasing extra emissions
permits from countries which reduce their emissions below target and have
excess permits to sell on the international market. Being so highly dependent
on fossil fuel intensive industries, Australia could potentially benefit from
an international emissions trading regime.
Carbon sinks (articles 3.3, 4)
2.19 Removal unit
(RMUs) credits may accrue for 'sink' activities: afforestation, reforestation
or land use change.
The Australian Government position on the Kyoto Protocol
2.20 Australia signed
the Kyoto Protocol on 29 April 1998, thus signalling its support for the broad
principle of global action to counter climate change. Since that time, the
consequences of ratification have become clearer, as has the international
response to the Protocol. On 5 June 2002, in response to a question without
notice in the House of Representatives chamber, Prime Minister the Hon John Howard
MP stated:
It is not in Australia's interests to ratify the Kyoto protocol.
The reason it is not in Australia's interests to ratify the Kyoto protocol is
that, because the arrangements currently exclude-and are likely under present
settings to continue to exclude-both developing countries and the United States,
for us to ratify the protocol would cost us jobs and damage our industry. That
is why the Australian government will continue to oppose ratification.[8]
2.21 In a joint media
release by the Hon Dr David Kemp MP, Minister for the Environment and Heritage,
and the Hon Alexander Downer MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, on 15 August 2002, the Government stated its view that the Kyoto Protocol was not an
effective response to climate change:
[The Kyoto Protocol] will make only a modest contribution –
around 1% - to reducing the growth of global emissions. Even as a first step,
it does not provide a clear path towards developing countries' commitments and
the US has indicated it will not ratify. Together, these countries already
produce most of the world's greenhouse gas emissions.[9]
2.22 The Government
is committed to meeting its Kyoto Protocol emissions target of 108% over 1990
levels, however, and in addressing climate change more broadly. Four elements
underpin the Government's climate change strategy:
Australia will strive for a more comprehensive global response
to climate change;
Australia will position itself to maintain a strong and
internationally competitive economy with a lower greenhouse signature;
Domestic policy settings will balance flexibility with
sufficient certainty to allow key decisions on investment and technology
development, and also emphasise cost effectiveness; and
Australia will implement policies and programs that assist adaptation
to the consequences of the climate change that is already unavoidable.[10]
2.23 In order to do
this, the Government has contributed some $1 billion to greenhouse gas
abatement measures. These measures are expected to deliver emission abatement
of around 67 million tonnes by 2008-2012.[11]
It supports work through the CSIRO program 'Energy Transformed' on, amongst
other things, zero-emission coal technologies involving gasification and
geosequestration of greenhouse gas by-products. It also supports a greater role
for the renewables sector, through the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET)
scheme. A Climate Change Forward Strategy is in preparation.
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