Senate Information Technologies Committee



Note: Please contact the Committee at for copies of submissions 22, 30 and 31.

1. Peter Grabosky CONFIDENTIAL
2. Mr Terry Earle Australian Retail Group (Word format)
3. Mr Troy Rollo The Coalition Against Unsolicited Bulk Email (Word format)
4. Mr David Plush ACS Smartcard Technologies P/L (Word format)
5. Mr Chris Le Roy IT Consultant (Word format)
6. Mr Geoff Muirden Australian Civil Liberties Union (Word format)
7. Mr Michael Gregg Health Communication Network (Word format)
8. Hon Jocelyn Newman Department of Family and Community Services (Word format)
9. Mr Ajoy Ghosh Unisys’s IT Security Australia (Word format)
10. Mr Robert Edwards ADMA (Word format)
11. Mr Charles C Britton Australian Consumers’ Association (Word format)
12. Mr Rob Durie Australian Information Industry (Word format)
13. Mr Edward Zuk SecureNet Ltd. (Word format)
14. Mr Jason Shimitras Centrelink (Word format)
15. Mr Malcolm Crompton Federal Privacy Commissioner (Word format)
16. Mr Chad Gates Australian Retailers Association (Word format)
17. Ms Petrice Judge WA Ministry of the Premier (Word format)
18. Hon Terry Aulich Aulich & Co (Word format)
19. Mr David Scaysbrook e-Privacy (Word format)
20. Mr Nigel Waters Australian Privacy Charter Council (Word format)
21. Dr Roger Clarke Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd (Word format)
22. Ms Ardle Blignault NRMA (Electronic Copy Not Available)
23. Ms Irene Graham Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc (Word format)
24. Mr Michael Pickering Telstra (Electronic Copy Not Available)
25. Ms Helen Daniels Attorney-General’s Department (Word format) Attachment (Word format)
26. Mr Anthony Bendall Office of the NSW Privacy Commissioner (Word format)
27. Mr Ian Booth DCITA (Word format)
28. Mr Bruce Jones ATO (Word format)
29. Ms Pat Faget DEWRSB(Word format)
30. Hon Kate Carnell ACT Government (Electronic Copy Not Available)
31. Ms Christine Harvey Law Council of Australia (Electronic Copy Not Available)
32. Ms Jane Nash ANZ (Word format)