Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Submissions, tabled documents, additional information and answers to questions taken on notice


1          Ms Dereka Ogden

2          Mr David and Ms Leah McDonnell

3          Barkly Landcare & Conservation Association

4          Mr Michael Mardel

5          Ms Alice Nagy

6          Mr Ken Grundy

7          Ms Alison Hamilton

8          Ms Estelle Ross

9          Mrs Allison Wharley

10        Ms Kate Galloway

11        Dr Matthew Currell

12        Ms Wendy Burrill

13        Ms Heather Gibbons

14        Mr Russell Langfield

15        No Fracking WAy

16        Department of Mines and Energy, Northern Territory Government

17        Harry and Margaret Keaveney

18        Creevey Russell Lawyers

19        Lock the Gate Alliance

20        Livestock SA

21        Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association

22        QGC

23        South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy

24        p&e Law

25        AGL Energy Limited

26        Department of Agriculture

27        Bass Coast

28        National Farmers' Federation

29        WAFarmers

30        Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Ltd

31        Department of Industry and Science

32        NSW Young Lawyers

33        Environmental Defenders Offices of Australia

34        Energy Supply Association of Australia

35        Community over Mining

36        Latrobe Valley Sustainability Group

37        Mr John Macinnes

38        Mr Adrian Rogers

39        Ms Mora Main

40        Mr Peter Lake

41        Minerals Council of Australia

42        Dr John Schutz

43        Ms Jennifer Hole

44        Ms Jennifer Brown

45        Mr Paul Osborn

46        Mr Alec Lucke

47        Mr Lou Baxter

48        Queensland Resources Council

49        Name Withheld

50        People for the Plains

51        Ms Leanne Emery

52        Ms Sarah Ciesiolka

53        Ms Leila Huebner

54        Ms Heather Drayton

55        Coal & CSG Free Mirboo North

56        Ms Antonia Nagy

57        Ms Wendy Davis, CSG Free Poowong

58        Ms Gillian Johnson

59        Ms Miriam English

60        Australian Pipelines and Gas Association

61        Hunter Region Landcare Network

62        Ms Elizabeth Weiss

63        Mr Justin Moore

64        Ms Lorna Jelinek, Ms Lorna and Mr Conrad Jelinek

65        Groundswell Gloucester Inc

66        Ms Maureen Versteden

67        Ms Debbie Nulty

68        Mr Max Williamson, Wiltax Consulting Pty Ltd

69        Mr Andrew Rea

70        Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council Inc

71        Mr Nicolas Hirsch

72        Ms Cosima Faludi

73        Ms Cathy Picone

74        Ms Margeaux Chandler

75        Ms Jan Telford

76        Ms Anna Hetherington

77        Ms Diane Hobiger

78        Environment Council of Central Queensland

79        Mr David Arthur

80        Mr John Hillier

81        Ms Kathryn Kelly

82        Ms Kathryn McGilp

83        Mr Peter Sainsbury

84        Dr Geralyn McCarron

85        Frack Free Tas

86        Professor Samantha Hepburn

87        Queensland Government

88        South Australian Government

89        Basin Sustainability Alliance

90        Bimblebox Alliance Committee

91        Limestone Coast Protection Alliance

92        Ms Anne Daw

93        Quentin and Kirsty Kelly

94        Oakey Coal Action Alliance Inc

95        Upper Mooki Landcare

96        Mrs Narelle Nothdurft

Tabled documents

Basin Sustainability Alliance – Right to Information Request for a Stimulation Risk Assessment (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

Basin Sustainability Alliance – 'Grazier says gas companies should respect landholder advice' (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

Basin Sustainability Alliance – Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, USA, Final supplemental generic environmental impact statement on the oil, gas and solution mining regulatory program (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015

Dr Geralyn McCarron – The landholder's right to refuse gas: the experience of unconventional gas in Queensland (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

Hopeland Community Sustainability Group – The Precautionary Principle (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

Dr Geralyn McCarron – Letter from Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service dated 27 October 2014 (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

Dr Geralyn McCarron – Letter from the Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Government dated 16 July 2015 (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

Dr Geralyn McCarron – 'Unconventional gas and oil drilling is associated with increased hospital utilization rates' (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

Upper Mooki Landcare – 'Werris Creek mine update from Quirindi Advocate of 29 July 2015' (public hearing, Tamworth, 25 August 2015)

Additional information

Report of the Independent Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory, provided by Dr Allan Hawke AC

Dr Wayne Somerville, How Could CSG Air Pollution in the Darling Downs be an 'Acceptable' Risk to Health? The Elephant That Can't Get Into the Room, May 2015, provided by Dr Geralyn McCarron

Extract from QGC Stage 2 Water Monitoring and Management Plan, '13.0 Well stimulation', provided by Dr Geralyn McCarron

Origin Energy – Response to evidence taken at public hearing, 27 July 2015, Brisbane

QGC – Response to evidence taken at public hearing, 27 July 2015, Brisbane

Mrs Anne Daw, Limestone Coast Protection Alliance, list of documents provided to the committee on 15 September 2015

Answers to questions taken on notice

p&eLaw – Answer to a question taken on notice (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

APPEA – Answer to a question taken on notice (public hearing, Canberra, 28 July 2015)

Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development – Answers to questions taken on notice (public hearing, Brisbane, 27 July 2015)

Department of Industry and Science – Answers to questions taken on notice (public hearing, Canberra, 28 July 2015)

CSIRO – Answers to questions taken on notice (public hearing, Canberra, 28 July 2015)

Queensland Resources Council – Answers to questions taken on notice (public hearing, Canberra, 28 July 2015)

Department of the Environment – Answers to questions taken on notice (public hearing, Canberra, 28 July 2015)

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