1 | Mr Gabriel Lafitte (PDF 39KB) |
2 | Dr Todd Soderquist and Dr Deborah Ashworth (PDF 41KB) Attachment 1(PDF 395KB) |
3 | Mr Marcus Coghlan (PDF 91KB) |
4 | Australasian Native Orchid Society and the Australian Orchid Council (PDF 309KB) |
5 | Ms Fay Jones (PDF 4KB) |
6 | Monaro Acclimatisation Society Inc (PDF 267KB) |
7 | Mr James Samargis (PDF 56KB) |
8 | Mr Stephen Chara (PDF 432KB) Supplementary Submission(PDF 1213KB) |
9 | Mr Sab Lord, Lords Kakadu and Arnhemland Safaris (PDF 9KB) |
10 | Ms Kylie Jones (PDF 43KB) |
11 | East Gippsland Wildfire Taskforce Inc (PDF 1483KB) |
12 | Regent Honeyeater Project (PDF 9KB) Attachment 1(PDF 2946KB) |
13 | Mr Rob Brewster (PDF 2063KB) |
14 | Mr Tom Kingston (PDF 16KB) |
15 | Professor David Lindenmayer (PDF 44KB) |
16 | Mr Frank Manthey OAM, Save the Bilby Fund (PDF 189KB) Supplementary Submission(PDF 1154KB) |
17 | Friends of Tootgarook Wetland Reserves (PDF 390KB) |
18 | Mr Jim Walker (PDF 193KB) |
19 | Ms Harriett Swift (PDF 34KB) Supplementary Submission(PDF 11KB) |
20 | Island Conservation (PDF 1011KB) |
21 | Wildflower Society of Western Australia (Inc) (PDF 161KB) |
22 | Mr Daniel Bell (PDF 11KB) |
23 | Marie-Louise Sarjeant, Chris Sarjeant, Sonia Hutchinson, John Marsh and Maxine Jacobsen (copies of this submission were also received from Ms Diana Kellett and Ms Lesley Palma) (PDF 945KB) |
24 | Save Tootgarook Swamp Inc (PDF 1777KB) |
25 | Ms Joan Spittle (PDF 83KB) |
26 | Mr John Jeayes (PDF 431KB) |
27 | Zoo and Aquarium Association (PDF 57KB) |
28 | Ray and Marion Lewis (PDF 239KB) |
29 | Mr Jean Dind (PDF 32KB) |
30 | Associate Professor Adrian Manning (PDF 97KB) Attachment 1(PDF 370KB) Supplementary Submission(PDF 167KB) |
31 | Port Campbell Community Group Inc (PDF 152KB) |
32 | Mr Philip Collier (PDF 790KB) |
33 | Mr Trevor Parton (PDF 58KB) |
34 | Mr Ian Wheatland, Mr Kai May, Dr Katherine Phillips and Mrs Nina Kriegisch (PDF 126KB) |
35 | Ms Susan M Broman (PDF 890KB) |
36 | Sister Marian McClelland sss (PDF 29KB) |
37 | Finch Society of Australia Inc (PDF 65KB) |
38 | Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition (PDF 250KB) |
39 | Ms Mary White rsm (PDF 273KB) |
40 | Ms Marie Hilarina Fernando (PDF 103KB) |
41 | Dr Emma Rooksby and Dr Keith Horton (PDF 63KB) |
42 | Zoos Victoria (PDF 240KB) |
43 | The Colong Foundation for Wilderness (PDF 376KB) |
44 | Mr Stewart Kerr (PDF 5KB) |
45 | Mr Peter Berbee (PDF 24KB) |
46 | Dr Andrew Burbidge (PDF 69KB) |
47 | Name Withheld (PDF 45KB) |
48 | Professor John Woinarski (PDF 157KB) |
49 | Ms Lee Curtis (PDF 100KB) |
50 | Mr Thomas Weiss (PDF 36KB) |
51 | Dr Peter Kyne (PDF 387KB) |
52 | Dr Greg P Clancy (PDF 218KB) |
53 | Mr Trent Patten (PDF 1536KB) |
54 | Ms Sabine Ritz-Kerr (PDF 47KB) |
55 | Dr Martine Maron (PDF 196KB) |
56 | Ms Claire Masters (PDF 39KB) |
57 | The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (PDF 2022KB) |
58 | Mr Jonathan Meddings (PDF 817KB) |
59 | Mr Nigel Sharp (PDF 329KB) |
60 | Assoc Prof Mark Lintermans (PDF 54KB) |
61 | Ms Pamela J W Miskin (PDF 66KB) |
62 | South East Forest Rescue (PDF 646KB) |
63 | Clarence Environment Centre (PDF 137KB) |
64 | Mr Craig Thomson (PDF 116KB) |
65 | Ms Peta Whitford (PDF 222KB) |
66 | Mr Daryl Dickson, Wildcard Art, Mungarru Lodge Sanctuary (PDF 269KB) |
67 | Ms Sera Blair (PDF 349KB) |
68 | Ms Kerryn Blackshaw (PDF 5KB) |
69 | Yarra Ranges Council (PDF 107KB) |
70 | Lawyers for Forests (PDF 1159KB) |
71 | Name Withheld (PDF 23KB) |
72 | Mr Greg Miles (PDF 157KB) Attachment 1(PDF 600KB) Attachment 2(PDF 4770KB) |
73 | Bendigo and District Environment Council, Bendigo Field Naturalists Club and Bendigo Sustainability Group (PDF 364KB) Attachment 1(PDF 173KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1923KB) |
74 | Dr Jasmyn Lynch (PDF 80KB) |
75 | Blue Mountains Conservation Society (PDF 202KB) |
76 | Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (PDF 246KB) |
77 | CSIRO (PDF 284KB) |
78 | Dr Chris McGrath (PDF 245KB) |
79 | Mr David Blair (PDF 195KB) |
80 | Name Withheld (PDF 183KB) |
81 | WWF-Australia (PDF 553KB) Attachment 1(PDF 378KB) Attachment 2(PDF 204KB) |
82 | BirdLife Australia (PDF 715KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1129KB) |
83 | Australian Deer Association (PDF 732KB) |
84 | LIV Young Lawyers' Section, Law Institute of Victoria (PDF 1209KB) Attachment 1(PDF 4436KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1303KB) Supplementary Submission(PDF 335KB) |
85 | Stanislaw Pelczynski and Barbara Pelczynska (PDF 245KB) |
86 | Friends of Grasslands (PDF 100KB) |
87 | Dr Kerryn Parry-Jones (PDF 239KB) Attachment 1(PDF 2143KB) |
88 | Humane Society International (PDF 550KB) |
89 | Mr Jeremy Tager (PDF 1441KB) Supplementary Submission(PDF 185KB) |
90 | Ms Karena Goldfinch (PDF 141KB) |
91 | Mr Ray Strong (PDF 95KB) |
92 | Healesville Environment Watch Inc, MyEnvironment Inc and Friends of Leadbeater's Possum Inc (PDF 2435KB) |
93 | Mr Ian Whitford (PDF 226KB) |
94 | Greenfleet (PDF 105KB) |
95 | Mr Barry Rowe, Candlebark Community Nursery Inc (PDF 178KB) |
96 | Conondale Range Committee (PDF 156KB) |
97 | Dr John Clulow (PDF 61KB) |
98 | Ms Melinda Taylor (PDF 73KB) |
99 | Mr David Hudson (PDF 78KB) |
100 | Ms Yasmin Kelsall (PDF 340KB) |
101 | S. Burgess and E. Bradley (PDF 61KB) |
102 | Ms Glenda Pickersgill (PDF 86KB) |
103 | Dr Tanzi Smith (PDF 249KB) |
104 | The Greater Mary Association Inc. (PDF 234KB) |
105 | Mr Philip Rance (PDF 651KB) |
106 | Caldera Environment Centre (PDF 416KB) |
107 | Mr Bruce Boyes (PDF 1505KB) |
108 | Australian Wildlife Health Network (PDF 418KB) |
109 | Friends of Hoddles Creek (PDF 1403KB) |
110 | Australasian Bat Society Inc (PDF 413KB) |
111 | Confidential |
112 | Confidential |
113 | Canberra Ornithologists Group (PDF 229KB) |
114 | Urban Bushland Council WA Inc (PDF 112KB) |
115 | MRCCC (PDF 559KB) |
116 | Threatened Ecosystems Network (PDF 1606KB) |
117 | Wildlife Disease Association Australasia (PDF 71KB) |
118 | Name Withheld (PDF 237KB) |
119 | Mr Andrew Heaver (PDF 126KB) |
120 | Name Withheld (PDF 76KB) |
121 | Ms Kate Leahy (PDF 35KB) |
122 | Dr Jonathan Rhodes (PDF 68KB) |
123 | Professor Lee Godden and Professor Jacqueline Peel (PDF 136KB) Attachment 1(PDF 123KB) Attachment 2(PDF 327KB) |
124 | Earth Learning Incorporated (PDF 352KB) |
125 | NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers (PDF 671KB) |
126 | Mr Mark Selmes (PDF 141KB) |
127 | Professor Hugh Possingham and Associate Professor Michael McCarthy (PDF 102KB) |
128 | Ms Susan Bendel (PDF 99KB) |
129 | The Wilderness Society Inc (PDF 68KB) |
130 | Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection Queensland (PDF 3463KB) |
131 | Ms Lorraine Leach (PDF 293KB) |
132 | Dr John Bardsley (PDF 1070KB) |
133 | Mr Wayne Gumley (PDF 144KB) |
134 | Nature Conservation Council of NSW (PDF 783KB) |
135 | Middle Kinglake Primary School (PDF 2301KB) |
136 | The Judith Eardley Save Wildlife Centre (PDF 1595KB) |
137 | Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc (PDF 214KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1129KB) |
138 | Ms Jenifer Johnson (PDF 1917KB) |
139 | Batwatch Australia (PDF 270KB) |
140 | Invasive Species Council (PDF 421KB) |
141 | Dr Rupert Baker (PDF 50KB) |
142 | National Parks Australia Council (PDF 331KB) Attachment 1(PDF 734KB) Attachment 2(PDF 3164KB) |
143 | Department of Sustainability Environment Water Population and Communities (PDF 1098KB) |
144 | Director of National Parks (PDF 249KB) |
145 | National Parks Association of NSW (PDF 196KB) |
146 | Mr Don Butcher (PDF 694KB) |
147 | Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 725KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1129KB) |
148 | Australian Fisheries Management Authority (PDF 638KB) |
149 | Environment East Gippsland Inc. (PDF 2834KB) |
150 | Nature Conservation Society of South Australia (PDF 196KB) |
151 | Arid Lands Environment Centre (PDF 182KB) |
152 | Ms Prue Acton (PDF 394KB) |
153 | Ms Bronwyn Baade (PDF 55KB) |
154 | Threatened Species Scientific Committee (PDF 255KB) |
155 | VETO (VETO Energex Towers Organisation) (PDF 1695KB) Attachment 1(PDF 199KB) |
156 | Gecko - Gold Coast and Hinterland Environment Council and Save Bahrs Scrub Alliance (PDF 508KB) Attachment 1(PDF 569KB) |
157 | Threatened Plant Action Group (TPAG), Nature Conservation Society of South Australia (PDF 332KB) |
158 | FrogWatch (PDF 121KB) |
159 | Department of Land Resource Management, Northern Territory Government (PDF 8000KB) |
160 | Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Gold Coast and Hinterland Branch (PDF 202KB) |
161 | North Coast Environment Council (PDF 594KB) Attachment 1(PDF 3788KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1914KB) |
162 | Australian Wildlife Conservancy (PDF 400KB) Attachment 1(PDF 637KB) Attachment 2(PDF 433KB) |
163 | MyEnvironment Inc (PDF 6137KB) |
164 | South East Region Conservation Alliance Inc (PDF 3514KB) |
165 | Logan and Albert Conservation Association (PDF 306KB) Attachment 1(PDF 197KB) Attachment 2(PDF 147KB) |
166 | PGV Environmental (PDF 916KB) |
167 | National Farmers' Federation (PDF 61KB) |
168 | Wide Bay Burnett Enviroment Council (PDF 1311KB) |
169 | Premier of Western Australia (PDF 14211KB) |
170 | Confidential |
171 | Confidential |
172 | The Wilderness Society Victoria Inc (PDF 1182KB) Response from VicForests, dated 29 January 2013(PDF 78KB) |
173 | Brisbane Region Environment Council (PDF 965KB) |
174 | North East Forest Alliance (PDF 2272KB) Response from Forestry Corporation, NSW(PDF 2036KB) |
175 | Eagle Junction State School (PDF 12260KB) |
176 | Hunter Bird Observers Club (PDF 387KB) |
177 | Ms Margaret Peachey (PDF 63KB) |