Australian Greens - Additional comments

Australian Greens - Additional comments

1.1        The Greens support the bill and the committee's report, but have a different view on the important amendments moved by Mr Bandt discussed by the Committee at 2.35 and 2.36.

1.2        The Parliament has an opportunity to protect hundreds of local jobs by supporting these amendments.

1.3        Following privatisation, obligations were imposed on Telstra to produce a national directory (the White Pages) and to make it available to phone users.

1.4        Sensis, a wholly owned subsidiary of Telstra, now produces the White Pages, as well as the Yellow Pages, and performs a number of other functions for Telstra.  These directories are available in print form and online.

1.5        Sensis has indicated that it intends to cut over 600 jobs and move most of the work associated with the online directories overseas. This includes customer service work as well as work associated with the design and printing of the directories.

1.6        The proposed amendments would require work associated with the online and print directories to be performed locally.

1.7        The Greens believe in protecting local jobs.

1.8        Telstra exists because of the investment of the Australian public over many generations in a national telecommunications carrier.

1.9        The privatisation of Telstra came with strings attached: Telstra was required to continue with certain minimum levels of social obligation to the Australian public. Keeping jobs onshore should be part of those obligations.

1.10      The amendments would not extend the legal obligations on Telstra to produce directories. The effect would simply be to preserve the status quo and the hundreds of jobs that come with it.

1.11      The Greens do not accept that a separate private members' bill is required and note the absence of any advice from the Clerk to this effect. The Greens' amendments are in order.

1.12      The old parties, Labor and Liberal, talk loudly about protecting local jobs. Here's a chance for them to do something about it.

1.13      A job in graphic design or in a call centre should be worth as much as a job making a car or digging up ore.  Governments spend billions supporting the latter, yet seem unwilling to extend the same help to those in the services sector.

1.14      The simple move of requiring onshore production would – at no cost to the Government – protect hundreds of jobs.

1.15      The Greens amendments should be supported by the Parliament.


Senator Scott Ludlam
Senator for Western Australia

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