

Recommendation 1

6.72      Given the publication of the Auditor General's report into the Green Loans Program and subsequent to the conduct of this inquiry, the committee recommends that the Commonwealth Ombudsman consider conducting an own motion investigation into the administrative actions and arrangements within the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, that resulted in the serious problems with governance and communication endemic throughout the Green Loans Program.

Recommendation 2

6.76      The committee recommends that the government not implement any environmental programs without prior completion of an evaluation which shows either net environmental benefits and/or a program cost which gives taxpayers value for money.

Recommendation 3

7.11      The committee recommends that due to the failures of:

  • the Green Loans Program to realise its goals;
  • the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to demonstrate a capacity to implement programs of this nature; and
  • the government to manage programs of this nature, such as Green Loans and Home Insulation programs;

the Green Start Program not proceed.

Recommendation 4

7.15      Should the government disregard recommendation 3, the committee recommends that the government undertake an extensive analysis of the environmental, economic and social costs and benefits of Green Start Program prior to its commencement. If substantial benefits cannot be shown, the committee recommends that Round 1 of the Green Start Program be cancelled so as to avoid further waste of taxpayers' money.

7.16      In the event that, despite the foregoing recommendations, the government decides to proceed with the Green Start Program, then the committee recommends that the Green Start Program proceeds in accordance with recommendations 5 to 15.

Recommendation 5

7.23      The committee recommends that prior to commencing any Green Start Program, the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency develop and publicly disclose details of:

  • a comprehensive audit process for the Green Start Program, so that the government can effectively monitor the progress of the program; and
  • a comprehensive evaluation process for the Green Start Program, so that the government can measure the benefits delivered by the program.

Recommendation 6

7.28      The committee recommends in the strongest possible terms that the government spread Green Start across a more realistic timeframe, in order to:

  • allow time for proper project planning and management;
  • allow time for proper consultation with relevant stakeholders;
  • prevent the program from exceeding the government's administrative capacity; and
  • ensure the home assessment industry does not hit a brick wall when funding ceases on 1 July 2011.

Recommendation 7

7.35      The committee recommends that the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency implement appropriate oversight mechanisms, at the highest level, to ensure that the allocation of Green Start funding is merit-based and is conducted in accordance with all relevant procurement laws and guidelines.

Recommendation 8

7.37      The committee recommends that no preferential deals are done under any Green Start Program, which unfairly give one grant recipient an advantage over any other.

Recommendation 9

7.41      The committee recommends that, once the national endorsement process for the Victorian Certificate IV course has been completed, for all Green Loans assessors selected to receive grants under any Green Start Program, the government fund an upgrade in their training to Certificate IV level.

Recommendation 10

7.46      The committee recommends that the government urgently clarify whether those individuals who trained and were accredited as assessors under Green Loans, but never received contracts from the government, will be entitled to any government assistance.

Recommendation 11

7.54      The committee recommends that, in consultation with the assessor industry and other relevant stakeholders, the Green Loans assessment tool be redeveloped to address the different objectives of any Green Start Program, and that the tool be tested properly and problems rectified prior to its implementation.

Recommendation 12

7.57      The committee recommends that, prior to the commencement of any Green Start Program, an audit of staffing requirements within the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency be conducted, including consideration of staffing numbers and expertise required to manage the project. The appropriate numbers of experienced project management staff must be employed to manage any Green Start Program from the outset.

Recommendation 13

7.61      The committee recommends that prior to commencing any Green Start Program, the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency conduct thorough and genuine consultation with program stakeholders.

Recommendation 14

7.66      The committee recommends that the government abandon any fixed rate for assessments of $211 and instead allow the market to determine the most efficient value of assessments.

Recommendation 15

7.74      The committee urges the government to uphold its side of funding agreements under any Green Start Program, including making payments on time, to prevent payments to grant recipients being delayed as they were under Green Loans.

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