Submissions received by the Committee

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Great Barrier Reef) Bill 2013

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Gladstone Ports Authority (PDF 146KB) 
2Mr Philip Edwards (PDF 32KB) 
3Ms Jennifer Brown (PDF 33KB) 
4Name Withheld (PDF 45KB) 
5Ms anita delliou (PDF 57KB) 
6Dr Susan Quinnell (PDF 33KB) 
7Ms Helen Lewers (PDF 20KB) 
8Mr Charles Colman (PDF 34KB) 
9Mr Bruce Hallett (PDF 32KB) 
10Mrs Cheryl Osborne (PDF 49KB) 
11Mr and Mrs Jim and Katie Donohoe (PDF 33KB) 
12Mr Eileen May Briggs (PDF 33KB) 
13Mr Robert Byrnes (PDF 33KB) 
14Ms Juanita Johnston (PDF 36KB) 
15Ms Petrina Hendry (PDF 9KB) 
16Miss Laureth Craggs (PDF 36KB) 
17Mr Geoff Watson (PDF 34KB) 
18Ms Anne Lanham (PDF 32KB) 
19Mr John Morison (PDF 34KB) 
20Mr Bernard Atkins (PDF 32KB) 
21Name Withheld (PDF 34KB) 
22Name Withheld (PDF 16KB) 
23Ms Deedre Kabel (PDF 294KB) 
24Ports Australia (PDF 214KB) 
25Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance (PDF 603KB) 
26Shipping Australia (PDF 307KB) 
27Queensland Ports Association (PDF 81KB) 
28Mr Colin Trinder (PDF 67KB) 
29WWF-Australia and the Australian Marine Conservation Society (PDF 421KB) 
30Mr Len Sheldrake (PDF 17KB) 
31Capricorn Conservation Council (PDF 141KB) Attachment 1(PDF 3132KB) 
32Save Our Foreshore Inc (PDF 5447KB) Attachment 1(PDF 716KB) Attachment 2(PDF 113KB) 
33Law Council of Australia (PDF 92KB) 
34Queensland Resources Council (PDF 1577KB) 
35North Queensland Conservation Council (PDF 73KB) 
36Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, Government of Queensland (PDF 6486KB) 
37Australia Pacific LNG Pty Ltd (PDF 1028KB) 
38Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 145KB) 
39Mackay Conservation Group (PDF 612KB) 
40Professor Terry Hughes (PDF 139KB) 
41Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation (PDF 714KB) 
42Mr Ian Lee (PDF 854KB) 
43Save The Reef (PDF 180KB) Attachment 1(PDF 4087KB) Attachment 2(PDF 2907KB) 
44Adani Mining Pty Ltd (PDF 1307KB) 
45Dr Matt Landos (PDF 796KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1238KB) Attachment 2(PDF 2455KB) Attachment 3(PDF 3197KB) Attachment 4(PDF 13162KB) Attachment 5(PDF 309KB) Attachment 6(PDF 1403KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Additional information provided by Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh: Guiding principles for the improved governance of port and shipping impacts in the Great Barrier Reef(PDF 1229KB) 
2Additional information provided by Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh: Australian Snubfin Dolphins(PDF 753KB) 
3Response from Gladstone Ports Corporation to matters raised by Drs Jeremijenko and Landos in public hearing on 23 May 2013 in Brisbane(PDF 5332KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Law Council of Australia - Answers to questions taken on notice (from public hearing, 23 May 2013, Brisbane.)(PDF 9665KB) 
2Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities - Answers to questions taken on notice (from public hearing, 23 May 2013, Brisbane.)(PDF 1791KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3526
Fax:+61 2 6277 5818