

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Senator Larissa Waters, Senate Hansard, 20 March 2013, p. 2211.

[2]        Senate Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 4, 21 March 2013, Appendix 5.

Chapter 2 - Background

[1]        Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Fact Sheet – The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, dated September 2012, available at:; and also Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), Facts about the Great Barrier Reef, at: (accessed 21 May 2013).

[2]        GBRMPA, Facts about the Great Barrier Reef, at: (accessed 31 May 2013).

[3]        The EPBC Act replaced: the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974, the Endangered Species Protection Act 1992 ; the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975; Whale Protection Act 1980 and the World Heritage (Properties Conservation) Act 1983.

[4]        EPBC Act, subsection 3(1).

[5]        Section 523 of the EPBC Act defines an 'action' to include a project, development, undertaking, activity or series of activities, or an alteration of any of these.

[6]        EPBC Act, Part 3, Division 1.

[7]        Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, s. 24B.

[8]        The Great Barrier Reef was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1981.

[9]        The Great Barrier Reef was included in the National Heritage List on 21 May 2007. See further: SEWPAC, The Great Barrier Reef, Queensland at: (accessed 14 May 2013).

[10]      GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2013, p.7, at: (accessed 21 May 2013).

[11]      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975, s. 37AA.

[12]      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975, s. 38DE.

[13]      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975, ss. 32-37AC.

[14]      GBRMPA, Zoning, at: (accessed 27 May 2013) and GBRMPA, Ports and Shipping Information Sheet – August 2012, p. 1.

[15]      1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972.

[16]      SEWPAC, Sea dumping, (accessed 27 May 2013).

[17]      SEWPAC, Sea Dumping Act, (accessed 27 May 2013).

[18]      SEWPAC, Dredged Material, (accessed 27 May 2013).

[19]      SEWPAC, National Guidelines for Dredging, available at: (accessed 27 May 2013).

[20]      UNESCO, Mission Report: Reactive Monitoring Mission to Great Barrier Reef (Australia), June 2012, p. 2, (accessed 10 April 2013).

[21]      UNESCO, Mission Report: Reactive Monitoring Mission to Great Barrier Reef (Australia), June 2012, p. 4, (accessed 10 April 2013).

[22]      For further detail on the List of World Heritage in Danger, see: UNESCO, World Heritage in Danger, at: (accessed 14 May 2013). There are currently 38 properties around the world on the List of World Heritage in Danger – the full list is available at: (accessed 17 May 2013).

[23]      UNESCO, Decisions adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg 2012), Decision 36Com 7B.8: Great Barrier Reef Australia (N 154), pp 57–58, (accessed 10 April 2013).

[24]      UNESCO, Decisions adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg 2012), Decision 36Com 7B.8: Great Barrier Reef Australia (N 154), p. 58, (accessed 10 April 2013).

[25]      Australian government, State Party Report: On the state of conservation of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Australia), February 2013, pp 5–6, available at: (accessed 14 May 2013).

[26]      Australian government, State Party Report: On the state of conservation of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Australia), February 2013, p. 6.

[27]      Australian government, State Party Report: On the state of conservation of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Australia), February 2013, p. 6.

[28]      Australian government, State Party Report: On the state of conservation of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Australia), February 2013, p. 7.

[29]      SEWPAC, Strategic assessment – Great Barrier Reef, at: (accessed 14 May 2013).

[30]      SEWPAC, Strategic assessment – Great Barrier Reef, at: (accessed 14 May 2013).

[31]      SEWPAC, Strategic assessment – Great Barrier Reef, at: (accessed 14 May 2013).

[32]      GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Region Strategic Assessment, (accessed 14 May 2013).

[33]      SEWPAC, Independent review of the Port of Gladstone, at: (accessed 14 May 2013).

[34]      UNESCO, State of conservation of World Heritage properties Inscribed on the World Heritage List, WHC-13/37.COM/7B, p. 26 at: (accessed 17 May 2013).

[35]      UNESCO, State of conservation of World Heritage properties Inscribed on the World Heritage List, WHC-13/37.COM/7B, pp 26–27 at: (accessed 17 May 2013).

[36]      Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, Queensland Ports Strategy, at: (accessed 17 May 2013).

[37]      The Hon Jeff Seeney, Queensland Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, "Great Barrier Reef Ports Strategy released", media statement dated 31 October 2013, at: (accessed 11 June 2013).

[38]      UNESCO, Mission Report: Reactive Monitoring Mission to Great Barrier Reef (Australia), June 2012, pp 51–52, (accessed 10 April 2013).

[39]      As outlined at paragraph 2.17.

[40]      UNESCO, State of conservation of World Heritage properties Inscribed on the World Heritage List, WHC-13/37.COM/7B, p. 23; at: (accessed 11 June 2013).

[41]      GBRMPA, Outlook for the Reef: Ports and Shipping, (accessed 16 April 2013). The two ports situated in the Marine Park are the minor ports or Quintell Beach and Cooktown.

[42]      GBRMPA, Ports and Shipping Information Sheet: Ports—challenges for the Great Barrier Reef, p. 4, (accessed 27 May 2013).

[43]      Glencore Xstrata, Glencore Xstrata relinquishes Balaclava Island Coal Export Terminal (BICET) development, media release dated 13 May 2013, available at: (accessed 27 May 2013).

[44]      GBRMPA, Ports and Shipping Information Sheet: Ports—challenges for the Great Barrier Reef, pp 1–2, (accessed 16 April 2013).

[45]      Source: GBRMPA, Ports in the Great Barrier Reef, p. 2,  (accessed 13 June 2013).

[46]      GBRMPA, Ports and Shipping Information Sheet: Shipping—challenges for the Great Barrier Reef, p. 1, (accessed 16 April 2013).

[47]      GBRMPA, Ports and Shipping Information Sheet: Shipping—challenges for the Great Barrier Reef, p. 1, (accessed 16 April 2013).

[48]      GBRMPA, Outlook for the Reef: Ports and Shipping, (accessed 16 April 2013).

[49]      GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Outlook report – in Brief, p. i, at:  (accessed 21 May 2013).

[50]      GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Outlook report – in Brief, p. ii, at:  (accessed 21 May 2013).

[51]      GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Outlook report – in Brief, p. 8, at:  (accessed 21 May 2013).

[52]      GBRMPA, Ports and Shipping Information Sheet: Ports—challenges for the Great Barrier Reef, p. 1, (accessed 27 May 2013).

[53]      GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2013, p. 18.

[54]      GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2013, p. 18.

[55]      GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2013, pp 27–28.

[56]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[57]      Explanatory Memorandum, pp 1–2.

Chapter 3 - Key issues

[1]        Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, Ports Australia, Submission 24, Shipping Australia, Submission 26, Queensland Ports Association, Submission 27; Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34; Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38; Australia Pacific LNG, Submission 37; Queensland Government, Submission 36.

[2]        Law Council of Australia, Submission 33; WWF-Australia and the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS), Submission 29; Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Submission 25; Capricorn Conservation Council, Submission 31; Save Our Foreshore, Submission 32; North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission 35; Mackay Conservation Group, Submission 39; Mr Scott Wiseman, Queensland Seafood Industry Association, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 36–42; Save the Reef, Submission 43, p. 1; Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh, Professor Terry Hughes and Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 44.

[3]        See Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 9.

[4]        Law Council of Australia, Submission 33, p. 7; Mr Richard Leck, WWF-Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 16.

[5]        WWF-Australia and AMCS, Submission 29, p. 2; Capricorn Conservation Council, Submission 31, p. 1; North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission 35, p. 2; Law Council of Australia, Submission 33, p. 3; Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 17; Ms Janelle Allen, Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 25; Mr Michael McCabe, Capricorn Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 25; Ms Wendy Tubman, north Queensland Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 25.

[6]        Mr Shane Mead, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 29; see also Law Council of Australia, Submission 33, p. 3.

[7]        Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 16.

[8]        Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 17; see also WWF and AMCS, Submission 29, p. 48 and the discussion of the World Heritage Committee's decisions in Chapter 2.

[9]        Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Submission 25, p. 1; WWF-Australia and AMCS, Submission 29, p. 1.

[10]      Mr Richard Leck, WWF-Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 17 and see also p. 16.

[11]      SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 57. That approval was at Abbot Point: see The Hon. Tony Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Second stage of Queensland's Alpha Coal project approved, media release dated 10 October 2012 at: (accessed 4 June 2013).

[12]      SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 50. See chapter 2 of this report for a discussion of the strategic assessment currently underway.

[13]      SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 57.

[14]      SEWPAC, Answers to questions on notice, 4 June 2013, p. 5. A detailed list of these projects appears at Attachment A2.

[15]      Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 2 and Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 2.

[16]      Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 8; see also Mr Michael Roche, Queensland Resources Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 8.

[17]      Mr Shane Mead, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 29 and also p. 31; see also Law Council of Australia, Submission 33, p. 4; and Dr Matt Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 38 and 42.

[18]      Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, p. 3.

[19]      Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, pp 2–3.

[20]      Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 20; see also Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 20.

[21]      Mr Shane Mead, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 29.

[22]      Queensland Ports Association, Submission 27, p. 1; Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, pp 1 and 3; Shipping Australia, Submission 26, p. 2; Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, p. 6; Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38, pp 3 and 7–8; Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 5; Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 2.

[23]      Queensland Government, Submission 36; Queensland Ports Association, Submission 27, p. 1; Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 2.

[24]      Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38, Attachment A cf Ms Wendy Tubman, North Queensland Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 27.

[25]      Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 13.

[26]      Shipping Australia, Submission 26, p. 2.

[27]      Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, p. 3; see also Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 5.

[28]      Queensland Ports Association, Submission 27, p. 1.

[29]      Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 9 and 13; Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 47; see also
Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 16.

[30]      Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 13.

[31]      SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 57.

[32]      SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 50; and see also p. 58.

[33]      SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 58.

[34]      SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 50 and 58; see also Mr Shane Mead, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 29.

[35]      See, for example, WWF-Australia and AMCS, Submission 29, p. 1; North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission  35, pp 1–2; Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Submission 25, p. 1; Professor Terry Hughes, Submission 40, p. 1; Save the Reef, Submission 43, p. 1.

[36]      WWF-Australia and AMCS, Submission 29, p. 1; North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission  35, pp 1–2; Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Submission 25, p. 1; Professor Terry Hughes, Submission 40, p. 1; and see also De'ath, Glenn et al, "The 27-year decline of coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef and its causes", 2012 Australian Institute of Marine Science, available at: (accessed 13 June 2013).

[37]      Professor Terry Hughes, Submission 40, p. 1 and Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 49; North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission  35, p. 2; and see also GBRMPA, Great Barrier Reef Outlook report – in Brief, p. ii, at:  (accessed 21 May 2013).

[38]      Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, p. 43; see also Distinguished Professor Helen Marsh and Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 43.

[39]      Mr Richard Leck, WWF-Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 15.

[40]      SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 50.

[41]      Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 16; see also Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 42.

[42]      See, for example, Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 2; Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, p. 2; Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, p. 6;  Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38, p. 4; Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 2; Adani Mining, Submission 44, pp 3–4.

[43]      Mr Michael Roche, Queensland Resources Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 1.

[44]      See, for example, Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 3; Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, p. 2; Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 4.

[45]      Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 3.

[46]      Mr Michael Roche, Queensland Resources Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 3 and also p. 2.

[47]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 50.

[48]      Capricorn Conservation Council, Submission 31, p. 1; Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Submission 25, p. 1; Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 20.

[49]      North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission 35, p. 2.

[50]      Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 43.

[51]      Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 44.

[52]      Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 44.

[53]      Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 49.

[54]      Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 43; Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 9; see also Mr Richard Leck, WWF-Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 17.

[55]      Mr Scott Wiseman, Queensland Seafood Industry Association, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 36.

[56]      Mr Richard Leck, WWF-Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 15.

[57]      Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18; Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 44.

[58]      See, for example, Ms Wendy Tubman, North Queensland Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 24; Dr Andrew Jeremijenko, Save the Reef, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 32–33; Professor Terry Hughes, Submission 40, p. 1.

[59]      Professor Terry Hughes, Submission 40, p. 1.

[60]      Dr Andrew Jeremijenko, Save the Reef, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 35.

[61]      Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 46, see also p. 48; and also, for example, Ms Wendy Tubman, North Queensland Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 23–24; Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18.

[62]      Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 46; see also Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18.

[63]      Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 46.

[64]      Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 46.

[65]      Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 10 and see also p. 12.

[66]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 50.

[67]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 60.

[68]      See Chapter 2 of this report and SEWPAC, National Guidelines for Dredging, available at: (accessed 27 May 2013).

[69]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 59; see also SEWPAC, Answers to questions on notice, p. 5.

[70]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 59; see also SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 59-60; and see also Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 48 for a discussion of some possible alternatives, including building jetties and using dredge spoil to reclaim land.

[71]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 60.

[72]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 59.

[73]      Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 44; Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18.

[74]      Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18.

[75]      Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18.

[76]      Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18; Mr Michael McCabe, Capricorn Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 23.

[77]      See, for example, Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 13; Mr Michael McCabe, Capricorn Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 23.

[78]      Australia Pacific LNG, Submission 37, p. 1.

[79]      Shipping Australia, Submission 26, p. 2.

[80]      Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 3; also Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, pp 21-23; Shipping Australia, Submission 26, p. 2.

[81]      Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 1; Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 3.

[82]      Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 45 and also pp 44 and 48; see also, for example, Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 36–37; Dr Andrew Jeremijenko, Save the Reef, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 34; Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 48.

[83]      Save the Reef, Submission 43; Dr Andrew Jeremijenko, Save the Reef, Committee Hansard,
23 May 2013, p. 34; Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 43; Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 36–37 cf Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1.

[84]      Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 43.

[85]      Mr Scott Wiseman, Queensland Seafood Industry Association, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 36.

[86]      Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 37 cf Gladstone Ports Corporation, Correspondence received 5 May 2013, p. 6.

[87]      See, for example, Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 36-37; Mr Scott Wiseman, Queensland Seafood Industry Association, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 41 cf Gladstone Ports Corporation, Correspondence received 5 May 2013, p. 6.

[88]      Dr Andrew Jeremijenko, Save the Reef, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 32.

[89]      Gladstone Ports Corporation, Correspondence received 5 May 2013, p. 3.

[90]      See, for example, Dr Andrew Jeremijenko, Save the Reef, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 34; Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 39 cf. GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 51.

[91]      Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, p. 2; see also Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 2.

[92]      Gladstone Ports Corporation, Correspondence received 5 May 2013, p. 2.

[93]      Gladstone Ports Corporation, Correspondence received 5 May 2013, p. 2.

[94]      Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 39.

[95]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 53.

[96]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 52–53.

[97]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 54; see also Dugong and turtle strandings, (accessed 31 May 2013).

[98]      GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 51.

[99]      See Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 40-41; and SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 54–55; and SEWPAC, Answers to questions on notice, pp 4–5.

[100]    SEWPAC, Independent review of the Port of Gladstone, at: (accessed 14 May 2013); see also Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 40; and SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 54.

[101]    See for example, Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013,
p. 44.

[102]    Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 11.

[103]    Mr Michael McCabe, Coordinator, Capricorn Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 22.

[104]    Ms Janelle Allen, Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 24.

[105]    Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 46.

[106]    Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 44–45; see also Capricorn Conservation Council, Submission 31, p. 2.

[107]    GBRMPA, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 56.

[108]    See, for example, Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 48.

[109]    Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 47.

[110]    Ms Wendy Tubman, North Queensland Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 23–24.

[111]    Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 40.

[112]    Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 2; Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1, p. 2; Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, p. 16; Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 1; Australia Pacific LNG, Submission 37; Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38, pp 1, 5; Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 2; Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 3 and 5.

[113]    Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 1; see also Shipping Australia, Submission 26, p. 3; and Australia Pacific LNG, Submission 37.

[114]    Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 1.

[115]    Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 2; see also Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 3.

[116]    Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, p. 10.

[117]    Mr Michael Roche, Queensland Resources Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 1.

[118]    Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 1; Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 2; see also Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 13.

[119]    Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, p. 11; Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38, p. 5.

[120]    Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 2.

[121]    See, for example, Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 44; Save the Reef, Submission 43, pp 2–3; Capricorn Conservation Council, Submission 31, p. 2; Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Submission 25, p. 1; Ms Felicity Wishart, AMCS, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 20.

[122]    Ms Janelle Allen, Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 21.

[123]    Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 16 and also p. 17 and EDO, "Legislative Protection of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area", Document tabled at hearing on 23 May 2013.

[124]    See, for example, Ms Wendy Tubman, North Queensland Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 26; Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 36; Mr Jon Brodie, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 44, 47 and 49; Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 45 and 47–48.

[125]    See, for example, Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 43; Mr Richard Leck, WWF-Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 15.

[126]    Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 43.

[127]    Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 10.

[128]    Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 13.

[129]    Mr Shane Mead, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 29; see also Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 16-17.

[130]    SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 57.

[131]    See, for example, Ports Australia, Submission 24, p. 1; Shipping Australia, Submission 26, p. 3; Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 1 cf. North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission 35, p. 2.

[132]    Gladstone Ports Corporation, Submission 1; Ports Australia, Submission 24; Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34; Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38; Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 4.

[133]    Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 6.

[134]    Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 2.

[135]    Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 8.

[136]    Queensland Ports Association, Submission 27, p. 1.

[137]    Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 4; Minerals Council, Submission 38, p. 4.

[138]    Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 2.

[139]    Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 1.

[140]    Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 2.

[141]    Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 3.

[142]    SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 55.

[143]    North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission 35, p. 2 (as amended during the hearing, see Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 21); see also Dr Matthew Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 42.

[144]    See, for example, Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 9; Mr Scott Wiseman, Queensland Seafood Industry Association, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 36; North Queensland Conservation Council, Submission 35, p. 2; Dr Matt Landos, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 38; Mr Michael McCabe, Capricorn Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 22; Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 45.

[145]    Mr Scott Wiseman, Queensland Seafood Industry Association, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 36.

[146]    Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 9.

[147]    Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 11 and see also p. 10.

[148]    Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 10.

[149]    Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 11; see also, for example, Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 44; and Save the Reef, Submission 43, p. 3.

[150]    Mr Daniel Gschwind, Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 10.

[151]    Ms Janelle Allen, Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 24.

[152]    Ms Janelle Allen, Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 24.

[153]    Glencore Xstrata, Glencore Xstrata relinquishes Balaclava Island Coal Export Terminal (BICET) development, media release dated 13 May 2013 (see discussion in chapter 2 of this report).

[154]    Mr David Anderson, Ports Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 7.

[155]    Mr Michael Roche, Queensland Resources Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 6.

[156]    Mr Michael Roche, Queensland Resources Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013,
pp 1–2, 7.

[157]    Adani Mining, Submission 44, p. 4.

[158]    See, for example, Shipping Australia, Submission 26, p. 2; Mr Colin Trinder, Submission 28, p. 1; Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, p. 20; Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38, p. 5; Adani Mining, Submission 44, pp 6–7.

[159]    Queensland government, Submission 36, p. 2. Note that EDO Qld suggested that a definition of 'port area' be inserted into the bill, along the lines contained in the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 (Qld).

[160]    For example, Mr Colin Trinder, Submission 28, p. 1; Queensland Government, Submission 36, p. 9; Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, p. 20; Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38, pp 4–5.

[161]    Mr Colin Trinder, Submission 28, p. 1.

[162]    Mr Colin Trinder, Submission 28, pp 1-2.

[163]    Queensland government, Submission 36, p. 9.

[164]    Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18; see also WWF-Australia and AMCS, Submission 29, p. 4.

[165]    See, for example, Shipping Australia, Submission 26, p. 2; Mr Colin Trinder, Submission 28, p. 1; Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, pp 19- 20; Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 38, p. 5.

[166]    Queensland Resources Council, Submission 34, p. 19.

[167]    Ms Jo-Anne Bragg, EDO Qld, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 18; see also Ms Wendy Tubman, North Queensland Conservation Council, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 27; and Professor Terry Hughes, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 45.

[168]    Law Council of Australia, Answers to questions on notice, from public hearing 23 May 2013, especially pp 1–2; and see also Law Council of Australia, Submission 33, p. 6.

[169]    Mr Shane Mead, Law Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 30; and SEWPAC, EPBC Act environmental offsets policy, October 2012, at: (accessed 3 June 2013).

Coalition Additional Comments

[1]        Queensland Parliament, Record of Proceedings (Proof), 5 June 2013, p. 1918.

[2]        SEWPAC, Strategic assessment - Great Barrier Reef, at: (accessed 12 June 2013)

[3]        Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, Queensland Ports Strategy, at: (accessed 12 June 2013)

[4]        SEWPAC, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, p. 57.

[5]        Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 May 2013, pp 52–53.

[6]        SEWPAC, Independent review of the Port of Gladstone, at: (accessed 12 June 2013)

[7]        SEWPAC, Strategic assessment - Great Barrier Reef, at: (accessed 12 June 2013)

Australian Greens Additional Comments

[1]        Australian Government, State Party Report to the World Heritage Committee on the state of conservation of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Australia), February 2013, p. 36.

Appendix 3 - Extracts from key UNESCO documents

[1]        UNESCO, Decisions adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg 2012), Decision 36Com 7B.8: Great Barrier Reef Australia (N 154), pp 57–58, at:

[2]        UNESCO, Mission Report: Reactive Monitoring Mission to Great Barrier Reef (Australia), June 2012, at: