Public hearings - Canberra, Thursday, 11 April 2013

Inquiry into recent trends in and preparedness for extreme weather events

Public hearings - Canberra, Thursday, 11 April 2013

Committee Room 2S3
Parliament House



8.45 am

Australian Local Government Association (No submission)
Mr Adrian Beresford-Wylie, Chief Executive

9.15 am

Dr Alexander Donald (Submission 161)

9.45 am

Dr Andrew Glikson (Submission 2)
Dr Anthony Kiem (Submission 5)
Dr Michael Eburn (Submission 8)
Dr Liz Hanna (No submission)

10.45 am

Morning tea

11.00 am

Australian Medical Association (Submission 104)
Dr Steve Hambleton, President
Ms Corinne Dobson, Senior Policy Adviser (Public Health)

11.40 am

The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (Submission 24)
Mr Peter Cosier, Member and Convenor
Professor David Karoly, Member
Professor Bruce Thom, Member
Dr Ronnie Harding, Member
Dr John Williams, Member
Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer
Professor Lesley Hughes, Member - by teleconference
Dr Richard Davis, Member - by teleconference


The Climate Institute (Submission 105)
Mr John Connor, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Olivia Kember, National Policy and Research Manager

1.00 pm



Mr David Gould (Submission 4)

2.00 pm

Australian Council of Social Service (Submission 142)
Dr Cassandra Goldie, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Emily Hamilton, Senior Research and Policy Officer
Ms Yve Earnshaw, Director, Dunalley Community Neighbourhood Centre Inc.
Dr Karl Mallon, Director, Science and Systems, Climate Risk Pty Ltd
Ms Wendy Middleton, Chief Executive Officer, Wimmera UnitingCare

2.40 pm

Bureau of Meteorology (Submission 65)
Dr Neville Smith, Deputy Director, Research and Systems
Dr Karl Braganza, Manager, Climate Monitoring Services

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Submission 93)
Dr Mark Stafford Smith, Science Director, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship

3.40 pm

Afternoon tea

3.50 pm

Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
Ms Benedikte Jensen, Division Head, Adaptation and Science Division
(speaking to Submission 168 provided by the then Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency)

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (Submission 61)
Mr Tony Slatyer, First Assistant Secretary
Mr Sean Sullivan, First Assistant Secretary
Ms Claire Howlett, Assistant Secretary
Mr Richard McLoughlin, Assistant Secretary

4.50 pm


For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818