

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Senate Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 3 of 2013, Appendix 3.

[2]        Explanatory Memorandum, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment Bill 2013, p. 2.

Chapter 2 - Background

[1]        Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, s. 3.

[2]        EPBC Act, Part 3.

[3]        Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment Bill p. 3.

[4]        EPBC Act: 2013 Proposed EPBC Act amendment – Water trigger – Q and As, pp 1-2 of 5,, (Accessed 15 March 2013).

[5]        The Hon. A Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, House of Representatives Hansard, 13 March 2013, p. 8.

[6]        COAG Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations, National Partnership Agreement on Coal Seam as and Large Coal Mining Development, p. 4,, (accessed 5 April 2013).

[7]        COAG Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations, National Partnership Agreement on Coal Seam as and Large Coal Mining Development, p. 4,, (accessed 5 April 2013).

[8]        COAG Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations, National Partnership Agreement on Coal Seam as and Large Coal Mining Development, p. 5,, (accessed 5 April 2013).

[9]        COAG Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations, National Partnership Agreement on Coal Seam as and Large Coal Mining Development, p. 7,, (accessed 5 April 2013).

[10]      Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Protecting Australia's Water Resources) Bill 2011, February 2012, p. 1.

[11]      Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development) Bill 2012 [Provisions], June 2012, p. 2.

[12]      Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee Management of the Murray Darling Basin Interim report: the impact of mining coal seam gas on the management of the Murray Darling Basin, November 2011, p. 1.

[13]      Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee Management of the Murray Darling Basin Interim report: the impact of mining coal seam gas on the management of the Murray Darling Basin, November 2011, p. 31.

Chapter 3 - Issues

[1]        See, for example, Ms Eloise Fisher, Submission 3; Ms Anne Hodgson, Submission 87; Ms Aroha Watson, Submission 172 and Andrew and Helen Strang, Submission 215.

[2]        See, for example, Ms Trish Mann, Submission 31, and Ms Sarah Luckie, Submission 221.

[3]        Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc., Submission 46, pp 3-4.

[4]        Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc., Submission 46, p. 4.

[5]        Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc., Submission 46, p. 4.

[6]        Mr Mitchell Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 2.

[7]        National Farmers Federation, Submission 5, p. [1].

[8]        General Electric, Submission 44, pp 1-2.

[9]        National Farmers Federation, Submission 5, p. [3].

[10]      General Electric, Submission 44, pp 2-3.

[11]      Association of Mining and Exploration Companies, Submission 20, p. [1].

[12]      Australian Coal Association, Submission 224, pp [2]-[3].

[13]      Mr Rick Wilkinson, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Limited, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 13.

[14]      Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc., answer to question on notice, 30 April 2013.

[15]      Dr Chris McGrath, Additional Information, 2 May 2013, pp 5-6.

[16]      National Farmers' Federation, Submission 5, p. [2].

[17]      National Farmers' Federation, Submission 5, p. [3].

[18]      NSW Farmers, Submission 41, p. 3.

[19]      ACA, Submission 224, p. [4].

[20]      Dr Kimberley Dripps, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 61.

[21]      Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Limited, Submission 47, p. 10.

[22]      Business Council of Australia, Submission 48, p. 1.

[23]      Hawke A, Report of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, October 2009, p 58, quoted by ACA, Submission 224, pp 4-5.

[24]      Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 222, p. 10.

[25]      Dr Kimberley Dripps, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 61.

[26]      Australian Coal Association, Submission 224, p. [2].

[27]      QGC, Submission 228, p. [4].

[28]      General Electric, Submission 44, p. 4.

[29]      Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Limited, Submission 47, p. 8.

[30]      Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Limited, Submission 47, pp 7- 8.

[31]      Australian Coal Association, Submission 224, p. [5].

[32]      Australian Coal Association, Submission 224, p. [5].

[33]      Australian Coal Association, Submission 224, p. [5].

[34]      Mr Tristan Knowles, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 39.

[35]      Dr Christopher McGrath, Committee Hansard, 17 April 2013, p. 29.

[36]      Mr Tristan Knowles, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 38.

[37]      The Hon. A Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, House of Representatives Hansard, 13 March 2013, p. 8.

[38]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Submission 223, p. 3. 

[39]      Australian Coal Association, Submission 224, p. [4].

[40]      BHP Billiton Limited, Submission 229, p. [3].

[41]      Mrs Cerin Loane, Environment Liaison Officer, Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales, Committee Hansard, 17 April 2013, p. 61.

[42]      Senate Environment and Communications Committee, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining Federal Approval Powers) Bill 2013, March 2013, p. 24.

[43]      Australian Coal Association, Submission 224, p. [7].

[44]      The Hon A Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, quoted by Australian Coal Association, Submission 224, p. [7].

[45]      Mr Mitchell Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 2.

[46]      Mr Andrew Gregson, New South Wales Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 17 April 2013, p. 45.

[47]      COAG Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations, National Partnership Agreement on Coal Seam as and Large Coal Mining Development, p. 8,, (accessed 5 April 2013).

[48]      Nature Conservation Council of NSW, answer to written question on notice, 24 April 2013.

[49]      Dr Kimberley Dripps, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 62.

[50]      Water Act 2007, s.4.

[51]      Mr James Cameron, Australian Water Commission, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 56.

[52]      Ms Tracey Winters, Vice-President, Environment, QGC Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 21.

[53]      The Hon. A Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, House of Representatives Hansard, 13 March 2013, p. 8.

[54]      Mr Dean Knudson, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 62.

[55]      Mr Mitchell Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 2.

[56]      Dr Gavin Mudd, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, pp 43-44.

[57]      Santos, Submission 38, p. 2.

[58]      Santos, Submission 38, p. 2.

[59]      Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Submission 47, pp 8-9.

[60]      Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Submission 47, p. 9.

[61]      Dr Kimberley Dripps, Deputy Secretary, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 61.

[62]      Mr Mitchell Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 2.

[63]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, answer to question on notice, 2 May 2013.

[64]      Mr Mitchell Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 6.

[65]      Lock the Gate Alliance, Submission 25, pp 1-2.

[66]      IESC, answer to a question on notice, 2 May 2013.

[67]      IESC, answer to a question on notice, 2 May 2013.

[68]      Mr Rick Wilkinson, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 10.

[69]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, answer to a question on notice, 2 May 2013.

[70]      Mr James Barker, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 63.

[71]      The Hon. A Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, House of Representatives Hansard, 13 March 2013, p. 8.

[72]      Mr Mitchell Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 2.

[73]      ACA, Committee Hansard, 17 April 2013, p. 35.

[74]      Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission 198, p. 5.

[75]      Lock the Gate Alliance, Submission 25, p. 1.

[76]      Mr James Barker, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 18 April 2013, pp 63-64.

[77]      Australian Conservation Council of New South Wales, Submission 456, p. [2]

Coalition — Additional Comments

[1] Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, answer to a question on notice, ‘sewpac 13’.

[2] Ms Rachel Louise Walmsley, Australian Network of Environmental Defenders Offices, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, p. 17.

[3] Ms Sarah McNamara, AGL Energy, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, p. 19.

[4] Mr Paul Ashby, AGL Energy, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, p. 21.

[5] Mr Greg Sullivan, Australian Coal Association, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, p. 35.

[6] Mr Greg Sullivan, Australian Coal Association, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, p. 37.

[7] Mr Rick Wilkinson, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Hansard, Canberra, 18 April 2013, p. 10.

[8] Mr Greg Sullivan and Ms Samantha McCulloch, Australian Coal Association, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, pp 35-36.

[9] Mr Paul Ashby, AGL Energy, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, p. 22.

[10] Ms Deborah Kerr, National Farmers’ Federation, Hansard, Canberra, 18 April 2013, p. 24.

[11] Mr Rick Wilkinson, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Hansard, Canberra, 18 April 2013, p. 10.

[12] Mr Christopher McCombe, Minerals Council of Australia, Hansard, Canberra, 18 April 2013, p. 5.

[13] Mr Greg Sullivan, Australian Coal Association, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, p. 35.

[14] Ms Saffron Zomer, Australian Conservation Foundation, Hansard, Canberra, 18 April 2013, p. 35.

[15] Mr Tristan E Knowles, Economists at Large Pty Ltd, Hansard, Canberra, 18 April 2013, p. 39.

[16] Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales, answer to question on notice, 30 April 2013.

[17] Dr Kimberley Dripps, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Hansard, 18 April 2013, p. 61.

[18] Mr Mitchell Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Hansard, Canberra, 18 April 2013, p. 3.

[19] Ms Saffron Zomer, Australian Conservation Foundation, Hansard, Canberra, 18 April 2013, p.32

[20] Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales, answer to question on notice, 24 April 2013.

[21] Mr Greg Sullivan, Australian Coal Association, Hansard, Sydney, 17 April 2013, p. 38.

Australian Greens — Additional Comments

[1]        See p. 22.