

Recommendation 1

5.21      The committee urges the government to take into account the opportunities and challenges presented by digital media to sports organisations' current and future revenue prospects and options, and recommends that the current Crawford review of sports pay particular attention to the capacity of sports to invest in digital innovation.

Recommendation 2

5.23      The committee recommends that the parliament should not amend copyright law to clarify the application of the news 'fair dealing' exception, unless future specific case law outcomes appear to warrant it.

Recommendation 3

5.25      The committee recommends that the government consider and respond to the Copyright Law Review Committee report and its recommendations.

Recommendation 4

5.38      The committee recommends that stakeholders negotiate media access to sporting events based on the principle that all bona fide journalists, including photojournalists and news agencies, should be able to access sporting events regardless of their technological platform.

Recommendation 5

5.39      In the event that these negotiations are unsuccessful, the committee recommends that the Minister consider initiating the process for consideration of a code under Section 51AE of the Trade Practices Act.

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