

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Bill 2008, Second Reading Speech, Senate Hansard, 19 March 2008, p. 1213.

[2]        Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Bill 2008, Second Reading Speech, Senate Hansard, 19 March 2008, p. 1213.

[3]        DBCDE, Submission 4, p. 2.

Chapter 2 - Issues raised in the inquiry

[1]        Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (SA), Submission 2; Department of Industry and Resources (WA), Submission 3; Department of Commerce (NSW) Submission 7.

[2]        DBCDE, correspondence to the committee, 1 May 2008, p. 3 (see appendix 2).

[3]        Telstra, Submission 5, p. 3.

[4]        Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Bill 2008, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 6.

[5]        DBCDE, correspondence to the committee, 2 May 2008, p. 1 (see appendix 3).

[6]        Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Bill 2008, Second Reading Speech, Senate Hansard, 19 March 2008, p. 1213.

[7]        Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Bill 2008, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 24.

[8]        Telstra, Submission 5, p. 5.

[9]        Telstra, Submission 5, p. 6.

[10]      Telstra, Submission 5, p. 6.

[11]      Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Bill 2008, paragraph 531(1)(d).

[12]      Telstra, Submission 5, p. 7.

[13]      Telstra, Submission 5, p. 7.

[14]      Telstra, Submission 5, p. 9.