

Recommendation 1

2.28    The committee recommends that the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency continue to work with the relevant industry sectors and state authorities to ensure that the Building Energy Efficiency Certificates issued under the scheme contain information about a building's greenhouse gas emissions which is consistent with relevant commonwealth schemes, including the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme.

Recommendation 2

2.35    The committee recommends that the government consider delaying the lighting measurement component of Building Energy Efficiency Certificates until the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has had sufficient time to develop, test and consult on the appropriate tool for measuring the efficiency of lighting.

Recommendation 3

2.41    The committee recommends that the government give consideration to whether the penalties proposed to be imposed by the Bill are appropriate.

Recommendation 4

2.54    The committee recommends that, subject to the recommendations contained in this report, the Senate pass the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Bill 2010.

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