Appendix 2 - Public Hearings

Appendix 2 - Public Hearings

Friday, 10 August 2007 – Canberra

National Farmers' Federation and Industry Water Group

Mr Laurie Arthur, Chair National Farmers' Federation Water Taskforce and Chair, Industry Water Group

Mr Robert Poole, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Australian Dairy Farmers

Mr John Cherry, Chief Executive Officer, Queensland Farmers Federation (by teleconference)

Mr Brett Tucker, Managing Director, Murrumbidgee Irrigation

Mr Richard Anderson, Water Chairman, Victorian Farmers Federation

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists

Professor Mike Young, Member

Mr Peter Cosier, Member

Australian Floodplain Association (by teleconference)

Mr Hamish Holcombe, President

Mr Terry Korn, Association Coordinator

Victorian State Government

Mr Peter Harris, Secretary, Department of Sustainability & Environment

Mr Ron Ben-David, Deputy Secretary, Climate Change & Resources, Department of Premier & Cabinet

South Australian State Government

Mr Rob Freeman, Chief Executive, Department of Water, Land & Biodiversity Conservation

Mr Scott Ashby, Deputy Chief Executive, Departmental Affairs, Department of Premier and Cabinet

Queensland State Government

Mrs Debbie Best, Deputy Director-General, Department of Natural Resources and Water

Mr Greg Claydon, Executive Director, Strategic Water Initiatives, Department of Natural Resources and Water

New South Wales Government

Mr Paul Elton, Acting Deputy Director-General, Economic Development and Natural Resources Policy, Department of Premier and Cabinet

Mr David Harriss, Deputy Director-General, Water Management Division, Department of Water and Energy

ACT Government

Mr David Butt, Director, Department of Territory and Municipal Services

Mr Stewart Chapman, Senior Manager, Water Policy, Department of Territory and Municipal Services

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists

Professor Peter Cullen, Member

Mr Peter Cosier, Member

Australian Conservation Foundation (by teleconference)

Dr Arlene Buchan, Healthy Rivers Campaigner

Inland Rivers Network

Ms Amy Hankinson, Coordinator

WWF Australia (by teleconference)

Ms Averil Bones, Freshwater Policy Manager

Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc

Mr Brendan Sydes, Principal Solicitor

Department of the Environment and Water Resources & Bureau of Meteorology

Dr James Horne, Deputy Secretary (Acting)

Mr Russell James, Assistant Secretary, Water Policy Branch, Water Resources Division

Dr Tony McLeod, Assistant Secretary, Murray Darling Basin Reform Branch, Water Assets and Natural Resources Division

Mr Robert Orr QC, Deputy General Counsel, Australian Government Solicitor

Ms Robyn Briese, Client Counsel to the Department of Environment and Water Resources, Australian Government Solicitor

Dr Louise Minty, Special Advisor (Water Information), Bureau of Meteorology

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