Committee Membership

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Committee Membership

Committee Members
Senator Alan Eggleston (LP, WA) (Chair)
Senator Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT) (Deputy Chair)
Senator Andrew Bartlett (AD, QLD)
Senator Stephen Conroy (ALP, VIC)
Senator Santo Santoro (LP, QLD)
Senator Tsebin Tchen (LP, VIC)

Substitute Member
Senator Cherry to replace Senator Bartlett for matters relating to the Communications Portfolio

Participating Members
Sen the Hon Eric Abetz, LP, Tas
Sen the Hon Bill Heffernan, LP, NSW
Sen Lyn Allison, AD, Vic
Sen John Hogg, ALP, Qld
Sen the Hon Nick Bolkus, ALP, SA
Sen Gary Humphries, LP, ACT
Sen the Hon Ron Boswell, NPA, Qld
Sen Susan Knowles, LP, WA
Sen Bob Brown, AG, Tas
Sen Ross Lightfoot, LP, WA
Sen George Campbell, ALP, NSW
Sen Joseph Ludwig, ALP, Qld
Sen Kim Carr, ALP, Vic
Sen Brett Mason, LP, Qld
Sen Grant Chapman, LP, SA
Sen Julian McGauran, NPA, Vic
Sen Richard Colbeck, LP, Tas
Sen Jan McLucas, ALP, Qld
Sen the Hon Helen Coonan, LP, NSW
Sen Claire Moore, ALP, Qld
Sen Trish Crossin, ALP, NT
Sen Kerry Nettle, AG, NSW
Sen Christopher Evans, ALP, WA
Sen Kerry O'Brien, ALP, Tas
Sen the Hon John Faulkner, ALP, NSW
Sen Robert Ray, ALP, Vic
Sen Alan Ferguson, LP, SA
Sen John Watson, LP, Tas
Sen Jeannie Ferris, LP, SA
Sen Penny Wong, ALP, SA
Sen Brian Harradine, Ind, Tas

Committee Secretariat
Ms Louise Gell, Secretary
Mr Jonathan Chowns, Principal Research Officer
Mrs Dianne Warhurst, Executive Assistant

Committee Address
Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: 02 6277 3526
Fax: 02 6277 5818

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