Dissenting report by Senator Lyn Allison

Dissenting report by Senator Lyn Allison

The Australian Democrats agree that the bill establishing the National Water Commission is important, however do not agree the legislation should be passed without amendment to:

Subclause 7(4) to ensure the National Water Commission 'gives advice' by giving advice to both the Federal Minister and to COAG.

Subclause 44(1) provides that assessments be made public, unless the Minister directs otherwise, at which time he must table his direction and statement of reasons.

The Democrats also consider further attention must be given to implementation of the recommendations of the Senate Inquiry into Rural Water Use, and the Senate Inquiry into Australia's Urban Water Management, and urge Commonwealth, state and territory governments to seek to incorporate those recommendations into the policy framework of the National Water Initiative in the shortest possible timeframe.

Senator Lyn Allison
7th December 2004