Additional Comments by ALP Senators

Additional Comments by ALP Senators

On 24 June 2004 the Senate referred to the Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee an inquiry to examine the budgetary and environmental implications of the Energy White Paper.

Labor Senators are of the opinion that, whilst submissions were not received from all groups of stakeholders in the debate, this report accurately reports the evidence presented to the Committee in submissions and hearings.

This report also raises a number of issues that are worthy of debate and further consideration, taking into account both the environmental and economic implications for Australia’s long term future.

These issues include:

Labor Senators on the committee also urge the government to consider:

The two other important areas in the energy debate include security and affordability. These issues were not canvassed in full by the vast majority of evidence presented in submissions and hearings, and therefore are not covered in this report.

Labor Senators conclude that this report makes an important contribution in furthering the debate on sustainable energy policy, and that, as stated earlier, raises a number of issues that are worthy of further consideration, taking into account both the environmental and economic implications for Australia’s long term future.

Senator Kate Lundy
Australian Labor Party

Senator Stephen Conroy
Australian Labor Party

Senator Mark Bishop
Australian Labor Party

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