Hearing into the performance of Australia Post in relation to the World Trade Organisation and franchising related matters (pursuant to standing order 25 (2))

Official Committee Hansard

Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee, Friday 16 August 2002. (PDF 164KB)

Tabled documents

  1. Letter dated 5 March 2001, from Mr Bob Finch, National Group Manager Retail, Australia Post to Mrs Marie McGrath-Kerr, Chairman, Post Office Agents Association Limited. (PDF 1565KB)
  2. Letter dated 21 March 2001 from Mr Graeme John, Managing Director, Australia Post to Mrs Marie McGrath-Kerr, Chairman, Post Office Agents Association Limited. (PDF 1630KB)
  3. LPO Information Bulletin March 2002 entitled POSTshop Franchising. (PDF 1136KB)
  4. LPO Information Bulletin May 2002 entitled POSTshop Franchising. (PDF 1342KB)
  5. Letter dated 3 June 2002 from Mr M. McCloskey, Corporate Secretary, Australia Post to Mr Brenton Thomas, General Manager, Enterprise and Radiocommunications, DCIT A. (PDF 3476KB)
  6. Report by Ernst and Young: Australia Post - Review of POSTshop franchise concept & pilot sites. (PDF 18412KB)
  7. The Deacons Report on Australia Post Consultative Processes, May 2002. (PDF 42623KB)