Membership of the Committee - 39th Parliament

Membership of the Committee - 39th Parliament


Senator A Eggleston, Chair (LP, WA)
Senator M Bishop, Deputy Chair (ALP, WA)
Senator A Bartlett (AD, QLD)
Senator the Hon N Bolkus (ALP, SA)
Senator P Calvert (LP, TAS)
Senator T Tchen (LP, VIC)

Substitute Members:

Senator N Stott Despoja (AD, SA) to substitute for Senator A Bartlett for matters relating to Information Technology as at 30/09/99
Senator K Lundy (ALP, ACT) to substitute for Senator the Hon N Bolkus for the committee’s inquiry into Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 as at 05/04/01

Participating Members:

Senator the Hon E Abetz (LP, TAS)
Senator L Allison (AD, VIC) appointed for communications issues as at 30/09/99
Senator the Hon R Boswell (NP, QLD)
Senator V Bourne (AD, NSW)
Senator B Brown (AG, TAS)
Senator G Campbell (ALP, NSW)
Senator K Carr (ALP, VIC)
Senator G Chapman (LP, SA)
Senator H Coonan (LP, NSW)
Senator W Crane (LP, WA)
Senator the Hon J Faulkner (ALP, NSW)
Senator A Ferguson (LP, SA)
Senator J Ferris (LP, SA)
Senator the Hon B Gibson, AM (LP, TAS)
Senator B Greig (AD, WA) appointed for the committee’s inquiry into the Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 as at 05/04/01
Senator B Harradine (IND, TAS)
Senator S Hutchins (ALP, NSW)
Senator S Knowles (LP, WA)
Senator M Lees (AD, SA)
Senator R Lightfoot (LP, WA)
Senator K Lundy (ALP, ACT)
Senator S Mackay (ALP, TAS)
Senator B Mason (LP, QLD)
Senator J McGauran (NPA, VIC)
Senator J McLucas (ALP, QLD)
Senator S Murphy (ALP, TAS)
Senator A Ridgeway (AD, NSW) appointed for arts issues as at 30/09/99
Senator the Hon C Schacht (ALP, SA)
Senator J Watson (LP, TAS)
Senator J Woodley (AD, QLD) appointed for the committee’s inquiry into the Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 as at 05/04/01

Committee Secretariat

Ms Andrea Griffiths, Secretary
Mr Jonathan Curtis, Principal Research Officer
Mr Michael Gallagher, Research Officer
Ms EmmaJane Will, Executive Assistant

Environment, Communications, Information and the Arts Legislation Committee
S1.57, Parliament House

Tel: 02 6277 3526
Fax: 02 6277 5818


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