Chapter 1 - Overview
Conduct of the inquiry
The Senate referred this inquiry to the then
Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts References Committee on 14
May 1998. The inquiry was re-adopted by the renamed Environment,
Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee when
the new Parliament met after the October 1998 general election. The terms of
reference for the inquiry are:
- The relationships between Federal, State and local
governments and developers in the Hinchinbrook Channel
- The effect of developments on the environment of the
Hinchinbrook Channel and surrounding environs
- Whether governments have met their obligations under the
various Acts and agreements that deal with the Hinchinbrook area
- Alternatives to the existing regime
- What lessons have been learned and what can be done to
prevent problems like this occurring in the future.
The inquiry was prompted by continuing public
controversy over the Port Hinchinbrook resort development at Cardwell, North
Queensland, an area adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The
Cardwell site was cleared in the late 1980s; the development company failed; a
new developer resumed work in 1994 until stopped by the former Labor
Commonwealth government in November 1994 because of concerns about possible
environmental impacts on the adjacent World Heritage Area. In August 1996 the
newly elected Coalition Commonwealth government gave the approvals necessary
for work to resume, and the development is now well under construction. A more
detailed chronology of the Port Hinchinbrook development is in chapter 2.
The Committee advertised the inquiry on 19 May
1998 in the Brisbane Courier Mail, the Townsville Bulletin, The
Australian and a number of North Queensland regional newspapers. It
received 166 primary submissions (see APPENDIX 1) plus a large amount of
additional information (see APPENDIX 4). The Committee heard 60 witnesses at
hearings in Cardwell, Townsville and Canberra (see APPENDIX 2). During its visit
to Cardwell the Committee inspected the Port Hinchinbrook development site by
invitation of the developer, Mr Keith Williams.
The Committee relied for its information on
written submissions, evidence given at hearings, and further information
received in answer to questions which the Committee addressed to certain
parties following the hearings (see APPENDIX 4).
The Committee was expected to report by 17
September 1998, but was delayed by the election campaign at that time and the
need to re-establish the Senate committees in the new parliament. In the first
half of 1999 the Committee had to give priority to a number of other major or
urgent inquiries, including an inquiry into the environmental effects of the
government’s tax reform package, an inquiry into the Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Bill 1998, an inquiry into the Commonwealth’s
environmental powers, an inquiry into the Jabiluka uranium mine, and inquiries
in the broadcasting and telecommunications area.[1]
Consequently, the reporting date was extended to September 1999.
Overview of submissions
The controversial Port Hinchinbrook development
was the focus of most submissions. Most of these submissions divided clearly
into supporters and opponents of the development. A clear majority of the
submissions were opposed to the development.
Supporters of the development were mainly local
interest groups (such as Cardwell and Hinchinbrook Shire Councils and the
Cardwell Chamber of Commerce) and sympathetic individuals. They argue that Port
Hinchinbrook will provide much-needed economic development for the region; that
the development does not have detrimental environmental impacts; or that the
various environmental controls will adequately prevent or mitigate impacts.
They argue generally that there has to be a ‘balance’ between jobs and the
environment. Their view of where the right balance lies is obviously much
different from that of environmental groups. The right balance between
conservation and development is discussed in chapter 5.
Opponents of the development were predominant in
submissions to this inquiry. They were mainly environment groups (both local
and national) and sympathetic individuals. They deplore the lack of a thorough
upfront environmental impact assessment for such a major development abutting
the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (the reasons for this lack, dating
back to the 1980s, are discussed in chapter 3). They say that such a study
should have been an input into the decision whether to approve the development
in the first place, not merely an afterthought concerned with monitoring and
mitigating environmental impacts. They do not think that the Deed of Agreement
between the developer and the governments (explained in chapter 2) is a
satisfactory substitute. They think that the authorities involved at all three
levels of government have been too eager to expedite the development, at the
expense of their duty to protect the environment. They claim that the
development is having detrimental environmental impacts. They agree with the
need for ‘appropriate’ economic development in the region, but think that this
development is not appropriate. They argue that the benefits of the development
to the local economy of Cardwell are unresearched and uncertain, and the development
is just as likely to draw economic activity away from the existing town as
towards it.
The Commonwealth[2]
and Queensland governments and the developer (Cardwell Properties Pty Ltd:
principal Mr Keith Williams) assert that there are no significant detrimental
impacts and the environment is adequately protected by the various
environmental management measures under the Deed of Agreement. The developer
additionally argues that he has complied with all the environmental
requirements of the authorities and ‘...if the opponents of Port Hinchinbrook
have any justifiable grievances then they should level their criticism at the
government and not at my company.’[3]
The Committee received submissions and evidence
from a number of scientists, mostly in relation to the risk of damage to the
environment from acid runoff from the Port Hinchinbrook property (discussed in
chapter 4). These had mixed opinions about the extent of actual environmental
damage; but significantly, almost all were concerned about the risk of damage
and believed that the procedures used in approving and controlling the
development have been flawed.
Some submissions talked about other
environmental threats to the Hinchinbrook region (particularly effluent from
aquaculture and effects of clearing land for canegrowing). These submissions
were not numerous enough or detailed enough to support more than brief comments
by the Committee (see chapter 5).
Controversial character of the Port Hinchinbrook development
The Port Hinchinbrook development has been
unusually controversial and much of the argument about it has been bitter. The
Committee attributes this to the unhappy conjunction of several factors:
- The lack of a thorough upfront environmental impact assessment
(for historical reasons dating back to the 1980s) leaves the field wide open
for ongoing argument about what the environmental impacts will be. It fuels the
claims of environment groups that the authorities are too biased in favour of
development at the expense of environmental protection. The Deed of Agreement,
because it is so obviously a one-off measure to compensate for the lack of
upfront assessment, does not assuage the concerns of environment groups. The
Committee notes evidence that in certain respects (mainly in relation to
management of acid sulfate soils) the Deed has not been fully complied with.
See paragraphs 3.29, 4.23 and 4.37. Despite evidence of repeated breaches the
matter has never been tested in court.
- The long period of intermittent action on the development has
allowed the debate to simmer, the question apparently unresolved, for an
unusually long time. Although development was approved in 1988, and major
earthworks were done around that time, the environment movement conclusively
lost its battle to stop the development only in mid-1997, when Friends of
Hinchinbrook Inc. lost its Federal Court appeal against the August 1996
decision by Senator Hill (Minister for the Environment in the newly elected
Coalition Commonwealth government) which had allowed work to resume.[4]
- The development is a major one, abutting the Great Barrier Reef
World Heritage Area, and about 6 kilometres from the Wet Tropics World Heritage
Area; as well, there are a number of endangered species involved; so the stakes
are high for both its supporters and its opponents.
- The geographical situation is such that one fairly small and
isolated town clearly ‘owns’ the development. In the late 1980s Cardwell
suffered from loss of timber jobs consequent on the declaration of the Wet
Tropics World Heritage Area. The town hopes for job opportunities from this
development. People fear the loss of essential services if the population does
not increase; or they hope that the development will ‘... bring enough additional
families to the area for us to have our own high school.’[5]
It seems fairly clear that significant numbers of Cardwell people support the
Thus the more factual science-based debate about actual environmental impacts
becomes quickly submerged in a more political debate about local sovereignty
versus broader national interests (this is discussed in chapter 5).
- Many of the hostile parties have very different opinions on key
matters - for example, where the right balance lies between environment and
development; how much impact is ‘significant’; what the precautionary principle
should mean in practice; how much expense is warranted to avoid a certain level
of risk. These are matters of value judgment that in the end must be decided by
the political process.
A few of the submissions and evidence to this
inquiry - but including some key ones - were acrimonious, and attacked each
other’s bona fides in various ways. Some supporters of the development
spoke of ‘rentacrowd objectors’ and ‘militant fanatical elements who masquerade
as conservationists’, or claimed that the conservation movement in this matter
has a ‘political agenda’.[7]
In this there is obviously a strong undercurrent of generalised local
resentment against outside interference, whether by ‘Townsville academics’, the
Queensland government or the Commonwealth. Some environment groups attacked the
development not only by arguing about environmental impacts, but also by
various statements apparently aimed at generally undermining the credibility
and reputation of the developer.[8]
In response the developer claimed to be the victim of a personal vendetta.[9] He also attacked a number of
scientists who have expressed concern about the development as having
‘political motives’ or ‘bastardising their credentials’ - the specific
accusation is unclear but the general idea seems to be that they have
compromised their professional ethics in some way because of personal
opposition to the development.[10]
The Committee is satisfied that the developer is
motivated by a bona fide desire to build a profitable development. We
are satisfied that the local interest groups who support him are motivated by a
bona fide desire to obtain beneficial economic development for the
region. We are satisfied that the environment groups and the many individuals
who oppose the development are motivated by a bona fide concern to
prevent environmental harm to one of the most beautiful areas on the Queensland
coast. The main dispute is over where the right balance lies between
conservation and development, and how big an environmental impact must be to be
called ‘significant’.
The Committee would like to comment specially on
the position of the scientists in this debate. The scientists who came forward
to give evidence did so because they have relevant expertise or have somehow
been involved with the development. Most of them obviously also had personal
opinions about the development - and their opinions were mostly negative. They
are entitled to have personal opinions, and to express them. Others with
different personal opinions are entitled to disagree with them. On the other
hand, the Committee has no evidence whatever to suggest that any scientists
have acted unethically - for example, by designing their research programs,
doctoring their research results or tailoring their professional advice to
support predetermined conclusions based on personal opinions. The Committee
deplores personal attacks on scientists because their research results or their
professional advice happen to be unwelcome to the attacker. More comment on the
role of scientists in this type of debate is in chapter 5.
Senate committee procedures provide that where
evidence ‘adversely reflects’ on a person or organisation (for example, by
accusing them of deliberate lies or illegal acts), that person or organisation
should have a reasonable right of reply. In a number of cases in this inquiry
the Committee pointed out ‘adverse reflections’ to the affected parties and
invited reply. Their replies are part of the public evidence of the inquiry
(unless the Committee accepted a request for confidentiality) and are noted in
Overview of issues
The Port Hinchinbrook dispute stands as an
example of some interesting general problems about development control and
environmental impact assessment. For example:
- the difficulties of regional land-use planning involving three
levels of government;
- the difficulties of deciding where the right balance lies between
conservation and development (where they conflict); the conflicts that may
arise between economic goals and environmental, cultural and social goals;
- the difficulties of compromising between local aspirations and
broader national interests (where they conflict);
- the difficulties of environmental impact assessment where not
all the desirable information is at hand or reasonably obtainable; the means of
dealing with uncertainty about possible future impacts; the meaning of the
precautionary principle in practice; how to compromise between environmental
protection and the permit-holder’s rights when new information about likely
impacts is discovered late in the day; the means of handling possible long-term
- the role of scientific evidence in informing decisions on
development applications;
- the common perception that environmental impact statements or
similar reports are unlikely to be impartial when they are prepared or paid for
by proponents (or, even if paid for by governments, use consultants chosen by
- the means of controlling major developments that require a number
of permits in principle and in detail over some years; the means of ensuring
that the threshold question of whether the development should take place at all
is considered without prejudice before any commitments are made; the political
problems that arise when an authority may wish to wind back an approval that it
considers was given rashly by others in the past; the ethics of withholding a
routine permit to achieve this end after in-principle approval has been given;
- the need for clear criteria showing how much detail in
environmental impact assessment is needed in what circumstances; the need for
criteria for deciding whether incremental changes to a development during the
period of construction are significant; and generally, the means of deciding
what is a reasonable balance between legislated criteria and administrative
discretion in these matters;
- the need for co-ordinated whole of government control of the
cumulative effects of different types of development in a region.
The Port Hinchinbrook development is discussed
in chapters 2, 3 and 4. Most comments on more general questions are in chapter
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